Analog Tensile Testing Machine
Atico Export (Advanced Technocracy Inc.)
It can test materials like rubber, wood, plastic, rexins, teflon, cardboard, composites, ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals etc.
Wide range of Grips, Attachments & Special fixtures are available to suit varieties of material and shapes. Continuous roll autographic Load Vs Elongation recorder.
Continuous roll autographic Load Vs Elongation recorder.Elongation scale with least count 1 mm.
Elongation scale with least count 1 mm.Three measuring ranges for accurate testing.
Three measuring ranges for accurate testing.A number of straining speeds are available for proper selection.
A number of straining speeds are available for proper selection. Machine with AC or DC drive motor is available.
Machine with AC or DC drive motor is available.Various Models – Maximum Capacity from 200 N to 50 kN.
Various Models – Maximum Capacity from 200 N to 50 kN.Loading accuracy well within ±1%
Loading accuracy well within ±1%Hand operated cutting press with different sizes dies are available for cutting dumbbell specimen.
Hand operated cutting press with different sizes dies are available for cutting dumbbell specimen.