Proximity 3 Click
64211 - Parallax Inc.
Parallax speeds the process of Propeller 2 development through our partnership with MikroE, who has created a family of 850+ Clicks for most I/O functions you may envision. For each of the Click boards stocked by Parallax, you will find a documented Spin 2 code example on our Propeller GitHub Object Exchange. Connect your Click boards to the Propeller 2 Evaluation Board or P2-EC Edge Breakout Breadboard using the #64008 P2 to MikroBus Click Adapter. Proximity 3 click is an intelligent proximity and light sensing device, which features the VCNL4200 sensor from Vishay – high sensitivity long distance proximity sensor (PS), ambient light sensor (ALS) and 940 nm IRED, all in one small package.