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measure the amplitude and phase characteristics of electric networks.
See Also: Vector Network Analyzers
Frequency Extension Calibration Kits
Farran’s FEK-xx-0001 calibration kit provides accurate calibration of the Vector Network Analyzer (VNA). It is compatible with TRL and SOLT calibration techniques and allows for a full 12-term port calibration.
Manufacturing Plug-in
Manufacturing Test Plug-in, supports incorporating VNA software into automated manufacturing process
MmW Probe Station
The EB-6V probe station is designed for all frequency extenders such as those from VDI, OML, R&S, Keysight, Anritsu. If you are using an Anritsu VNA VectorStar ME7838A4 model, or commonly Anritsu 3743A mmW Extenders and related sizes, the station of interest is the EB-6A.
Pelican Case for CMT Vector Network Analyzer
Pelican cases with custom foam inserts specifically designed for your VNA. This add-on option provides additional protection when traveling or shipping your equipment for calibration or other services.
Signal Integrity TDR and VNA Software
80SICON IConnect
IConnect software is the efficient, easy-to-use, and cost-effective solution for measurement-based performance evaluation of gigabit interconnect links and devices, including signal integrity analysis, impedance, S-parameter and eye diagram tests, and fault isolation.
Signal Integrity Test Products
*TDR, TDT and VNA measurements*2-Port Ultra-compact TDR units*For all types of high-speed bare boards & assembled digital devices*Totally integrated solution
Signal Integrity Test Products
*TDR, TDT and VNA measurements*2 – 24 Port Ultra-compact TDR units*For assembled and bare backplanes and line cards*Totally integrated solution
Signal Integrity Test Products
*TDR & TDT, Measurement Capabilities*Impedance, Skew, Backdrill measurements*Automated Optical Inspection*DC Electrical Test*Now available with 4 heads*24 port (1 port per channel) TDR/TDT unit*Future capabilities – Fully automated VNA test (4 port S-Parameter Measurement)
UFL Measurement
Many of the well known VNA manufacturors offer very expensive calibration kits and special phase-stable cables (which costs almost as much a MegiQ VNA) for measuring impedances. This is useful for some special scientific measurements, or when working in the higher GHz, but a setup with an uncooperative cable and a bulky (N) connector is not suited for measuring the small devices that we are developing.
Vector Network Analyzer
The R42XXE Vector Network Analyzers are designed for measuring of S-parameters, VSWR and impedance of waveguide networks in the full frequency ranges of standard waveguides between 33 and 170 GHz. Frequency accuracy is ±0.2%. The measurement range of reflection factor modulus is from 0 to 1. The measurement range of reflection factor phase is from 0 to ±180° for 0.1< |Гx|<1 with accuracy ±7.5 o in 18-75 GHz frequency range and ±9.6° in 75-170 GHz frequency range. The measurement range of transmission factor phase is from 0 to ±180 o with accuracy ±(5+0.1 |Ax|) o for Ax >-50 dB in frequency range to 75 GHz, for Ax >-30 dB - to 170 GHz. Data can be displayed in the rectangular, Smith or polar diagrams. VNA requires Personal Computer with USB interface.
Vector Network Analyzer Leasing Option
Companies in the United States can now lease a CMT VNA from Leasing Corporation of America. Leasing is a great choice for organizations that may not want to spend capital budget up front since lease payments are an operating expense. Choose from 2, 3, 4, and 5-year options. Pay as you use the VNA, with a fixed monthly payment and a 90-day deferred payment option. At the conclusion of the leasing period the equipment can be bought out for $1.00 plus a lease termination fee of $99.00.
Vector Network Analyzer Rack Mount Kit
C1220 Rack Mount Kit
This rack mount kit is for the Cobalt C1220. It includes track slides and handles for the full size USB VNA.
Vector Network Analyzers
Vector network analysis (VNA) is one of the most essential RF and microwave measurement approaches.
VNA Microwave/RF Cable Test Assemblies
VNA Microwave/RF Test Assemblies set the industry standard for vector network analyzers (VNAs) through 70 GHz. Constant and/or highly repetitive movement of cables can compromise the measurement precision of high-performance VNAs. Leading manufacturers choose GORE® VNA Microwave/RF Test Assemblies because of the improved performance they see in their equipment.
VNA Sandbox
We have created the VNA Sandbox as a way to get familiar with VNA measurements and their meaning on the screen.
VNA + Sandbox Kits
Order a complete kit with a VNA and a VNA-Sandbox for a special price to get started right out-of-the box. The VNA-Sandbox and its tutorial will show you how to measure and let you get start measure your applications in a short time.
Vector Network Analyzers
RF VNA to a Broadband VNA, from a Premium VNA with the highest performance and no compromises to a Value VNA that offers solid performance with suitable measurement speeds for an R&D environment. No matter what your application, Anritsu has your VNA needs covered. Choose with confidence from the pioneers in VNA measurements, introducing the Wiltron 310 Impedance Meter in 1965, and introducing the first broadband VNA, spanning 40 MHz to 65 GHz, in 1999. The first to cover a span from 40 kHz to 125 GHz from a single coaxial connector.
1-Port 14 GHz Analyzer
R140 Vector Network Analyzer (cable and antenna analyzer) delivers lab grade performance in a handheld device. This patented (US Patent 9,291,657) analyzer can be connected directly to the antenna or other DUT without the need for a test cable, eliminating measurement uncertainties inherent to cables. Resulting in highly dependable performance and calibration stability. The 1-port VNA comes with all the features engineers have come to expect included standard in our software.
1-Port 18 GHz Analyzer
R180 Vector Network Analyzer (cable and antenna analyzer) delivers lab grade performance in a handheld device. This patented (US Patent 9,291,657) analyzer can be connected directly to the antenna or other DUT without the need for a test cable, eliminating measurement uncertainties inherent to cables. Resulting in highly dependable performance and calibration stability. The 1-port VNA comes with all the features engineers have come to expect included standard in our software.
1-Port 6 GHz Analyzer
R60 Vector Network Analyzer (cable and antenna analyzer) delivers lab grade performance in a handheld device. This patented (US Patent 9,291,657) analyzer can be connected directly to the antenna or other DUT without the need for a test cable, eliminating measurement uncertainties inherent to cables. Resulting in highly dependable performance and calibration stability. The 1-Port VNA comes with all the features engineers have come to expect included standard in our software.
2-Port 44 GHz Analyzer
The S5243 is a 2-port 44 GHz Vector Network Analyzer is CMT’s highest frequency Compact VNA. It features excellent dynamic range and fast measurement speed in a compact package with the maximum standard software feature set.
2-port Vector Network Analyzer
The VNA-0440 is full bi-directional 2-port Vector Network Analyzer that is controlled from a PC through a USB connector. This VNA is ideal for measuring all kinds of micro-circuits like antennas, attenuators, amplifiers etc. Its frequency range includes most popular telecom bands like GSM-GPRS-LTE, Wifi, DECT, GPS, ISM, Zigbee, Bluetooth.
304/1 Vector Network Analyzer Rack Mount Kit
This rack mount kit is for the Planar 304/1. It includes track slides and handles for the full size USB VNA.
4GHz 2-port Vector Network Analyzer
The VNA-0440 is a full bi-directional 2-port Vector Network Analyzer that is controlled from a PC through a USB connection. It is the cheapest VNA in our VNA-04 series but provides all functionality for antenna development for the low ISM and Wifi bands.
67 GHz Test Cables
MegaPhase's industry-leading test cables have been optimized for consistent and repeatable performance through 67 GHz. These phase and amplitude stable test cables feature 1.85mm connectors, including connectors that mate directly with 1.85mm VNA ports.
6GHz SMA Calibration Kits
The CAL-SMA-6B Basic calibration kit provides the elements for performing Open–Short–Load and Through calibrations for one and two port VNA measurements.
6GHz SMA Calibration Kits
The CAL-SMA-6F Full calibration kit provides all elements for Male and Female Open-Short-Load and Through calibrations for one and two port VNA measurements.
804/1 Vector Network Analyzer Rack Mount Kit
This rack mount kit is for the Planar 804/1. It includes track slides and handles for the full size USB VNA.
Balanced and UFL Calibration Kit
The Balanced Calibration Kit is an interface kit for UFL and balanced VNA measurements. It contains SMA-UFL adapters and several adapters from SMA and UFL to balanced pinheaders. The UFL connector was introduced by Hirose as the U.FL connector and became very popular for connecting RF signals in consumer electronics. There are several varieties from other manufacturors and are also known as UMC or UMCC connectors.