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- Applied Rigaku Technologies, Inc
Low cost EDXRF Elemental Analyzer
Applied Rigaku Technologies, Inc
As a premium low-cost benchtop EDXRF elemental analyzer, the Rigaku NEX QC+ QuantEZ delivers wide elemental coverage with easy-to-learn Windows®-based QuantEZ software. Non-destructively analyze from sodium (Na) through uranium (U) in almost any matrix, from solids and alloys to powders, liquids, and slurries. The 50 kV X-ray tube and Peltier cooled silicon drift detector (SDD) deliver exceptional short-term repeatability and long-term reproducibility with excellent element peak resolution. This high voltage capability, along with multiple automated X-ray tube filters, provides a wide range of XRF applications’ versatility and low limits-of-detection (LOD).
L Series
The L Series is the most versatile instrument that Bowman offers. It combines all of the features of the P Series with a larger sample chamber and greater X-Y stage travel. For samples larger than ~12 inches (300 mm) in any direction, the L Series is a must-have. The large sample stage and travel allows for both large parts, or large sample fixtures holding multiple parts, to be measured. The chamber is fully enclosed and boasts a capacity to hold samples up to 22″ (550mm) x 24″ (600mm) x 13″ (330mm) (LxWxH). The X-Y stage travel distance is 10″x10″ (254mm x 254mm). The standard configuration includes a 4-position multiple collimator assembly, and a variable focus camera allowing for measurement in recessed areas. As with other models, the collimator sizes and focal distances are customizable for different customer applications. The programmable X-Y stage is included, but can be removed to allow for the maximum sample height capacity (10″ (254mm) z-height with stage, 13″ (300mm) without). The solid-state PIN detector is included along with our long-life micro-focus x-ray tube. The high performance SDD detector is an optional upgrade.
FAST SDD and C2 Window
EDS (SEM) Applications
Amptek is pleased to offer our improved line of silicon drift detectors (SDDs) for energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) use within scanning electron microscopes (SEMs). Using our proprietary Patented “C-Series” silicon nitride (Si3N4) X-ray windows, the low-energy response of our FAST SDD® extends down to beryllium (Be). The FAST SDD® with its high intrinsic efficiency is ideal for EDS, which is also known as energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX or XEDS) and energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDXA) or energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis (EDXMA).
Portable EDXRF Analyzer
ElvaX Mobile
ElvaX Mobile is a portable EDXRF analyzer for testing all kinds of materials. Sampling tray as in a benchtop instrument allows for convenient placement of x-cells. High resolution SDD detector and the absence of collimators ensure high count rate, which is crucial for quick detection of trace elements.
Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) Platform
Octane Elect EDS System
The Octane Elect EDS System is an enhanced Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) platform with the latest advancements in Silicon Drift Detector (SDD) technology and high speed electronics. Tailored for users who demand higher performance and functionality than the options available in entry-level systems, the Octane Elect EDS System provides excellent resolution and high throughput at an optimal value with a remarkable low energy sensitivity for light element detection and low voltage (kV) microanalysis.
Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) Detector Technology
The Element SDD is a solutions based detector, which excels at basic analysis. Focused primarily on serving the needs of the industrial market segment, it provides application specific software and analysis that can quickly provide answers in the industrial environment.
Bias Boards
The CUBE Bias Boards are a set of off-the-shelf biasing boards developed to speed-up the integration process of the CUBE CMOS preamplifier family of XGLab. These boards allow to bias both the detector (SDD as standard, other detector upon request) and the CUBE preamplifier.