Flex Socket Test Module
JT 2127/Flex Socket Test Module - JTAG Technologies Inc.
The JT 2127/Flex STM memory socket tester is a family of hardware adapters specifically designed for the testing of of PCB-mounted DIMM & SODIMM sockets using a JTAG/boundary-scan controller and supporting software. The testing of memory sockets has always been troublesome for test and production engineers using JTAG/boundary-scan systems. Even when it is possible to create memory writes/reads from a boundary-scan compliant access device on the UUT (Unit Under Test), the initialization process may fail leaving you with little diagnostics information. What’s more it can still be uncertain whether fault lays with the DIMM module itself or the socket. Using the new JT 2127-Flex system from JTAG Technologies you get pin-point diagnostics from a known-good test interface so you can be certain that your socket is soldered correctly.