Programmable DC Electronic Load
63000 Series - Chroma ATE Inc.
The 63000 Series programmable DC electronic loads are reliable, precision instruments primarily designed to test switching power suppl ies, A/D power suppl ies, power electronic components, adapters, 3C batteries and chargers. Its maximum 350W rated power makes it suitable for testing numerous types of lower power devices. The 63000 Series offers models in two operating voltages 150V models, with 250W and 350W power levels up to 60A in a single unit. Their compact and light weight design make these loads easy to move around which is ideal for R&D and design validation. Each model of the 63000 Series has unique user-def ined waveform (UDW) funct ion capable of simulating real-world custom waveforms. In addition, a data storage function has been built in for saving and recalling up to 100 stored settings at any time. For automated testing, these save and recall functions can save a great deal of time. The 63000 Series has 3 power ranges that can precisely measure the voltage and current in real time. Since short circuit testing is a critical test item, the 63000 provides short circuit simulation to effectively address application demands for power and automated testing.