- Pickering Interfaces Inc.
PXI Prototyping Module, 2-Slot, 25-Pin D-Type
The 40-225A PXI Prototyping Modules are stripped down versions of the 40-220A PXI Breadboard series. These are very basic, low cost prototype modules. They have no PXI interface but do have access to fused power supplies from the PXI backplane.
PXI Breadboard Module 2-Slot, Dual 20-Pin GMCT
The 40-220A series of breadboard modules allow the user to construct their own circuit in situations where a suitable PXI module is not available. For example when it is required to integrate a non-switching function into a PXI chassis.
PXI Breadboard Module
These breadboard modules allow the user to construct their own circuits in situations where a suitable PXI module is not available. For example when it is required to integrate a non-switching function into a PXI chassis.
PXI Breadboard Module, 1-Slot, 15-Pin D-Type
The 40-220A series of breadboard modules allow the user to construct their own circuit in situations where a suitable PXI module is not available. For example when it is required to integrate a non-switching function into a PXI chassis. Typical applications include: Creating custom circuitry that can be housed in on a 3U board, or to build special one-off switching modules.
Cherry MX Switch Breakout
Cherry MX Keyswitches are top-of-the-line mechanical keyboard switches. They’re satisfyingly “clicky”, reliable up to tens-of-millions of key presses, and a standard in gaming and programming keyboards across the globe. With the SparkFun Cherry MX Switch Breakout we have made the switches more easily adaptable to breadboard or perfboard-based projects. The Cherry MX Switch Breakout is a perfect prototyping tool for projects ranging from a single-key user-input to fully-custom 101-key keyboards.
Connectors, Header - Male
1x40 pin breakaway header. These headers have square pins and fit intostandard 0.1" breadboards. Scoring makes for convenient breaking into smaller headersfor all of your projects. Gold plated and RoHS compliant.
Femtosecond Ti:sapphire Laser Kits
TISSA Series
TISSA kits contain all components of femtosecond Ti: sapphire oscillator preinstalled and tested on a breadboard and supplied with a cover box.
High Static Stiffness Optical Breadboards
5700 Series
They feature a lightweight precision formed steel honeycomb construction with 3/16″ ferromagnetic stainless steel top skin and 3/16″ low carbon steel bottom skin with a black polyurethane finish.
Welcome to Thorlabs; below you will find links to our extensive Optomechanical product line, a subset of our entire line of photonics products. Optomechanics is a broad category that includes optical tables and breadboards, optical mounts and construction components, mechanical devices with integrated electronics, kits that make it easy to buy a popular set of components or a set of components that can be assembled to perform a specific function, and general laboratory supplies and tools. Because of the large selection, Optomechanics does not include translation and rotation stages and their controllers; instead those products have their own category.
SparkFun Breadboard Power Supply 5V/3.3V
Here is a very simple breadboard power supply kit that takes power from a DC wall wart and outputs a selectable 5V or 3.3V regulated voltage. The .1" headers are mounted on the bottom of the PCB for simple insertion into a breadboard. Pins labeled VCC and GND plug directly into the power lines. The lone pair of pins have no electrical connection but help support the PCB.
SparkFun Breadboard Power Supply Stick
This is a very simple board that takes a 4-9V input voltage and outputs a selectable 1.8V or 3.3V regulated voltage. All headers are 0.1" pitch for simple insertion into a breadboard.
SparkFun Breadboard Power Supply Stick, 5V/3.3V
This is a very simple board that takes a 6-12V input voltage and outputs a selectable 5V or 3.3V regulated voltage. All headers are 0.1" pitch for simple insertion into a breadboard.
SparkFun Digital Temperature Sensor
TMP102 (Qwiic)
We all like to know the temperature, right? Well, with the SparkFun TMP102 Digital Temperature Sensor, we've made it just about as easy as it gets. Based on the original Digital Temperature Sensor Breakout - TMP102, we've added Qwiic connectors to bring this board into our plug-and-play Qwiic Ecosystem and added an address jumper instead of breaking out the address pin. However, we still have broken out 0.1"-spaced pins in case you prefer to use a breadboard.
SparkFun MicroView
USB Programmer
The MicroView is the first chip-sized Arduino compatible module that lets you see what your Arduino is thinking using a built-in OLED display. This USB programmer connects directly to the MicroView and lets you not only program the module, but use it to interface with your computer, Rapsberry Pi, or other USB device. The programmer has both male and female headers which allow it to be plugged into a MicroView module and a breadboard at the same time, making prototyping quick and easy.
SparkFun Qwiic Micro:bit Breakout
The SparkFun Qwiic micro:bit Breakout is a board that connects to the BBC micro:bit and expands the capabilities of the development platform by providing access to more pins and allowing for connections to the I2C and SPI buses. This breakout board for the micro:bit’s edge connector allows intermediate and advanced users to connect the micro:bit to breadboards and other Qwiic sensors, motors, LEDs and more.
SparkFun Qwiic Micro:bit Breakout (with Headers)
The SparkFun Qwiic micro:bit Breakout is a board that connects to the BBC micro:bit and expands the capabilities of the development platform by providing access to more pins and allowing for connections to the I2C and SPI buses. We've already attached headers to this version of the board so you don't need to worry about any soldering! This breakout board for the micro:bit’s edge connector allows intermediate and advanced users to connect the micro:bit to breadboards and other Qwiic sensors, motors, LEDs and more!
SparkFun RJ45 MagJack Breakout
This is the SparkFun RJ45 MagJack Breakout, a simple board that will provide you with a way to put an ethernet port into your breadboard. The SparkFun RJ45 MagJack Breakout is the same one found in our very own mbed Starter Kit and breaks out each pin from the ethernet jack. This rev of the breakout is equipped with the RJ45 MagJack connector already soldered to the board which mean you no longer need to solder the connector to the board yourself or worrying about buying them separately!
SparkFun Rotary Encoder Breakout
Illuminated (RG/RGB)
This is a clever little breakout board for both the RGB and R/G illuminated rotary encoders. On one side, it breaks out all of the RGB pins to standard, breadboard friendly, 0.1" headers. Turn it over and it has a footprint for the R/G version! Simply solder an encoder down to the board and you're ready to add illuminated input to your next project.
SparkFun Solder-able Breadboard
This is the Mini SparkFun Solder-able Breadboard. A bare PCB that is the exact size as our mini modular breadboards with the same connections to pins. This board is especially useful for preserving a prototype or experiment you just created on a solderless breadboard by soldering all the pieces in place.
SparkFun Solder-able Breadboard
This is the SparkFun Solderable Breadboard. A bare PCB that is the exact size as our regular breadboard with the same connections to pins and power rails. This board is especially useful for preserving a prototype or experiment you just created on a solderless breadboard by soldering all the pieces in place.
SparkFun Solder-able Breadboard
This is the Large SparkFun Solder-able Breadboard. A bare PCB that is the exact size as our full-size breadboard with the same connections to pins and power rails. This board is especially useful for preserving a prototype or experiment you just created on a solderless breadboard by soldering all the pieces in place.
SparkFun Solder-able Breadboard
This is the SparkFun Solderable Breadboard. A bare PCB that is the exact size as our regular breadboard with the same connections to pins and power rails. This board is especially useful for preserving a prototype or experiment you just created on a solderless breadboard by soldering all the pieces in place.
Tiny AVR Programmer
The ATtiny45 and 85 are a couple of really cool little MCUs but did you know you can program them in Arduino? That's right, now you can shrink your Arduino projects down to "tiny size" by moving your code straight over to these small but capable ICs. The standard method for programming the ATtiny ICs involves a breadboard, lots of jumper wires and a hardware programmer, but David Mellis over at MIT Media Lab has simplified the process by laying out this handy USB programmer.
Versatile Test Stand
Applied Scientific Instrumentation
*Base is a Breadboard on 25 mm centers tapped for M6 screws with threaded holes for risers for TE/TI-2000, TE-300, IX-71/81, DMI, and MS-2000 stages.*Base feet provide vibration isolation.*Z riser is adjustable on pillar blocks.*Z motion from LS-50, LS-100, or LS-150 linear stage.*Z illumination can use LED, LED and a Condenser (from below), or fiber illumination (from above).*Observation is with a Modular Infinity Microscope.
Arduino Shield Header Kit
Complete header set for Arduino Uno shields. Contains: 1 1x6, 2 1x8, 1 1x10, and 1 2x3 header. These headers have square pins and fit into standard 0.1" breadboards. Gold plated and RoHS compliant.
Binary Capacitors
The SemiGen Binary Capacitor Series are designed for ease of use when trimming, tuning or facilitating breadboard applications. The devices feature our MNOS design using Nitride and Oxide to achieve a robust and reliable dielectric. Custom designs as well as catalog off the shelf parts allow the user flexibility and varied capacitance values.
USB 32-Bit Whacker
PIC32MX795 Development Board
The new version of the UBW32 now uses the PIC32MX795 IC. Based on the work of Brian Schmalz, the UBW32 is a small development board for the new PIC32MX795 32-bit CPU from Microchip. The UBW32 is breadboard friendly and includes all of the external circuitry needed to get the PIC32 up and running. Power can be provided over USB or from an external source. It has three push buttons (Reset, and two user-defined buttons) and five LEDs (Power, USB, and three user defined LEDs). All of the 78(!) of the PIC32's I/O pins are broken out. The board comes pre-loaded with a USB bootloader and special UBW firmware that accepts simple serial commands to control the various I/O functions.
Optics Test Systems
MTF Measuring Device For Endoscopes
Optik Elektronik Gerätetechnik GmbH
Manual MTF measuring device for endoscopes. The measurement setup is based on modular individual components that can be arranged on a breadboard according to the type of endoscope (angle between light entrance and eyepiece).
DS18B20 TO-92 Digital Thermometer Temperature IC Sensor
The DS18B20 digital thermometer is a high-resolution (9-bit to 12-bit) Celsius temperature sensor with a built-in alarm and user-programmable alarm level. The sensor uses a 1-Wire bus that requires data, power and ground. Each sensor has a unique ID, allowing them to be configured and identified on the same bus. Distributed machines, buildings, and process control are common applications. This sensor was brought into Parallax inventory for use in the P2 Quick Byte series as a demonstration device for the 1-Wire Object. This part is easily wired into a breadboard, too.
Proximity 3 Click
Parallax speeds the process of Propeller 2 development through our partnership with MikroE, who has created a family of 850+ Clicks for most I/O functions you may envision. For each of the Click boards stocked by Parallax, you will find a documented Spin 2 code example on our Propeller GitHub Object Exchange. Connect your Click boards to the Propeller 2 Evaluation Board or P2-EC Edge Breakout Breadboard using the #64008 P2 to MikroBus Click Adapter. Proximity 3 click is an intelligent proximity and light sensing device, which features the VCNL4200 sensor from Vishay – high sensitivity long distance proximity sensor (PS), ambient light sensor (ALS) and 940 nm IRED, all in one small package.
Configurable CAN FD Modules With A Focus On Digital I/Os
PCAN MicroMod FD Digital 1&2
The PCAN-MicroMod FD breadboard can be purchased together with ready-to-use motherboards that provide peripherals for specific requirements. Spring clamp connectors are used to connect CAN, I/O and supply. The main boards PCAN-MicroMod FD Digital 1 and 2 focus on digital inputs and outputs, which are provided with the appropriate protective circuit. The digital outputs of Digital 1 are equipped with low-side switches and those of Digital 2 with high-side switches.