HEV / EV / Grid Emulators and Test Systems
With Scienlab test systems and test software, Keysight offers customized test environments for the development and testing of electronic components according to hybrid and electric vehicle testing standards. Our solutions help you to accelerate your e-mobility applications from the battery, Battery Management System (BMS), inverter, the charging interfaces of Electric Vehicle (EV), and Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE).
Scienlab Battery Test System – Pack Level
SL1700A Series
SL1700A Series - Keysight Technologies
Keysight’s SL1700A Scienlab Battery Test System – Pack Level Series allows to realistically emulate the environment of the future battery pack application in order to test the high-power battery pack comprehensively and improve its functions and safety. The growing demand of e-mobility increase the need of vast battery test labs for EV battery development. Keysight developed the SL1700A Series to accelerate the development and validation of batteries. It offers a voltage range of up to 1500 V and power options between 90 and 270 kW. The new high-voltage SiC (silicon carbide) technology provides a high energy efficiency on a small footprint and helps to minimize your operating costs.
Scienlab Battery Test System – Module Level
SL1001A Series
SL1001A Series - Keysight Technologies
The SL1001A and SL1006A Battery Test Systems – Module Level Series help you emulate sink and source for battery modules for automotive and industrial applications.
Scienlab Battery Test System – Cell Level
SL113XA | SL100XA Series
SL113XA | SL100XA Series - Keysight Technologies
The cell is the basis of any battery system and directly influences its function, performance and safety. Therefore, it is essential to test and characterize the cell at an early development stage. For this purpose, Keysight offers reliable test systems for precise and reproducible measurement results. The Cell Level Series (SL1002A, SL1004A, SL1007A, SL1132A and SL1133A) — also known as Battery Cell Tester — emulates sink and source for battery cells for automotive and industrial applications.
Scienlab Measurement & Control Modules
SL106XX Series
SL106XX Series - Keysight Technologies
The Scienlab SL106XX Series covers a wide range of test, measurement, and control tasks. If required, you can combine your measurement task and scope.
Scienlab Energy Storage Discover Software
SL1091A - Keysight Technologies
The Scienlab Energy Storage Discover (ESD) is a central component of all Scienlab energy storage test environments.The intuitive software allows users to conduct tests that deliver concrete, stable, and reproducible results.
Scienlab Regenerative 3‑Phase AC Emulator
SL1200A Series
SL1200A Series - Keysight Technologies
The SL1200A series was designed to handle all your 3-phase AC test needs up to 1200 VAC, from 30 to 630 kVA without the need for a transformer. Two voltage ranges are available: 600 and 1200 VAC. The 600 VAC models are ideal for low voltage inverter test as well as EV and EVSE charging test applications. The 1200 VAC models allow for (HVRT) testing at the IEC LV-AC limit without the need for a large, complex test setup.
Scienlab BMS Environment
SL101XA Series
SL101XA Series - Keysight Technologies
A BMS assumes important safety, control, and regulation functions. Those functions include monitoring parameters such as voltage, current, temperature, and state of charge (SOC). A BMS also regulates thermal management, energy management, cell balancing, and performance.
Scienlab Dynamic DC Emulator
SL104XA Series
SL104XA Series - Keysight Technologies
The Scienlab Dynamic DC Emulator provides an all-in-one system for efficient and effective testing of the power electronic components in electric vehicles (EV) and electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE).
Scienlab Charging Discovery System (CDS) – High-Power Series
SL1047A - Keysight Technologies
The Scienlab Charging Discovery System – High-Power Series from Keysight enables you to test charging interfaces of electric vehicles (EVs) and EV supply equipment (EVSE) during high-power charging up to 1,500 V DC and ±600 A DC. With the CDS can perform all necessary conformance and interoperability tests according to worldwide charging standards. Our new solution, which features the separate Scienlab Cooling Unit with interchangeable liquid-cooled charging adapters, also enables a high-power upgrade of the SL1040A Scienlab Charging Discovery System - Portable Series.
Scienlab Charging Discover Test Software
SL1093A - Keysight Technologies
The Scienlab Charging Discover test software controls the Scienlab Charging Discovery System (CDS). With this up-to-date, user-friendly software, you can operate the system, visualize measured values, record test sequences, and generate reports for trusted insights.
Scienlab Regenerative DC Emulator
SL1800A Series
SL1800A Series - Keysight Technologies
Keysight's SL1800A Scienlab Regenerative DC Emulator - High-Power Series enables users to emulate the large batteries in electric vehicles. The bidirectional power flow allows emulation of both power sourcing applications, such as traction inverter test, as well as power-absorbing (sinking) applications, such as EV charging. Being regenerative, the power absorbed is delivered back to the grid, saving on energy and cooling costs. The SL1800A Series is fully integrated with the SL1040A Scienlab Charging Discovery System. The SL1093A Scienlab Charging Discover Software fully automates DC charging applications to many different test standards. With bi-directionality, integrated DC voltage and current controllers, high dynamics, and its regenerative energy feedback capacity, the Scienlab Dynamic DC Emulator provides an all-in-one system for efficient and effective testing of the power electronic components in electric vehicles (EV) and electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE).
Scienlab Emulator Control Software
SL1092A - Keysight Technologies
The Emulator Control software can control Scienlab systems from Keysight such as the Machine Emulator and the Dynamic DC Emulator. The software also can manage both emulators combined in a test bench manually.