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- Pickering Interfaces Inc.
LXI Low Thermal EMF Matrix 1-pole 44x33
The 60-510 is a high density 1-pole matrix module controlled via LXI. It has excellent thermal stability and substantially reduced thermal EMF figures when compared to a conventional switching matrix. Typical applications include signal routing in ATE, selecting thermocouple inputs, switching amplifier gain circuits and high accuracy DC micro-volt measurements. Ruthenium reed switches are used because of their good low level switching capability. They also have a very long life with excellent contact resistance stability, minimal wetting current and low thermal offset.
CIE Colorimeter Probe
The Klein K-1 tri-stimulus CIE Colorimeter Probe is designed to be the best colorimeter in sensitivity, stability and speed. It attaches directly to a pc's serial com port (RS-232), and runs with the companion pc program. Whether a desktop or a laptop is used, the Klein measurement application is in control and many additional features are available.
Climate Chamber
Its excellent temperature and humidity homogeneity positions the climate chamber ICH in the international top league of stability test chambers. Thermal transfer to the interior whether heat or cold is guaranteed through a large-area air jacket on four sides. Thanks to its hermetically sealed interior, the climate chamber ICH does not consume any water once the setpoints have been reached, provided that the door is not opened. Two high-grade platinum temperature sensors with mutual monitoring guarantee interruption-free long-term operation even if one sensor should fail.
CO2 Concentration
The CO2 measurement is based on a 2-source, 2-beam process. CO2 measurement with long-term stability is guaranteed thanks to the proven non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) CO2 measurement cell. The unique patented auto-calibration procedure compensates for aging of the infrared source and guarantees high reliability, long term stability and eliminates the need of periodical recalibration in the field.
CO2 Concentration
The CO2 measurement is based on a 2-source, 2-beam process. CO2 measurement with long-term stability is guaranteed thanks to the proven non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) CO2 measurement cell. The unique patented auto-calibration procedure compensates for aging of the infrared source and guarantees high reliability, long term stability and eliminates the need of periodical recalibration in the field.
Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexer
Hangzhou Huatai Optic Tech. Co., Ltd.
CWDM series DWDM’s type channel space is 20nm , with the feature of wide channel, low insertion loss, high isolation, high reliability, high stability, No epoxy glue in optical line and Compact structure. The standard type has 8 channels, mainly used in metropolitan network and access network for multiplexing/de-multiplexing.
Continuous Internet Speed Test Tool
*Internet speed stress test with long duration: long-term download and upload bandwidth (speed) test tool*Cross-platform: HTML (online), Windows, Linux, Android versions, free for non-commercial use (please contact us to get a commercial license)*Measures download and upload bandwidth, packet loss and round trip time (RTT, ping)*Measures and tracks bandwidth of your internet connection during a long (unlimited) period of time*Measures stability of internet connection (uptime in percents, bandwidth measurements)*Tracks connection outages and drops of bandwidth*Runs on your own Windows PC as a server, to check stability of your LAN/wifi router(s)
CO₂ Sensor
STC31 (Qwiic)
Do you need to be able to sense CO2 concentrations of up to 100%? If so, the STC31 is the sensor for you! The Sensirion STC31 thermal conductivity sensor has two CO2 measurement ranges: 0 to 25 vol%; and 0 to 100 vol%. The measurement repeatability is 0.2 vol%, with a stability of 0.025 vol% / °C. The measurement accuracy depends on the measurement range: 0.5 vol% + 3% measured value; 1 vol% + 3% measured value.
Data Logging and Analysis With Tecap
Tecap provides such a tool for simple online overview. This tool is useful to analyse the stability of the developed test program. It is easily to recognize if the program shows the expected repetitive accuracy.
DC Current Shunts
DC current shunts / standards are true 4-terminal devices that precisely measure DC currents from 10 A to 10,000 A. They use special alloys in the resistive elements which are supported on an insulating base for mechanical stability. The 9230A includes special features to reduce the effects of power dissipation and associated self heating errors. These shunts are designed to operate in air at full rated current. These are the best performing, and most widely used, DC metrology shunts in the world.
DC Precision Current Sources
DC Precision Current Sources provides precise and very stable output currents from 3 A to 10,000 A. The 6623A-PCS Series provides the best uncertainties of any DC high current sources (i.e. < 5 ppm of precision and stability at 1000A). In addition this Series is modular and initial output currents can be expanded at any time.
DDS Function Generator, Digital Control 10MHz Or 20MHz, With/without USB/RS232 Interfaces
TG2000 Series
0.001Hz to 10MHz/20MHz frequency range6 digits or 1mHz resolution1ppm stability and 10ppm one year accuracyLow distortion, high spectral purity sine wavesInternal phase continuous sweep, lin or logAM, FSK, gated and tone switching modes5mV to 20V pk-pk from 50 or 600 OhmsStorage for multiple instrument set-upsUSB and RS232 Interfaces (TG2000 only)
Decade Resistance Substituter Lab Standard
HARS-LX Series
The HARS-LX substituter is a precision resistance source with excellent characteristics of accuracy, stability, temperature coefficient, and power coefficient. All these features serve to make it a laboratory resistance standard, exceeded in performance only by stand-alone standard resistors.
Decade Resistor
esi / Tegam DB62
IET has improved the specifications on esi/Tegam's DB62 decade resistor. These Decade Resistors are primarily intended for precision measurement applications where their excellent accuracy of 0.01%, stability, and low zero resistance are important
Decade Resistor
1433 Series
The 1433 Decade Resistors are primarily intended for precision measurement applications where their excellent accuracy, stability, and low zero resistance are important. They are convenient resistance standards for checking the accuracy of resistance-measuring devices and are used as components in dc and audio-frequency applications.
Differential Pressure Transmitter
Series 607 Differential Pressure Transmitter combines very low ranges with exceptional stability, reliability and either ±0.25% or ±0.5% accuracy for the most demanding applications. Ranges from 0-0.1" to 0-25" w.c
Differential Pressure Transmitter
Our low cost Series 668 Differential Pressure Transmitter is capable of measuring low pressures with a ±1% accuracy - ideally suited for proper building pressurization and air flow control. Transmitters can withstand up to 10 psig overpressure with no damage to the unit. Variable capacitance sensor design provides excellent sensitivity and long-term stability.
Differential Scanning Calorimetry
Nano DSC
The Nano DSC differential scanning calorimeter is designed to characterize the molecular stability of dilute in-solution biomolecules. The Nano DSC obtains data using less sample than competitive designs. Solid-state thermoelectric elements are used to precisely control temperature and a built-in precision linear actuator maintains constant or controlled variable pressure in the cell. Automated, unattended continuous operation with increased sample throughput is achieved with the optional Nano DSC Autosampler.
Digital Pressure Gages
General purpose digital pressure gauge provides exceptional performance, stability and reliability. The laser welded stainless steel sensor and socket make this product suitable for use with a wide variety of pressure media in demanding industrial applications. The DG25 was designed with OEM in mind and can easily be custom configured to meet unique requirements.
Digital Pressure Gauge
Huaxin instrument (Beijing) Co., Ltd
Reputed as a specialized pressure measurement solution provider, Huaxin offers an excellent selection of digital pressure gauges. Unique industrial design and state of the art technology have made our digital pressure gauges an ideal pressure calibration instrument for various applications. Depending on high and low temperature aging and temperature compensation processes before delivery, they feature guaranteed accuracy and stability. The digital gauges have been extensively used in power, metallurgy, chemical, measuring and military industries for calibrating precision pressure measurement devices.
Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
Digital signal processing (DSP) affords greater flexibility, higher performance (in terms of attenuation and selectivity), better time and environment stability, and lower equipment production costs than traditional analog techniques. Components available today let DSP extend from baseband to intermediate frequencies (IFs). This makes DSP useful for tuning and signal selectivity, and frequency up and down conversion.
Diode Pumped Actively Q-switched Lasers
NL120 Series
NL120 series electro-optically Q-switched nanosecond Nd:YAG lasers provide up to 10 J per pulse with excellent stability. The innovative, diode‑pumped, self‑seeded master oscillator design results in Single Longitudinal Mode (SLM) output without the use of expensive narrow linewidth seed diodes and cavity‑locking electronics.
Distributed-Feedback Laser
DFB pro
Distributed feedback (DFB) lasers unite wide tunability and high output power. The frequency-selective element a Bragg grating is integrated into the active section of the semiconductor and ensures continuous single-frequency operation. Due to the absence of alignment-sensitive components, DFB lasers exhibit an exceptional stability and reliability. The lasers work under the most adverse environmental conditions even in the Arctic or in airborne experiments.
Dual Channel Bit Synchronizer for Rates up to 45 Mbps
The Lumistar LS-45-DB Dual Channel Bit Synchronizer Daughterboard provides optimal reconstruction of a serial PCM data stream that has been corrupted by noise, phase jitter, amplitude modulation, or base line variations. The all-digitaldesign assures a high performance, consistent product, with excellent reliability and long-term stability. Dual channel design can feed each channel of the LS-55-DD dual decom. The LS-45-DB also has a post D combiner that allows for optimal ratiocombining of the two input signals A unique Built-in-Test feature allows performance verification for the Bit Synchronizer to ensure the highest level of operation. Auto-test BIT is performed for a short duration on the application of power and tests more than 90% of the Bit Synchronizer components. This test verifies that power is properly applied, verifies that there are no internal bit errors, and performs other tests to ensure that the bit synchronizer is fully operational with status indication of results. Command-test BIT performs the same functions and can be initiated by the user at any time through the Lumistar software when used on Lumistar PC products. The user has the ability to generate internal pseudo-random patterns and calculate internal bit error rates with or without the injection of forced errors.Various status indicators are also available through the software. The Bit Synchronizer also contains a BER reader as well as frame sync pattern indicator.
Dynamic Foam Analyzer
Our DFA100 instrument for analyzing foams measures the foamability of liquids and the foam stability based on precise measurements of the foam height. With flexibly deployable modules, it also measures the liquid content of the foam or analyses the foam structure with regard to bubble size and distribution. The DFA100 assists in the optimization of foam-forming products or, in the case of unwanted foam formation, helps with specific foam prevention.
Dytronic Primary Transfer Ultra Stable Standard
RD-22 Ultra
The RD-22 Dytronic Primary Transfer Ultra Stable Standard represents the state-of-the-art technology in a commercially available AC transfer reference. The Ultra Stable RD-22 is a variant of the RD-22 Primary Transfer Standard that has been optimized for 120/240 V @ 5A operation to provide optimum stability. In a stable test environment, repeatability for a 10-second test of ±0.6 µWh/VAh is attained at 120 V and 240 V at 5A inputs with a 95% confidence interval. A typical experimental 2 repeatability of less than ±0.25 µWh/VAh is achieved. In a stable test environment, a reproducibility of ±2 µWh/VAh over a five-day interval is attained at 120 V and 240 V at 5A inputs with 95% confidence interval.
Electron Probe Microanalyzer
JEOL commercialized the world's first FE-EPMA, the JXA-8500F in 2003. This highly regarded FE-EPMA has long been used in various fields, such as: metals, materials and geology in both industry and academia. The JXA-8530FPlus is a third-generation FE-EPMA that comes with enhanced analytical and imaging capabilities. The In-Lens Schottky field emission electron gun combined with new software provides higher throughput while maintaining high stability, thus allowing a wider range of EPMA applications to be achieved with higher resolution.
Electron Probe Microanalyzer
JEOL commercialized the world's first FE-EPMA, the JXA-8500F in 2003. This highly regarded FE-EPMA has long been used in various fields, such as: metals, materials and geology in both industry and academia. The JXA-8530FPlus is a third-generation FE-EPMA that comes with enhanced analytical and imaging capabilities. The In-Lens Schottky field emission electron gun combined with new software provides higher throughput while maintaining high stability, thus allowing a wider range of EPMA applications to be achieved with higher resolution.
Electron Sources
SPECS Surface Nano Analysis GmbH
To our customers in research and industry we offer a variety of sources for deposition, excitation and charge neutralization as well as analyzers and monochromators. Most of our sources originate from product lines which we have taken over from Leybold AG, Cologne, and from VSI GmbH. The X-ray monochromator Focus 500 and the UV monochromator TMM 302 are original developments by SPECS.Compliance with industry standards, a good price-performance ratio, stability, and longevity are the guidelines for our product development. We focus on standardized easy handling, user-friendliness, standardized software interfaces and safety.
Burleigh's® microscope platforms, micromanipulators, and accessories provide leading edge stability and control for electrophysiology research. The Gibraltar® platform supports microscopes from popular third-party manufacturers such as Olympus, Zeiss, Nikon, and Leica, and our manual and motorized micromanipulator assemblies offer excellent control for patch clamping experiments.
Erbium Doped Amplifier
Amonics CATY Rackmount EDFA area made with high power pump laser and stability pump combiners, robust in high power boosting. The result are EDFAs that possess high output power, high gain with very low noise, and are ideal for CATV applications. The turnkey microprocessor controlled rackmount EDFAs manage alarms and status indicators. An integrated RS232 or Ethernet computer interface enables easy control, diagnostic functions and data acquisition.