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- Virginia Panel Corporation
ITA, I1 XL, 1 Module, Extra-Large Cable Exit
The i1 XL offers an extra-large cable exit that can hold cable bundles with a bushing effective diameter of 1.26" . A slide-off backshell allows easy access to wiring for maintenance and probing. Most commonly used in high-power applications with VPC's high power modules and patchcords. Includes protective cover (not pictured).
CC-TLP Probe
High Power Pulse Instruments GmbH
*Capacitively coupled TLP probearm (CC-TLP) compatible with standard probing stations*18 GHz SMA connector*Tilt angle adjustment*Calibration gauge for needle height
Complete Probe Station
BD Series
Best for DC and RF probing, the platen lift is designed for smooth raise and contact of your probes simultaneously to your device. It is ideal for probing multiple spots on your device, or through multiple devices.
Controlled Environment Probe Station
Everbeing controlled environment probe station allows vacuum and cryogenic probing down to 77K with liquid nitrogen or high temperature probing up to 1273K. Efficient in characterizing your devices at extreme temperatures, vacuum, specific gas, etc.
The C-Track dual-camera sensor is a complete portable 3D measurement solution that offers probing inspection and dynamic measurement capabilities. It is fitted with high-quality optics and special lighting, enabling it to measure all reflectors within its operating space. The probing stylus is very useful for aligning parts with respect to a referential (calculated using a group of reflectors), which allows movement or deformation monitoring directly on the part's referential.
Fixture and Software for Open/Leak Inspection
In addition to jigs and fixtures for probing conductors and electrode pads, NIDEC-READ provides specialized software for test point selection and log analysis.
Flexible Probearm for HBM and Flex-Pitch Applications
High Power Pulse Instruments GmbH
*Electrically isolated probearm for GND needle contact or general purpose DC, twin-wire HBM or flexible pitch VF-TLP/TLP/HMM/HBM force/sense probing based on the HPPI GF-A flexible pitch setup.*Flexible rotation of the probearm by precision gear 80:1*Suitable to mount the GF-A ground fixture needle for flexible pitch measurements. In addition a cable (e.g. for HBM) can be directly connected to the contact pin.*High stability
High Power Probe System Solutions
MPI Advanced Semiconductor Test
MPI high power probing solutions offer variety of probing systems which include manual, automated and fully-automated versions to provide solution for different budgets and specific requirements.
High Voltage Isolator for Logic Analyzers
The LX-08 series of high voltage logic analyzer adapters provides a safe isolated method of measuring high voltage control signals with a low voltage logic analyzer. All inbound signals are optically isolated and attenuated to a safe level for the delicate inputs typically found on logic analyzers. The inputs on the LX-08 are capable of withstanding voltages up to +/- 300V AC/DC, higher voltage configurations are available upon request. Rather than probing with multiple neon screwdrivers, the LX-08 can provide simultaneous viewing of up to 8 circuits in the STANDALONE mode via the indicator array. Need to catch a transient event or map out a timing sequence? Just add a logic analyzer to the outputs of the LX-08 and turn it into a high voltage logic analyzer. High voltage signals that were hazardous for a logic analyzer can now be measured safely. Typical outputs of a high speed PLC sequencer can be precisely timed and measured from both sides of the control relay. With the built in user selectable AC filter circuit, an AC signal can be measured as DC events or AC cycles.
Inline Micropositioner
Signatone's most stable and precise micropositioner for sub-micron probing.
Laser Scanning
Laser scanning is the non-contact alternative to tactile probing, which along with point cloud processing software, enables an entirely digital inspection process. From measurement preparation to final report, this approach is significantly faster, provides a more profound insight and lowers development costs.
Logic Analyzer Cable
The logic analyser cable plugs in to the AUX port of the SmartScope, providing 8 shielded probe pins for each of the digital inputs, as well as the external trigger input. Each digital probe has its own ground connector and embeds a small passive filter close to the header, allowing for digital probing without signal cross-talk on the cable
Logic Analyzers
Verification and debug of today's high speed, low voltage digital signals requires probing solutions that can accurately acquire from a wide variety of electronic designs and protect signal fidelity. Tektronix logic analyzer probes contain a variety of connectivity options that are engineered to ensure that signal acquisition is a true reflection of your design's performance. Compare and learn more about Tektronix logic analyzer probe solutions.
Manual Probearm for HBM and Flex-Pitch Applications
High Power Pulse Instruments GmbH
*Electrically isolated probearm for GND needle contact or general purpose DC, twin-wire HBM or flexible pitch VF-TLP/TLP/HMM/HBM force/sense probing based on the HPPI GF-A flexible pitch setup.*Suitable to mount the GF-A ground fixture needle for flexible pitch measurements. In addition a cable (e.g. for HBM) can be directly connected to the contact pin.*High stability
Mercury Probes
Materials Development Corporation
MERCURY PROBES are precision instruments that enable rapid, convenient, and non-destructive measurements of semiconductor samples by probing wafers with mercury to form contacts of well-defined area.
Metra Scan 3D
The most accurate scanning and probing solutions, whether in lab or on the shop floor.Highly accurate measurementDynamic referencingComplete metrology solution
Primarily used for probing targets that are approximately 0.5 mil (12.7 microns) and larger, with 80 TPI resolution.
Quarter Research and Development
Submicron manipulator and translation stage. The XYZ-500-MIMT Micropositioner is intended for precise probing and instrumentation for industrial, medical, biological, semiconductor, and general scientific applications. It provides 3-axis motion with .500" movement on each axis. Motion is controlled by three precision stepping motors attached to precision gear heads 64:1 (standard), that drive a 100 threads per inch screw (standard).
Engineered for highly demanding probing needs, the Korima Model MP-40 Micropositioner is precision-built for micropositioning to meet ever smaller industry standards. Featuring linear motion on all three axes, the MP-40 provides precise control for sub-micron probing.
Engineered for highly demanding probing needs, the Korima Model MP-80 Micropositioner is precision-built for micropositioning to meet ever smaller industry standards. Featuring linear motion on all three axes, the MP-80 provides precise control for sub-micron probing.
A digital or traditional optical microscope can help engineers check on their high-speed probing activities much more easily. It will assure the probe tips will touch on the right contact(s), with correct contact angle and right amount of force. We use both digital and optical microscopes in our own lab. The information in this page is to help you choose a microscope best suits you.
Probing Solutions offers Microscopes made by Azoom, Excelitas, Meiji, Leica, Mitutoyo, and Motic. To order Microscopes, please call PSI at (775) 246-0999, or email for a quote.
Micro-Surface Microprobe
ICT-4 Micro-Surface Microprobe - For use on integrated circuits and other micro specimens. 0.013'' diameter .5'' straight stainless steel shaft; slightly protruding sensor bead to facilitate temperature probing. 5'' tubular handle fits micro-manipulators. Maximum intermittent temperature 200°C, continuouse use 100°C, Time constant 0.025 Seconds. 5 foot lead. Not isolated.
Mini Probe Station
The smallest probe station which still preserves the key functions and precision that are fundamental to all probing. This size is still capable of DC and RF measurements, making it the most versatile in its size.
PCB Holders
PacketMicro offers a family of horizontal and vertical PCB holders for engineers to hold PCB in a desired orientation for steady and easy probing.
The HandyPROBE arm-free probing system generates high-accuracy measurements (accuracy of up to 22 µm), and outperforms traditional portable CMMs on the shop floor. The HandyPROBE portable CMM is currently used on the production lines of major players from the automotive, aerospace and manufacturing industries.
Portable Manual Probing Station
Model W4.0 x L6.5
This portable manual probing station is designed for a versatile, comfortable, and accurate operation on up to 4.0” wafers or 4.0” X 6.5” printed circuit board assemblies. This turn-key, manually operated probing station, model W4.0 x L6.5, is part of the D-COAX commitment to the test and measurement and PCB fabrication industries.
Portable Wafer Probe Station
High Power Pulse Instruments GmbH
The PS-5026B is a rugged portable wafer probing solution which has been designed for high reliability, compact size and minimum cost.
Positional Current Probe, PCB Track Touch And Measure
I-prober 520
Current measurement from insulated probing of conductorSuitable for observation and measurement of current in PCB tracks, component leads and ground planesWide dynamic range of 10mA to 20A peak to peakWide bandwidth of DC to 5MHzLow noise figure equivalent to <6mA rms at full B/WSafety rated to 300V Cat II (600V Cat 1)Suitable for connection to any oscilloscopeHigh accuracy general purpose H-field probeConverts to 'closed magnetic circuit' current probe
Precision Active Oscilloscope
CircuitMaster 4000M
The CircuitMaster 4000M Precision Active Oscilloscope is unlike any other oscilloscope as it provides some innovative test and measurement functions that enable engineers and technicians to perform several new types of circuit analysis. The CircuitMaster 4000M is designed for safe probing of closely spaced components by adding precision DC measurement, signal storage and analysis functions to a traditional oscilloscope design.