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Pyranometer Verified Cosine Response
CMP 21
The CMP 21 pyranometer is designed for measuring the irradiance (radiant flux, Watt/m) on a plane surface, which results from the direct solar radiation and from the diffuse radiation incident from the hemisphere above.
RGB Laser Illuminance, Luminance & Optical Power Meters
Accurately evaluate the white balance of displays that use lasers by measuring centroid wavelength and optical power, which are key characteristics in the evaluation of laser light sources. Designed to adjust and inspect RGB lasers. Meters measure radiant illumination, centroid wavelength, illuminance, luminance, chromaticity, Radiant flux (optical power) and luminous flux.
Integrating Spheres
Instrument Systems Optische Messtechnik GmbH
Determination of radiant power or luminous flux from light sources with the aid of integrating spheres is one of the most important procedures in photometry. Designed as a hollow sphere whose inner surface is coated with a diffusely reflecting material, the integrating sphere ensures complete integration and mixing of light radiation. This is then output on a detector port for measurement.
Optical Meters
The Gamma Scientific range of light meters includes handheld and benchtop models. Configuration options include a wide range of sensors and calibrations in units including: Luminous Flux (lumens) or Radiant Flux (Watts), Illuminance (lux, foot-candle) or Irradiance (W/cm2 ), Luminous Intensity (candela) or Radiant Intensity (W/sr), Luminance (cd/m2 , foot-Lambert) or Radiance (W/m2 sr), or Pulse Energy (Joules). Cooled sensors and reference standard detectors are also available.
Lamp-Based Calibration Light Sources
Lamp-based calibration light sources from Gamma Scientific are used for optical calibration of light measurement instruments including spectroradiometers, photometers and radiometers. All of our calibration light sources meet rigid quality standards for use in the most challenging testing environments. A wide range of light sources is available to serve as precision standards of radiant flux and white-light standards of spectral irradiance or luminance.
LED Tester0.3m-2m Integrating Sphere
Shenzhen Chuangxin Instruments Co., Ltd.
Measure Luminous Flux, Luminous efficacy, radiant power, Spectral Power Distribution, Chromaticity Coordinate, Correlated Color Temperature, Peak Wavelength, Dominant Wavelength, Spectral Half Width, Color Rendering Index, Colorimetric Purity, red ratio, Standard deviation of color matching(SDCM), voltage, current, power, power factor, harmonics, and etc. It meets the requirements of CIE standards.
DMD Illuminators
Innovations in Optics' UV LED illuminators are ideal for TI’s larger DLP chipsets. LumiDL™ and Lumi3D™ optical design provides highly uniform flux density over large areas. Radiant flux is confined to 12° acceptance half-angle and DLP active area.
General Purpose Integrating Spheres
General Purpose Integrating Sphere Systems are designed to spatially integrate radiant flux in order to measure optical radiation. The spheres can be coupled with a sensor to create radiometers, photometers, or spectroradiometers in order to measure the total geometric flux emanating from a light source or the flux density of an illuminated area. Additionally, these sphere systems can be used to measure the output of high power lasers and laser diodes or to measure the reflectance and transmittance of materials.
Integrating Spheres - Luminous Flux Measurement For LEDs And Lamps
Konica Minolta Sensing Americas, Inc
One of the most important tests in light measurement is the assessment of the total radiant power or luminous flux of light sources using integrating spheres. An integrating sphere’s inside surface is coated with a diffusely reflecting material which guarantees complete integration and homogenization of the emitted radiation. The integrated light is then measured at the detector port.
Integrating Spheres For UV
Konica Minolta Sensing Americas, Inc
Instrument Systems offers complete measurement solutions for UV-A, -B and -C radiation starting from 200 nm. The operation of the well-proven Instrument Systems spectroradiometers, e.g. CAS series, with integrating spheres made from PTFE facilitate high sensitivity measurements of UV radiant flux.
Radiometric Probe for UVA Irradiance
The LPUVA03 probe measures irradiance (W/m²) defined as the ratio between the radiant flux (W) passing through a surface and the surface area (m²) in the UVA (315 nm…400 nm) spectral range. Thanks to a new type of photodiode, LPUVA03 is blind to visible and infrared light.
Irradiance Probe
The LPUVC01 probe measures irradiance (W/m2) defined as the ratio between the radiant flux (W) passing through a surface and the surface area (m2) in the UVC (200 nm…280 nm) spectral range.
Irradiance Probe
The LPUVA01 probe measures irradiance (W/m2) defined as the ratio between the radiant flux (W) passing through a surface and the surface area (m2) in the UVA (315 nm … 400 nm) spectral range.
Irradiance Probe
The LPUVB01 probe measures irradiance (W/m2) defined as the ratio between the radiant flux (W) passing through a surface and the surface area (m2) in the UVB (280 nm …315 nm) spectral range.
Integrating Sphere Systems
An optical device for various purposes such as. measuring the radiant flux (optical power) from a laser diode, light-emitting diode (LED) or bulb.
Radiometric Detectors
Radiometric detectors are built by using selected, stability tested high-grade Si-photovoltaic cells. They are all equipped with individually produced and matched color glass filters. They are available in different sizes for irradiance and radiant flux measurement, both in temperature stabilized laboratory and general purpose form.