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- Pickering Interfaces Inc.
Serial AC Power Sequencer
Each power outlet can be programmed to switched on in sequence with a specific timing delay. The delay can be staggered to ensure that order dependent systems - like PXI - can be switched on and off in an orderly way with just one operation. A staggered start up also limits the inrush current associated with the powering up of equipment, including earth current inrush, placing less stress on cabling and leakage breakers. Power on or off instructions can be initiated from either the front panel switch or via the serial interface.
Digital Sequencers
The Analog Devices Super Sequencer ® portfolio offers a total power management platform for monitoring, measuring, sequencing, and margining a large number of voltages. Our comparators provide ±1% accurate monitoring of rails, while 12-bit ADCs offer voltage readback via a serial interface. Applications utilizing these devices benefit from sequencing that has been custom tailored to their needs by powerful state machine cores, as well as DAC banks to trim or margin regulators. Our digital sequencers include on-board EEPROM for storing devices parameters and for latching information for later analysis.
High Voltage Isolator for Logic Analyzers
The LX-08 series of high voltage logic analyzer adapters provides a safe isolated method of measuring high voltage control signals with a low voltage logic analyzer. All inbound signals are optically isolated and attenuated to a safe level for the delicate inputs typically found on logic analyzers. The inputs on the LX-08 are capable of withstanding voltages up to +/- 300V AC/DC, higher voltage configurations are available upon request. Rather than probing with multiple neon screwdrivers, the LX-08 can provide simultaneous viewing of up to 8 circuits in the STANDALONE mode via the indicator array. Need to catch a transient event or map out a timing sequence? Just add a logic analyzer to the outputs of the LX-08 and turn it into a high voltage logic analyzer. High voltage signals that were hazardous for a logic analyzer can now be measured safely. Typical outputs of a high speed PLC sequencer can be precisely timed and measured from both sides of the control relay. With the built in user selectable AC filter circuit, an AC signal can be measured as DC events or AC cycles.
Power Monitors
Analog Devices’ power monitoring amplifiers provide an integrated solution for digital current and voltage measurement via an on-chip, 12-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC), communicated through an I2C interface. Leveraging ADI’s precision analog design techniques, ADI’s products are twice as precise as competing devices, offering best-in-class accuracy (<±0.8%). The power monitors complete the industry’s only monitor and sequencer family to deliver <±1% accuracy for 2 to 12 supplies.
Power Sequencing
Renesas' power sequencing controllers are integrated 4-channel controlled-on/controlled-off power supply sequencers with supply monitoring, fault protection and a “sequence completed” signal.
Protein Sequencer
The PPSQ is an instrument for determining the amino acid sequences of proteins and peptides, which combines an Edman reaction section with a high performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC). There are 2 types: the PPSQ-51A, which is equipped with one reactor, and the PPSQ-53A, which is equipped with three reactors. On the PPSQ-53A, the continuous analysis of the amino acid sequences of multiple samples can be performed one after another. In the Edman reaction section, amino acids are cleaved in order from the N-terminal of a protein by repeatedly performing Edman degradation, and are derivatized. As a result, stable PTH-amino acids are produced. The PTH-amino acids are injected online into the HPLC, and analysis is performed. The HPLC data is saved on the PC, and data processing software is used to process the chromatograms. Then, amino acid sequence estimation software is used to identify the amino acids and estimate the sequences.
VME Controller With USB-2 Interface
The VM-USB is a VME master with high speed USB2 interface. Enhanced functionality is given by the programmable internal FPGA logic which provides a VME command sequencer with 4kB stack and 28kB data buffer. Combined with the 4 front panel I/O ports this allows VME operation and data acquisition / buffering without any PC or USB activity.
VME sequencer
PCI Express and Ethernet to VME interfaceThe SIS3104 is the successor to the SIS3100 board.
VME Sequencer
The SIS3100 was developed as the VME side of our PCI to VME interface. The module is however perfectly suited for other custom applications like a histogramming multiscaler for LIDAR or a generic DSP controlled VME histogrammer .
VME Sequencer PCI Express to VME Interface
The SIS3104-2 is the Artix-7 based successor to the SIS3104 board. It is backward compatible to the SIS3100/SIS3104 standard models and can be used as a drop in replacement. With two Gigabit/s link firmware transfer rates in excess of 160 MByte/s are possible im combination with the SIS1100-e2 single lane PCI Express card.
Point on Wave Synchronous Test Sequencer
The Portable Point on Wave Synchronous Test Sequencer is India’s only system that helps in time synchronizing the control signals during short circuit tests performed on medium and high voltage switchgear and control gear.
6000 Series Digital I/O Modules
Series 6000 digital I/O modules record signals from frequency counters, flow meters, encoders, discrete transducers, IRIG time, etc. which are often part of the test environment. These digital signals are time aligned and recorded alongside the system’s analog measurements. High density digital inputs provide an opportunity to easily include facility controls like switches, valve positions, relays, lights, etc. along with the test data. Series 6000 digital I/O modules also provide outputs generated by user command or automatically by Sequence, Alarms or DSP. User generated outputs are accomplished in software while sequencers can be programmed prior to a test and initiated by program or hardware control. Alarm conditions preprogrammed on the analog side can automatically generate digital outputs which are typically connected to facility control systems or PLCs. A DSP adds powerful real-time processing and is appropriate for PID control loops, derived parameter calculations and a variety of other real-time operations.
CAMAC-to-FERA Bridge
The WIENER CFB is an intelligent, programmable, re-configurable CAMAC-to-FERA bridge with sequencer that allows one to interface both, common and custom-made CAMAC modules to FERA-readout-based data acquisition systems.
Pneumatic and electro-pneumatic controllers
Pneumatic-mechanical sequencer and command module. Stepper. Control block for two-hand start. Local controllers
Insulation/Withstand Testers/Hipot Testers
Supports remote control For automatic multipoint testing of insulation / withstand voltage Use with the 3153''''s program or with general-purpose logic sequencers
ICT Software: Interactive Developmetn Encironment ICT ICE & ICT Sequencer
ICT IDE and Sequencer
The ICT software consists of two parts, the interactive development environment ICT IDE and the ICT sequencer. The IDE provides a graphical user interface for convenient creation and testing of these test sequences and allows:- Convenient management of hardware resources via topology editor- Support of several independent embedded testers for parallel test execution- Editing sequences in a text or table editor- Error highlighting during sequencing- Sequence execution (also single step) directly on a selected DUT- Debugging (single step)- Loop execution via sequences, or single steps- Optimization function with regard to waiting time and integration with Shmoo plot- detailed results output within tables as well as various results diagrams- Pin-Finder function to support adapter wiring- Automatic test program generation is available via Aster Testway
Analog Sequencers
Analog sequencers from Analog Devices integrate accurate comparators with the control functionality of power-on and power-down sequencing for voltage regulator banks. The comparators monitor the regulator voltage outputs and trigger the turn on of next rail in the system after a preconfigured time delay. Some members of this portfolio can be cascaded together, which provides scalable solutions to expand functionality across multiple devices. Our analog sequencers provide an easy to use solution for power sequencing challenges in cellular infrastructure, telecommunication, data communication, and data center applications.
Rad Hard Power Sequencing
Renesas' radiation hardened quad power supply sequencers are designed to drive point-of load (POL) regulators that power high performance FPGAs and complex, multi-rail power systems.
Series 5800 Conditioning & Transient Recording System I/O Modules
Data acquired by the 5800 is digitized and recorded in non-volatile, solid-state memory. It records calibration, pre-trigger and post-trigger data. In a typical test scenario recording of pre-trigger data is initiated by a TTL input, program instruction, or automatic sequencer. A TTL input or on-board discriminator triggers post trigger data recording.
Arbitrary Waveform Function Generator PXI Card
The GX1110 is a high performance, single-channel PXI arbitrary waveform generator that offers function generator and arbitrary waveform generator functionality within one instrument. Built-in waveforms are available for use with both the DDS or AWG modes of operation and include Sine, Triangle, Ramp, Noise, Gaussian pulse and Sinx / x. A flexible sequencer is also available as part of the AWG's architecture, supporting the generation of complex waveforms.
68-Channel Portable Logic Analyzer
68 channels, 350 MHz state, 12.5 GHz timing zoom, 2.5 GHz timing, 2 Mb depth standard15-inch (38.1 cm) color, touch-screen display for viewing and quickly navigating large numbers of signals and buses Built-in removable SSD drive, USB 3.0 ports and LAN for fast data transfer and storage of large amounts of data1.4 GHz trigger sequencer to ensure high-speed events are captured
136-Channel Portable Logic Analyzer
136 channels, 350 MHz state, 12.5 GHz timing zoom, 2.5 GHz timing, 2 Mb depth standard15-inch (38.1 cm) color, touch-screen display for viewing and quickly navigating large numbers of signals and busesBuilt-in removable SSD drive, USB 3.0 ports and LAN for fast data transfer and storage of large amounts of data1.4 GHz trigger sequencer to ensure high-speed events are captured
102-Channel Portable Logic Analyzer
102 channels, 350 MHz state, 12.5 GHz timing zoom, 2.5 GHz timing, 2 Mb depth standard15-inch (38.1 cm) color, touch-screen display for viewing and quickly navigating large numbers of signals and buses Built-in removable SSD drive, USB 3.0 ports and LAN for fast data transfer and storage of large amounts of data1.4 GHz trigger sequencer to ensure high-speed events are captured
34-Channel Portable Logic Analyzer
34 channels, 350 MHz state, 12.5 GHz timing zoom, 2.5 GHz timing, 2 Mb depth standard15-inch (38.1 cm) color, touch-screen display for viewing and quickly navigating large numbers of signals and buses Built-in removable SSD drive, USB 3.0 ports and LAN for fast data transfer and storage of large amounts of data1.4 GHz trigger sequencer to ensure high-speed events are captured
LXinstruments has many years’ experience in using both the TestStand test sequencer by National Instruments and TestExec SL by Keysight Technologies.The use of test sequencers for functional testing is crucial in order to increase productivity during the implementation and maintenance of the test software. Test sequencers make it possible to decouple the actual product-specific test sequences from infrastructure components like e. g. user interface, data storage, process interfaces and driver libraries. This ensures easy reusability of the implemented software components.
Aircraft Escape Systems
The Emergency Interseat Sequencing System (EISS) was designed an qualified for the F-15K Fighter and has since been installed in the F-15SG and F-15SA configurations of the F-15. The system consists of Thermal Batteries with Initiators, a Digital Interseat Sequencer, Mode Selector, and customer provided cabling Electro-Explosive Devices (EEDs). The system is operated from either thermal battery and aircraft 28Vdc for redundancy. A separate field Test Set (EESSTS) performs both complete system continuity tests and an operational test of the total system installed in the aircraft. The sequencer is programmable and could be used in any escape system.Based on the initiation point, Forward or Aft Seat Handle, Internal or External Canopy Jettison Handles, and the Mode Selector setting, the Sequencer provides firing pulses to the EEDs to support canopy removal, ejection seat inertial reel activation(s) and ejection seat catapult firing(s). Sensing capabilities are provided to determine system state, canopy gone, seat gone, so as to provide the optimum escape timing.
Product Support Equipment
The TTU/515E or O/I Level Test Set was developed to provide a full end-to-end test of the NACES and FAST electronic sequencers used on the NACES ejection seat. The O/ITS provides simulated inputs and measures the timing of initiator firing sequencer outputs. The O/ITS, via a serial channel in the test connector, performs discrete element diagnostics on all the sequencer's redundant electronics and verifies its full functionality.