Arduino CAN Shield
IFB-10003-ANP - Playing With Fusion Inc
CAN (Controller Area Network) communication has become ubiquitous in industry. It is used in automotive applications (part of OBD and many other datalinks), on-highway trucks (J1939), industrial machinery and instrumentation, and equipment applications (factory automation). This shield is designed to provide a CAN 2.0 front-end interface for 5V Arduino modules (Uno, Mega, etc). The module uses SPI to communicate to the Arduino, and requires an aditional chip select pin. An optional interrupt line to the MCP2515 and two LEDS are also provided. The chip select and interupt lines are selected via zero ohm resistors and have several configuration options for flexibility stacking additional shields. A set of stackable headers is included with this board, not installed. An optional on-board voltage regulator may be used to supply 7.5V to the Arduino's 'Vin' pin (which is regulated to 5V by the Arduino's on-board LDO). The CAN shield regulator supports a wide input range of 9V to 32V. This makes it possible to cleanly build a stand-alone CAN node (remote sensor) without the need for a separate Arduino power supply!