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- Pickering Interfaces Inc.
PXI 8-slot BRIC Power Multiplexer, 24-Channel, 6-Pole (5 Sub-cards)
The 40-571A-403 is a 24-channel, 6-pole 3 Amp Power Multiplexer and is part of our BRIC family. The 40-571A range is designed to simplify the connection of a common set of test equipment to one of a number of different devices for testing.
Belt Starter Generator Test Systems
D&V has developed 12 V, 48 V and higher voltage BSG and ISG testing systems for performance, endurance and production testing, complete with thermal chambers, chillers and assembly lines.
Bending Stiffness Test Fixture
Q-Card’s bending stiffness fixture features splayed feet and aggressive no-slip rubber pads for stability. It is manufactured of aerospace-grade aluminum alloy with a hard anodized, scratch-resistant, durable finish to provide years of rigorous testing and trouble-free service.
CCD/CPA Level 1 Card Testing
EMVeriCard is an EMVCo qualified tool to test contact smart cards. The tool helps to enhance global interoperability of smart cards and prepare for certification testing for Level 1 electrical and protocol requirements according to EMVCo Common Core Definition (CCD) test plan.
Acoustic Emission Testing Equipment
1283 USB AE Node
The 1283 USB AE Node is a full-featured, low-cost Acoustic Emission testing equipment that plugs conveniently into and is powered by the USB port of a user’s PC or laptop to maximize portability and versatility.
Battery-Powered Bounding Tester
MRC 100S–BD-3
The MRC 100S-BD-3 Bounding Tester is a battery-powered portable digital ohmmeter, which can be used, for example, for testing the ground connection in any section of an aircraft using different measuring currents (up to 10A). This high current ensures that any uncertain connections are recognised.
1 KN Henry Scott Grips
Henry Scott grips are useful for clamping plate and tape specimens of soft, flexible materials for tensile testing. Specimens are held by rollers on the upper and lower grips, which feature a self-clamping action. To minimize specimen slippage, the grip body opposite the roller, where the specimen contacts, is curved and features a parallel-grooved surface. During tensile testing, the self-clamping action applies increasing clamping force to the specimen as the overall force increases to help hold the specimen in place.
Battery Testing Chambers
These Chambers are designed and manufactured to meet various types of battery testing requirements of its customers by keeping all safety options in mind against any harmful explosions or ignitions and user safety while testing these batteries for environmental stress conditions
Bandwidth Testing
Speed Test Pro
What is Speed Testing? Answer: Downloading data from the Internet and measuring the largest amount of data that can pass through your connection within a specified time period. Speed Test allows you to do this, completely autonomously without your intervention.
200 N And 1 KN Roller Grips
This roller grip set includes both 200 N (44 lbf) and 1 kN (220 lbf) roller grips for tensile testing elastomeric ring specimens. The 200 N grips have a 4.5 mm (0.18 in) diameter roller. The diameter of the roller on the 1 kN grips is 25 mm (0.98 in).
Battery Boxes Testing Equipment
Battery boxes can be tested for faults by placing the box on a metal plate. By applying a test voltage to an electrode inside the box, the moulding can be checked thoroughly - particularly at the injection points - and any faults found. Defects will be identified by a spark passing from the electrode, through the defect itself, to earth (the conductive material placed outside the battery box.
Automatic Software Testing
Instead of using test cases, Conformiq users have a model, which describes the System Under Test, or the product they want to test. From the model, Conformiq products use highly intelligent algorithms to automatically determine the necessary tests and test data, and automatically generate scripts for automated execution.
Attribute Testing
Critical attribute testing during manual or automated processing is essential to any manufacturing success. Tech Group has developed many testing solutions both standard and custom-made for mainly electronics and mechanical industry. Our modular designs give the advantage to offer short lead-time, cost efficient solutions according to your exact needs.
50 KN Capstan Grips For Heavy Cloth
These 50 kN (11,000 lbf) grips use a split drum and capstan to firmly hold specimens that have a tendency to slip, such as heavy cloth and belts, during tensile testing.
Basic Basic Butt Set For Phone Line Testing
Triplett Test Equipment & Tools
BSX200 Basic Butt Set is designed for people who occasionally need to deal with dial tone but don't require all of the features of an expensive model. The BSX200 provides user with dial tone, dial out, Caller ID, last number redial, on/off hangup button, flash button, DTM and FSK support, and three ways to connect to the line: an RJ11 connector, high quality alligator clips, and a type 66 adapter.
API Testing Services And Service Virtualization
APIs (Application Programming Interface) are the building blocks that form a significant link in today’s interconnected world of applications, programs, servers and websites. An API at its core is a formal specification that acts as a guaranteed contract amid two distinct pieces of software. It also standardizes and streamlines the flow of “computer speaks” information and enables Internet of Things (IoT). The importance of APIs is that it allows diverse organizations create software apps that rely on other app & services without having to continuously or regularly update their app when the internals of the dependent apps or services change. As long as the Application Programming Interface remains stable, User Interface and internal implementation can change. This is the noteworthy feature of Application Programming Interface, they consist of a part that does not change – “the interface or contract” that indicates the behaviors, operations, and data formats and the execution that can change as needed.
Boundary Scan Test (BST)
In the simplest case, the BST can be carried out via the connector of a module.Digital components require a JTAG port. In direct comparison to the ICT, the BST requires longer test times and the testing of analog components is not possible.
Accumulation Leak Detector
LDS3000 AQ
LDS3000 AQ is the first leak detector to use forming gas or helium in a simple accumulation chamber. Leak detector uses cost efficient forming gas or helium for accumulation leak testing. The LDS3000 AQ is very sensitive and can detect leaks down to the 10-5 mbar∙l/s range. It will detect fluid leaks as reliably as helium vacuum leak testing, but with cost nearly at the cost of air testing. The real differentiator: The leak detector uses the cost efficient forming gas or helium for accumulation leak testing.
Box Compression Testing Machine
Dongguan Kejian Instrument Co., Ltd.
Containers are subject to compressive forces when stacked and during transportation. It is vital to determine the compression strength of the box in order to make sure that the box will be able to resist the anticipated compressive forces and to determine the load that the box will be able to withstand during transit and storage.
Axial Force And Torsion Testing Machine
Evaluation Testing That Approximates Operating Conditions of Materials and Parts - Loading methods similar to actual usage - Allows simultaneous application of axial and torsional loads to samples
BACnet Basic Evaluation, Analysis And Testing
BACbeat is the industry's first easy-to-use all-purpose BACnet evaluation, analysis and testing tool for Windows. BACbeat runs under Windows 7,8,10, Server 2008/2012 and XP, and provides a robust set of client features tailored to the needs of end-users, installers and product developers.
Car Parks Testing Equipment
Leaks in car park waterproofing systems can be located by using our Wet Roof Pro' leak detector kit or one of our dry roof leak detector kits, such as the PD30R or PD40R.
50 KN Capstan Grips For Rope
These 50 kN (11,000 lbf) capstan grips are designed specifically for testing the tensile properties of rope with a diameter between 8 and 28 mm (0.31 and 1.1 in). The upper and lower grips incorporate an easy-to-load split drum and the upper grip has a counterweight attached to maintain alignment of the grips with the axis of the universal tester during testing.
Analog Tensile Testing Machine
It can test materials like rubber, wood, plastic, rexins, teflon, cardboard, composites, ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals etc.Wide range of Grips, Attachments & Special fixtures are available to suit varieties of material and shapes. Continuous roll autographic Load Vs Elongation recorder.Continuous roll autographic Load Vs Elongation recorder.Elongation scale with least count 1 mm.Elongation scale with least count 1 mm.Three measuring ranges for accurate testing.Three measuring ranges for accurate testing.A number of straining speeds are available for proper selection.A number of straining speeds are available for proper selection. Machine with AC or DC drive motor is available.Machine with AC or DC drive motor is available.Various Models – Maximum Capacity from 200 N to 50 kN.Various Models – Maximum Capacity from 200 N to 50 kN.Loading accuracy well within ±1%Loading accuracy well within ±1%Hand operated cutting press with different sizes dies are available for cutting dumbbell specimen.Hand operated cutting press with different sizes dies are available for cutting dumbbell specimen.
Bond Testers
Royce bond testing systems can handle a variety of testing applications including wire bond pull testing, wire bond ball shear testing, BGA ball shear testing, die shear testing, and high speed ball shear testing.
AC Load Banks
Power House Manufacturing, Inc.
Hand carried AC load banks in any capacity to meet your load testing needs. Power House Manufacturing has developed the best ultra-compact and light-weight hand carried AC load banks. AC load banks with capacities unmatched in the industry.
Advanced Penetration Testing
Compliance does not ensure protection from all threats – it is just a minimum requirements baseline. Mandatory regulations were designed to protect customer data. As technology advances and your organization continues to grow, a compliance mindset puts your organization at risk. To protect your customer data, sensitive corporate data, operations and reputation, more is required.
1 KN Eccentric Roller Grips
These eccentric roller grips are specifically designed for tensile testing flexible materials, such as rubber and soft and semi-hard plastics. Named after the non-symmetric roller design, these grips employ a simple and quick clamping mechanism. They also have a self-tightening action, which maintains clamping of the specimen during testing regardless of any thickness reduction. In addition, the upper and lower grip faces are parallel grooved to help hold these soft materials.
Beer Testers
Upgrade from chemical test kits and get the accurate readings you need to ensure your beer is ahead of the game. Beer testers are designed with sample-specific features to make testing simple.
Accessibility Testing
More than a compliance requirement, accessibility of your applications to ensure inclusivity of differently abled populations is a societal responsibility. As a socially responsible organization, you would like your applications and products to be accessible for one and all, including people with visual, hearing, cognitive and motor limitations. It also helps your brand image and increases the number of happy users.
Basic Ergonomics Testing Kits
Series EK3
Test push/pull strength and functional task requirements up to 500 lbF (2,500 N). These kits make job task analysis and ergonomics analysis simple and accurate, ideal for workplace design, strength assessment, and ergonomic studies. These kits present the ergonomist and other professionals with a simple and economical testing solution.