USB Controlled Multi-Function DAQ For ATE Education And ATEasy Training
GT98901 Series - Marvin Test Solutions, Inc.
The GT98901 Demo board is a USB controlled, cost-effective, multi-function PCB assembly. The module is completely self-contained and includes an LCD display, measurement and stimulus resources, digital I/O, relays, and switches – all of which can be accessed and monitored via the USB port using a SCPI command set via a USBTMC interface which supports the USB488 protocol. Power for the board is provided via the USB interface, providing a totally self-contained assembly which can provide users with a simple yet complete vehicle that replicates many of the stimulus and measurement functions associated with ATE systems. When combined with Marvin Test Solutions' ATEasy® Test Executive and Test Development environment, the GT98901 is the ideal product for creating and supporting ATE training and education applications.