1.533 Μm Frequency-Locked Laser
Thorlabs' LLD1530 Frequency-Locked Laser is a narrow linewidth, DFB-laser-diode-based, turnkey system with a vacuum emission wavelength of 1532.8323 nm and a high SMSR of at least 35 dB. The laser frequency is actively stabilized to a National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)-traceable molecular transition of acetylene and has an absolute accuracy at start-up that is better than ±25 MHz. The emission frequency immediately after start-up is then maintained with a ±25 MHz stability, providing an overall frequency accuracy of ±50 MHz. The LLD1530 is an accurate frequency reference designed to provide low-noise laser emission with excellent frequency stability, accuracy, and precision immediately at start-up. This source is ideal for use in demanding FTIR instrumentation, instrument calibration, gas sensing, and coherent telecommunications applications.