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Dual Band Radiometer
The UVS-AB-T measures UV-A irradiance and UV-B irradiance.The dual band UVS-AB-T measures the irradiance in two spectral bands with a single sensor providing separate outputs for each band
Handheld UV Meter
The hand-held Hönle UV-Meter measures exact data that is traceable to the German standard PTB (Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt). Different sensors cover wavelengths from 230 nm to 550 nm – UVC, UVB, UVA and VIS.
Radiometer Spectral sensitivities precisely adapted to the measurement task
Compared to the spectral response of the UVS-E, the UVS-B-T has a sharper cut-off at the transition from UV-B to UV-A. This feature reduces the UV-A contribution to the radiometer output and permits the highest possible correlation to atmospheric UV-B irradiance.
UVB Logger Sensor
There are different wavelengths of ultra violet light. The UVB wavelength range is 280-320 nm, which is 2% of the total UV radiation. The UVB radiation affects the vitamin generation in the human body, the immune suppression, skin cancer and cataract. The intensity of this light is measured in mW/m2 (milliwatt per square meter).
Reptile Meters
Protect your reptiles with Solarmeter's digital UVB meter. Measure the decrease in your UVB lamp's output to ensure the proper environment for your pet.
UVB Meters
Compact, Handheld, and DurableSimple Single-Button OperationNIST Traceable AccuracyLCD Display
Sun Meters
Easy to operate, digital readout meters are used for Vitamin D3 conversion measurements from sunlight and for UVA + UVB ranges. Meters can ship today.
Radiometric Probe for Irradiance
Amplified radiometric probe for outdoor use for measuring IRRADIANCE in the UVB spectral range (peak at 305 nm).
UVB Irradiance Probe
Radiometric probe for measuring the IRRADIANCE in the UVB spectral range 280 nm…315 nm, peak at 305 nm, quartz diffuser for cosine correction.
Portable Luxmeter
Portable handheld luxmeter for measuring illuminance, luminance, PAR, irradiance (across VIS-NIR, UVA, UVB and UVC spectral regions or measurement of irradiance effective according to the UV action curve).
Photometric Radiometric Transmitters
HD2021T Series
The serie HD2021T allows to convert photometric and radiometric quantities, such as illuminance (Lux) and irradiance (W/m²) in the UVA, UVB, UVC spectral regions and in the 400 … 1050nm band, into a 0 …10Vdc voltage signal. The series is suitable to be installed either indoor and outdoor.
Radiometric Probe for UVB Irradiance
The LPUVB03BLAV probe measures global irradiance (W/m²) on a surface area (m²) in the UVB (280 nm…315 nm) spectral region. In particular, the spectral sensitivity is focused at 305 nm, with a bandwidth (FWHM) of 5 nm. The global irradiance is the result of the sum of direct solar irradiance and of diffused irradiance incident on a planar surface.
Irradiance Probe
The LPUVB01 probe measures irradiance (W/m2) defined as the ratio between the radiant flux (W) passing through a surface and the surface area (m2) in the UVB (280 nm …315 nm) spectral range.
SiC UV photodiodes
active areas from 0.06 mm² to 36 mm² and quadrant photodiodes for position determinationUV broadband sensitivity or with optional filters for UVA, UVB, UVC or UV indexdifferent entrance windows and housing designsown SiC chip production since 2009PTB-published high radiation hardnessPhotodiodes catalog
SiC-basierter UV-Sensor mit 0 – 5V SpannungsausgangIntensitäten von 1,8 pW/cm² bis 18 W/cm² messbarUV-Breitband-Empfindlichkeit oder mit Filtern wahlweise für UVA, UVB, UVC oder UV-IndexGaP-Chip-Serie für BlaulichtmessungSi-Chip-Serie zur Messung sichtbarer Strahlungverschiedene Eintrittsfensterlieferbar im TO5-Gehäuse oder als Miniatur-Mess-Sonde (Edelstahl oder Kunststoff)TOCON-Katalog