Advanced ARINC-429 Testing Ethernet Appliance - Parametrics TX Variable Voltage, Digital Signal Generator and RX Signal Capture
ENET-A429P - Alta Data Technologies LLC (Alta dt)
eNet-A429P™ is an innovative product that provides “remoting” of ARINC operations on 10/100/1000 Ethernet IP/UDP local area networks (LAN). eNet-A429P is a small, low-power, device ideal for details ARINC signal testing with variable voltaqe control of the first 3 TX channels. Alta has combined the industry’s most advanced 32-bit ARINC FPGA protocol engine, AltaCore™, with a real-time IP/UDP thin server. The customer can implement their application with the same feature-rich application programming interface, AltaAPI™, as used with standard cards – often without even recompiling – the utlimate in code portability.