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- Advanced Telemetrics International
Inductively Powered Telemetry Systems
Advanced Telemetrics International
ATi Inductively Powered Telemetry Systems are typically used to transmit data from rotating shafts or machinery to a stationary receiver.
Customized Solutions
Artifex Engineering GmbH & Co. KG
Our products form the basis of a wide range of R&D and industrial metrological applications. At Artifex Engineering we strive to maintain a close relationship with our customers to ensure that the products we deliver meet your needs cost effectively. We understand that your application is not standard and so we offer customization of all of our products, even for single units. Our manufacturing infrastructure includes rapid prototyping machinery and a flexible manufacturing environment allowing us to customize quickly and efficiently – a definite pricing advantage.
Data logger for Temperature Humidity and Differential Pressure
Simultaneously measures and logs temperature, humidity and differential pressure Support on-line linear calibration and zero setting Customized differential pressure measuring range between 0 and 1000Pa Suitable for pharmaceutical workshops, electronic production, precision machinery and other applications
Digital Force Gauge
Guangzhou Amittari Instruments Co.Ltd
The digital force gauge is a kind of simple and convenient multi-functional instrument for high-accuracy push force and pull force test. It is widely used in electronics, building hardware, textile, auto parts, ignition device such as lighter, fire fighting equipment, pen manufacturing, lock manufacturing, fishing gear, chemical, power machinery, scientific research institutions and other industries. For the push and pull load test, plug and unplug force test and destructive test etc.
Exhaust Gas Analyzer
IMR 1440FL
IMR Environmental Equipment, Inc.
The exhaust gas analyzer, IMR 1440FL/COFL, is designed to measure exhaust gases of Forklift Trucks, Generators, and heavy Machinery that are powered by a variety of fuels. According to US regulations, the IMR 1440FL/COFL can measure soot and CO for Forklift Trucks.
High Parallel Test Of Inertial Sensors Up To 6DOF
InFlip MEMS strip-test module incorporates a modular architecture designed to replace expensive custom-designed machinery. It can operate in a standalone mode or it can be configured with a Cohu InStrip platform for full automation.
Image Analysis
In today's demanding environment where quality assurance is an everyday requirement Aprotec have sought to find present day retrofit solutions that compliment fully functional older machinery.
Industrial Jewelry Parts
Adamant Namiki Precision Jewel Co Ltd.
Our product contribute to lengthening the life of machinery and products by using hard jewelry materials such as diamond · sapphire · ruby . As a result of sticking to the cutting of efforts, our strength is difficult to cut materials with various characteristics quickly and with high precision.
Inertial Measurement Units (IMU)
Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) sensors integrate multiaxis combinations of precision gyroscopes, accelerometers, magnetometers, and pressure sensors, intelligently fused to provide reliable position and motion discernment for stabilization and navigation applications. Precision MEMs IMUs deliver the required accuracy levels even in complex operating environments and under dynamic or extreme motion dynamics. ADI iSensor® IMU technology has been uniquely developed to reliably provide the high performance necessary to enable emerging applications in autonomous machinery and instruments, across multiple markets.
IoT Machine Condition Monitoring Solution
ADLINK's machine condition monitoring solution includes integrated edge hardware and real-time data-streaming software to deliver continuous vibration monitoring for rotating machinery and equipment and reduce costly production shutdowns. ADLINK Edge™ releases the power of your operational data and enables intelligent decision-making by streaming to to the edge or any cloud to give you access to deeper insight from advanced analytics, machine learning and AI.
Light Tach Kit
When taking vibration measurements on rotating machinery, it is crucial that you record tachometer pulses along with vibration data. A photoelectric sensor along with reflective tape that is attached to the rotating element will provide these speed pulses for data analysis.
Linear Feedback
AMETEK Sensors, Test & Calibration
Linear Position Sensors play an important role in factory automation. They provide accurate, reliable, absolute position feedback to help automate today’s sophisticated machinery. Sensors must deliver value, be easy to set up, and interface easily into the host controller.
Linear Position Sensors and Transducers
Linear Position Sensors and Transducers are used throughout many industries including; test/lab applications, medical applications, Motorsport, industrial processing, industrial machinery and mobile vehicleapplications. You may have come into contact with these types of sensors in everyday life. Some of the applications that they are used for include:
Load Pins
They are used in many diverse applications including cranes, winches, agricultural equipment (such as tractors), fishing, marine, offshore, subsea, aerospace, process industries, mining, hoisting gear, elevators and floor conveyors, cable laying machinery and many others. The load information provided by the pin can be used for process control, weight/force measurement, overload protection and safety related aspects.
Machinery Diagnostics
Smart Machine Checker (SMC)
The Smart Machine Checker is designed to be used by machinery mechanics to give a clear and accurate automatic diagnosis of rotating equipment. Requires no vibration expertise or internet connection. The SMC replaces the HAWK.
Machinery Fault Simulator
To gain an in-depth understanding of different vibration signatures, controlled experiments on a device that emulates real world machinery are needed. While analysis of a single machinery fault may be beneficial, there are many occasions when the analysis of the interaction between dynamic stiffness, resonance, and speed is essential in order to gain an understanding of real world vibration spectra. With the MFS, the expertise required to diagnose industrial machinery problems in well controlled experiments can be developed and enhanced. With a plant running at full production, it is virtually impractical to gain an understanding of the kinetics and dynamics of machinery without adversely affecting production and profits: The MFS enables offline training and experimentation which in turn will minimize production downtime.
Machinery Fault Simulator – Lite
To gain an in-depth understanding of different vibration signatures, controlled experiments on a device that emulates real world machinery are needed. While analysis of a single machinery fault may be beneficial, there are many occasions when the analysis of the interaction between dynamic stiffness, resonance, and speed is essential in order to gain an understanding of real world vibration spectra. With the MFS, the expertise required to diagnose industrial machinery problems in well controlled experiments can be developed and enhanced. With a plant running at full production, it is virtually impractical to gain an understanding of the kinetics and dynamics of machinery without adversely affecting production and profits: The MFS-LT enables offline training and experimentation which in turn will minimize production downtime.
Machinery Vibration Protection System
Alta Solutions' machinery protection systems can quickly detect abnormal machinery conditions and shutdown your machinery to avoid catastrophic failures and further damage.
Manufacturing & Smart Factory
Industrial Internet Consortium
The Industrial Internet will dramatically improve productivity and efficiencies in the production process and throughout the supply chain. Processes will govern themselves, with intelligent machines and devices that can take corrective action to avoid unscheduled breakdowns of machinery. Individual parts will be automatically replenished based on real time data. Every handheld digital device in the factory will report the status of every fixed device, giving personnel mobile access to real-time, actionable information. Wearable sensors will track the location of each employee in the factory, in case of emergency. The list goes on and on.
Material Science Laboratory Instruments
our material science laboratory instruments basically consists of four instruments first, young modulus apparatus which is used for determining the young modulus elasticity of a wire by stretching it. Then second is curie temperature kit which is used for determining the Curie Temperature. With the determination of dielectric constant of PZT material with Temperature variation. After that comes dielectric constant kit which is used for measuring the dielectric constant of solids and lastly our universal B-H Curve Tracer which is used for tracing the B-H loop which is very difficult and needs a good machinery for doing so.
Whether you need a local display, alarm and shutdown capability, data recording, and the ability to communicate using Modbus over Ethernet TCP/IP; or you need to trend waveform and transient data to provide a predictive look at your machine’s condition, Metrix has a solution to meet your machinery monitoring requirements.
Noise & Vibration Software
ME’scopeVES (Visual Engineering Series) is a family of software packages and options that make it easier for you to observe, analyze, and document noise & vibration problems in machinery and structures. ME’scopeVES is used to display and analyze experimental multi-channel time or frequency domain data, acquired during the operation of a machine, or forced vibration of a structure.
Order Tracking Analysis
Order Tracking is a general term describing a collection of measurement functions used for analyzing the dynamic behavior of rotating or reciprocating machinery for which the rotational speed can change over time. Unlike the power spectrum and other frequency-domain analysis functions where the independent variable is frequency, Order Tracking functions present the data against multiples (Orders) of the variable shaft running speed.
Passive Ionisation
Fraser Anti-Static Techniques Ltd
Versatile, low cost tools for neutralising high static charges on high speed web and sheet processing machinery.
Portable Vibration Meters
Columbia Research Laboratories
Columbia's Handheld Vibration Meter is a general purpose vibration measuring instrument for the periodic, routine checks of industrial machinery and general field use where portability and ease of use are required.
Power Quality Analyser
It measures almost every aspect of the electricity you’re supplying or receiving, so is a must for utility, electricity and power supply companies as well as large industrial consumers, from heavy machinery plants to hospitals and supermarkets.
Rotating Machinery
Synchronize rotating machinery data with a corresponding RPM signal to understand the RPM-dependant vibrational behavior of your measurement object. The package includes Order Analysis for performance optimization of your rotating machinery. Create your structure's geometry with just a few clicks to animate the structure's vibration behaviour. This offers the very unique possibility of an Order Operating Deflection Shape (ODS) analysis.
Rotating Machinery Analysis
The Rotate software package is part of the m+p Analyzer Software for noise & vibration measurements and analysis. It provides a wide range of data acquisition and analysis tools for capturing and understanding noise and vibration induced in rotating and reciprocating machines by their motion. Fixed and variable speed machines are accommodated as are both structural vibration and condition monitoring diagnostics. Multiple tacho inputs can be processed for accurate speed tracking during analysis. Spectral mapping, order tracking, time history and orbit data analysis are all available.
Series of Software
Multi-channel time or frequency data can be imported from disk files, or directly from a machine or structure. The industry-leading photo-realistic interactive 3D shape animation allows you to observe order-related operating deflection shapes from running machinery, resonant vibration and mode shapes from real structures, vibro-acoustic shapes, and engineering data of any kind derived directly from experimental data. ME’scope contains state of the art tools for performing:
Solid-State And Electromechanical Relay Products
Relay is the name for a switch that is operated electro-mechanically or electronically. Their main task is to make and break connections to control the flow of current in electrical circuits. They’re used for various purposes ranging from validating semiconductors to interfacing low power computers or microcontrollers with high power machinery.
Sound Level Meter
Hangzhou Aihua Instruments Co., Ltd.
Complies with IEC 61672 Class 2 use in Industrial Noise Surveys ; machinery, vehicles, ships and etc