UNH IOL (University of New Hampshire InterOperability Laboratory)
State of the art test equipment.
Certification Programs
With the intention of creating confidence among customers and facilitating interoperability across multi-vendor networks, the UNH-IOL has partnered with several industry forums to create certification programs. Testing plays a large part in these certification programs, and the use of independent third-party test houses, like us, is key to their success. We do not certify devices, rather we supply unbiased information these certification programs need to accurately certify devices
The UNH-IOL is taking the lead on providing testing solutions for silicon vendors and Tier 1 automotive suppliers in an environment where connectivity is of growing importance to end users. Our testing helps customers ensure their products work seamlessly with other products in the marketplace.
The UNH-IOL is the industry's leader in testing broadband systems and equipment. Working closely with service providers, equipment manufacturers, and the Broadband Forum, we have spent the last 15 years developing extensive testing coverage for DSL, GPON, TR-069, and IPv6. Our broadband testing can help ensure your products and services meet your customers' expectations with the highest quality possible.
The UNH-IOL has been providing Ethernet testing services since its inception in 1988. We have a strong and wide-reaching industry reputation and participate in many industry organizations including the IEEE, the Ethernet Alliance, and the OpenAlliance. We were honored to receive the IEEE-SA Corporate Member of the year award in 2013 for "unwavering contributions to interoperability testing of IEEE standards".
High Performance Computing
We have a strong and wide-reaching industry reputation and participates in many industry organizations including the Open Fabrics Alliance (OFA), the Ethernet Alliance, and the InfiniBand Trade Association (IBTA).
Home Networking
We have a strong and wide-reaching industry reputation and participates in many industry organizations including the Broadband Forum, IEEE, IETF, and the IPv6 Forum.
Internet of Things
Working closely with service providers, equipment manufacturers, the IPv6 Forum and the LoRa Alliance, the UNH-IOL has developed extensive test beds to meet the demands of the growing industry. Our IoT testing can help ensure your products and services meet your customers' expectations with the highest quality possible.
IP Networking
We are the industry leader in IP Networking testing. We have a strong and wide-reaching industry reputation and participates in many industry organizations including the IETF, the IPv6 Forum, Open Networking Foundation and NetSecOPEN.
IPv6 Testing and Certification
Our IPv6 testing services prove interoperability and functionality for IPv6 networks. Our testing includes coverage for IPv6 Host and Router, CE Router, IPv6 Applications and Network Protection Products. We offer ISO/IEC 17025 accredited testing for both the USGv6 and IPv6 Ready Logo test programs. In addition, customers may license our custom test tool IOL INTACT® for pretesting and internal validation.
Mobile and Wireless
Our testing enables wireless interoperability between and within your devices. We keep your devices connected through interoperability testing for home and enterprise Wireless networks through our Wireless Testing Services. We ensure that devices work reliably by seamlessly connecting the components within your mobile devices through our MIPI Alliance testing efforts.
NVMe® Technologies
We have been a leader and expert in NVMe Testing Services for several years providing conformance and interoperability testing. In addition, we also host NVMe Plugfests where storage vendors from around the world come together to test against NVMe standards to qualify them for the NVMe Integrator's List. The NVMe Integrator's List currently consists of configurations that have proven to be interoperable and conformant to NVMe standards.
Open Networking
We are committed to the ever changing world of Data Communication and Storage Networks. As the industry moves forward into Open Networking, we are keeping pace. Working closely with various Open Network organizations such as the Open Compute Project (OCP) and the Open Platform for NFV (OPNFV), we are leveraging years of experience of effecting positive change in the industry and creating robust test programs to enable markets.
Storage Technologies
We engage with companies across the storage landscape, from flash memory chips used in mobile devices to massive cloud data centers. And here is how!
We have a strong and wide-reaching industry reputation and participates in many industry organizations including the IEEE 1588 Revision committee, IEEE 802.1 Working Group, IEEE PSRC C37.238 H24 Working Group, the AVnu Alliance, the Ethernet Alliance, the Open Networking Users Group (ONUG), the Open Compute Project and the Metro Ethernet Forum.
Time Sensitive Networks
Time Sensitive Network (TSN) standards enable deterministic real-time communication over Ethernet, allowing solutions to be built to provide extremely precise, predictable timing and control across the network. By adding features to Ethernet such as time synchronization, ingress policing, seamless redundancy, frame preemption, scheduled traffic, and stream reservation, TSN ensures data is not delayed by the network.