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VERSAmodule Eurocard bus
Expansion Card
The PMC238 is a 6U form factor card that expands a single PMC site on a VMEbus processor board to two PMC sites and one PCMCIA/CardBus socket or to three PMC sites. Compatible with many VMEbus single board computers, it provides an extension of PCI and PCMCIA capacity within the VMEbus form factor. The PMC238 has the option for the PCMCIA/CardBus cards to be mounted outside the chassis using an 18-inch cable.
ME-4C ARINC-429 Controller VMEbus
The IIB-429-VME-4C provides 16 ARINC-429 compatible channels (8 receive and 8 transmit) at any rate between 12.5 and 100 kbps. Because the IIB-429-VME-4C is built upon a flexible platform, user functions can be implemented almostwithout restriction, making this product flexible and user-friendly.This VMEbus board has a 6U form factor.This VME unit is also available in a 3U form factor, as IIB-429-VME.
PMC/XMC Expansion Card
The EXP238 is a 6U VMEbus form factor expansion card offering three XMC/PMC expansion sites. When ordered as an option for the XVB603 VMEbus single board computer, the 3-slot solution greatly expands system flexibility.
Powered VXI Crates
VXI – (VME eXtension for Instrumentation): The demand for a compact, both flexible and fast industry-standard instrument-on-a-card architecture has driven the development of the VXI standard. The modular form factor, high bandwidth, and commercial success of the VMEbus made it particularly attractive as an instrumentation platform. The tremendous popularity of GPIB also made it attractive as a model for device communication and instrument control protocols.
Powered VXS Crates
VXS - "VME-bus switched serial" is the new ANSI / VITA 41 standard which combines the 32-bit parallel VME-bus with high speed switched serial interconnect fabrics in order to increase the data transfer bandwidth to several GB/s.
SCSI Fast/Wide Differential VMEbus P2 Paddle Card
Our SCSI Fast/Wide Differential VMEbus P2 Paddle Card (1870) use a 68-pin SCSI Fast/Wide connector to bring out multiple ports. Transition panels and paddle cards are intended to adapt the 68-pin connector to more traditional connectors used in applications.
SCSI Fast/Wide Single-Ended VMEbus P2 Paddle Card
Our SCSI Fast/Wide Single-Ended VMEbus P2 Paddle Card (2699) use a 68-pin SCSI Fast/Wide connector to bring out multiple ports. Transition panels and paddle cards are intended to adapt the 68-pin connector to more traditional connectors used in applications.
Special / Customer Spec. Crates
For CERN a special version of the VME64x 6021 crate series was developed to be used by the four LHC experiments, ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb. The sub-racks are all constructed to the IEEE1101.10 mechanical specifications as used for VME-bus and Compact PCI, for modules in both 6U and 9U form-factors.
VMEbus board
The IIB-429-VME-4C provides 16 ARINC-429 compatible channels (8 receive and 8 transmit) at any rate between 12.5 and 100 kbps. Because the IIB-429-VME-4C is built upon a flexible platform, user function can be implemented almost without restriction, making this product flexible and user-friendly. This VMEbus board has a 6U form factor. This VME unit is also available in a 3U form factor, as IIB-429-VME.
VMEbus Board
The IIB-429-VME provides 4 ARINC-429 compatible channels (2 receive and 2 transmit) at any rate between 12.5 and 100 kbps. Because the IIB-429-VME is built upon a flexible platform, user function can be implemented almost without restriction, making this product flexible and user-friendly. This VMEbus board has a 3U form factor. The IIB-429-VME is also available in a 6U form factor (IIB-429-VME-4C) with four times the functionality.
VMEbus Repeater Link
The VME-REPEAT-A-L is a two-board set which allows VMEbus slave I/O boards residing in one VMEbus chassis to be controlled by a VMEbus master residing in another chassis. The VMEbus chassis in which VMEbus masters reside is referred to as a master chassis, while the VMEbus slave boards reside in a slave chassis.
Analog I/O Board
The VME-3128A scans 16, 32, 48 or 64 channels, continually digitizes all of them and stores the results. Choose from 64 differential or single-ended inputs and program VMEbus interrupts and interval timer to meet the unique requirements of your mission.
VECTOR Electronics and Technology, Inc.
Vector offers a comprehensive range of VMEbus backplanes from 2 to 21 slots. VME J1/J2 and VME64x J1/J2/P0 backplanes per ANSI/VITA 1.1-1997. Monolithic 6U high VME64 and VME64x backplanes are fully RoHS compliant and perform to ANSI/VITA 1.7-2003 (R2009) increased current level for VME (96 pin) and VME64x (160 pin) DIN/IEC connectors.
Powered VME Crates
VME is a high speed and high performance bus system with powerful interrupt management and multiprocessor capability. It was created by combining VERSAbus electrical specifications (1979) with the Eurocard format resulting in the VMEbus Revision A - 1981 specification. The VMEbus specification has since then been refined through revisons B (1982), C, C.1, IEC 821 & IEC297 and IEEE 1014-1987.
VME Modules
VME is a high speed and high performance bus system with powerful interrupt management and multiprocessor capability. It was created by combining VERSA-bus electrical specifications (1979) with the Euro-card format resulting in the VME-bus Revision A - 1981 specification.
VME Power Supply
VME is a high speed and high performance bus system with powerful interrupt management and multiprocessor capability. It was created by combining VERSA-bus electrical specifications (1979) with the Euro card format resulting in the VME-bus Revision A - 1981 specification. The VME-bus specification has since then been refined through revisions B (1982), C, C.1, IEC 821 & IEC297 and IEEE 1014-1987. VME represents one of today's most used industry bus .
The RQVME2-1553 provides new levels of performance and flexibility for MIL-STD-1553A and B Notice II on the VMEbus. Available in commercial, industrial and conductively cooled versions with one, two or four dual-redundant channels, the RQVME2-1553 includes advanced API (Application Programming Interface) software that reduces application development time.
VME / VSB Module
The AD42M Data Acquisition Module provides high performance 14-bit digitizing of analog signals for VMEbus applications. The AD42M accepts 4 differential analog inputs via front panel miniature SMC connectors. The AD42M utilizes a signal processor to acquire and store data samples. The AD42M is able to direct the data samples to local static RAM or VSB.
16-Channel VME Analog Output/Thermocouple Simulator Module
The V470 is a 6U VME module that provides sixteen independent, isolated analog outputs that may be user-programmed to operate as voltage outputs or thermocouple simulators. Users may write temperature or voltage values at VMEbus speed, and the microprocessor will transparently do all necessary calculations and update the channel electronics.
16-Channel VME RTD/Resistance Input Module
The V410 is a 6U VME module that provides sixteen independent analog inputs that may be used to read RTDs, thermistors, and other similar resistive sensors. It can also read cryogenic diodes. Users may set input range and adjust other settings at VMEbus speed, and depending on the range selected the microprocessor will do the necessary calculations and output voltage, resistance, or temperature. Temperature conversion is available for 100Ω and 1000Ω, series 385 and 392, platinum RTDs.
4/8 Channel 10 bit 2/1 GS/s Digitizer
The V1751 comes in a VME form factor with 4/8 input channels (4 channels in case of DES mode*). The communication to and from the board is provided through the VMEBus and Optical Link interfaces.
16/8 Channel 14-bit 250 MS/s Digitizer
V1725 / V1725S
The V1725S family comes in a VME form factor, with 16/8 input channels. The communication to and from the board is provided through the VMEBus and Optical Link interfaces.
4/8 Channel 10 bit 2/1 GS/s Digitizer
The VX1751 comes in a VME64X form factor with 4/8 input channels (4 channels in case of DES mode*). The communication to and from the board is provided through the VMEBus and Optical Link interfaces.
2 Channel 10 bit 4GS/s Digitizer
The VX1761 comes in a VME64X form factor with 2 input channels. The communication to and from the board is provided through VMEBus and Optical Link interfaces.
16/8 Channel 14 bit 500 MS/s Digitizer
V1730 / V1730S
The V1730S comes in a VME form factor, with 16/8 input channels. The communication to and from the board is provided through the VMEBus and Optical Link interfaces.
Quadrature Incremental Decoder Interface for VMEbus
The VME323 is an Intelligent Quadrature Incremental Decoder VMEbus Board which can be configured for interfacing quadrature incremental encoders with or without an index channel. In index mode up to sixteen encoders with two quadrature channels and an index channel can be connected, and in non-index mode up to twentyfour encoders with two quadrature channels can be connected. The VME323 operates on two encoder input channels and decodes a pair of out-of phase signals in order to increment or decrement a counter.
M-Module Carrier for VMEbus (6U)
The i4000 is a 6U form factor M-module carrier for the VMEbus and forms the basis of a flexible I/O system. It offers the user a means of integrating a mix of M-modules in a VMEbus system. Four M-module mounting sockets are provided by this carrier.The interrupt controller on the i4000 has an interrupt vector register for each M-module interface.
64 Channel ADC for VMEbus
The VME392 features 64 self-contained ADC channels with a resolution of either 12 or 16-bit (see ordering information). This product is ideally suited for mass acquisition with high accuracy for reasonable cost. The 64 channels are grouped into four sections of 16 channels each. Each section behaves completely independent from the other sections.
VMEbus (Versa Module Europa bus) is a computer bus standard widely used for many applications and standardized by the IEC as ANSI/IEEE 1014-1987. First developed in 1981 and continues to see widespread use today.
M-Module Carrier for VMEbus (3U)
The i4001 is a 3U form factor M-module carrier for the VMEbus and forms the basics of a flexible I/O system. It offers the user a means of integrating M-modules in a VMEbus system. The i4001 has one M-module slot. M-module interrupts can be passed to the VMEbus. The i4001 supports vector-from-module and vector-from-baseboard, this means that interrupt vectors are provided by the the M-module or by the i4001.