Transmission Line Probes
Transmission line probes are a special type of passive probe designed for use at very high frequencies. They replace the high impedance probe cable found in a traditional passive probe with a precision transmission line, with a characteristic impedance that matches the oscilloscope input (50 Ohm). This greatly reduces the input capacitance to a fraction of a picofarad, minimizing the loading of high frequency signals. A matching network at the tip increases the DC input resistance. While they have lower DC input resistance than a traditional passive probe (usually 500 Ohm) to 1kOhm), the input impedance of these probes remains nearly constant over their entire frequency range. A traditional /10 passive probe will have a 10 MOhm) input impedance at DC, however this impedance drops rapidly with frequency, passing below the input impedance of a transmission line probe at less than 100 MHz.