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Test for noise, surges, power failures, impulses, and other parameters which cause poor quality power.
See Also: Power Quality Analyzers
Handyscope TP450-50XM-W5
The Handyscope TP450 is a power quality analyzer, connected via USB to the computer. The advanced measurement software delivered by default contains Quick Setups that allow to start mains power logging measurements without specialized instrument knowledge. With the 450 V input range, the Handyscope TP450 can be plugged directly in a (110 - 230 V) wall socket to measure the mains voltage. No additional attenuator is required. Logging mains voltage can be done at a high rate of 250 thousand measurements per second, with a resolution of 16 bit, which is equal to a 5½ digit voltmeter. The Handyscope TP450 is an accurate voltmeter, but one that performs 5000 measurements on each cycle of the mains voltage, while a standard voltmeter performs 3 measurements per second. Even with the very high measurement rate of the Handyscope TP450, the mains voltage can be measured continuously for weeks, and afterwards each period of the mains voltage can be analyzed thoroughly. Using this fast continuous measuring method, no voltage peak or dip is missed, even if it lasts just a msec. The maximum measuring duration of the mains voltage is only limited by the available hard disk space. Measuring one week takes approximately 0.69 GB disk space. During a measurement, also RMS value and frequency are logged. It is possible to measure various properties, like e.g. Minimum, Maximum, Peak to peak, Mean, Variance, Standard deviation.
Portable Quadrupole Analyser
The Hiden pQA portable gas analyser is a versatile mass spectrometer and offered with a range of interchangeable sampling inlets to suit a broad application range. MIMS inlets are offered for analysis of dissolved species in ground water, sediments, fermentation cultures, soil samples, and general applications where analysis of dissolved species in liquid sample is required.
Power Quality Analyzer
The PS4550 is a true hand-held three-phase power quality analyzer with the features and accessories to achieve success in your power monitoring study. Its ergonomic contoured case, rugged construction, and small size make it ideal for field work. In addition, being part of the PowerSight “Start-To-Finish Monitoring Solution”, it has unique features and accessories that you will not find elsewhere.
Portable Power Analyzers
Portable network analyzers are essential for conducting energy audits as well as for reviewing the quality of the power supplied and the consumption in electrical installations. They provide for real-time recording and monitoring of electrical parameters, anywhere in an electrical installation, for the conduct of energy improvement studies, as well as for the detection of problems related to the quality of supply and consumption.
Multifunctional Meter
Chuan Sheng Electronics Co., Ltd.
CPM-80 multifunction power analyzer provide high accuracy single phase and three-phase energy measuring and displaying, energy accumulating, power quality analysis, data logging and data communication. CPM-80 series meters are able to measure bidirectional, four quadrants kWh and kVarh. It provides maximum/minimum records for power usage and power demand parameters. Hardware standard built in a RS485 Modbus communication port , 4 Digital inputs, 2 Relay outputs, LCM and 2MB flash for data-logging. In addition , also provide TOU , voltage and current THD, harmonics up to the 63rd and auto wiring change via software .
Multifunctional Meter
Chuan Sheng Electronics Co., Ltd.
CPM-70 multifunction power analyzer provide high accuracy single phase and three-phase energy measuring and displaying, energy accumulating, power quality analysis, data logging and data communication.CPM-70 series meters are able to measure bidirectional, four quadrants kWh and kVarh.It provides maximum/minimum records for power usage and power demand parameters. Hardware standard built in a RS485 Modbus communication port , 4 Digital inputs, 2 Relay outputs, LCM and 2 MB flash for data-logging.
High Performance Power Analyzer
Chuan Sheng Electronics Co., Ltd.
AFM-8A has Developed for AFC*(Auto Frequency Control) high performance measurement and frequency update, its update up quickeer than 100mSec. multifunction power analyzer provides high-accuracy measurement and is designed for single phase and three phase application. It includes 4 Digital inputs, 4 Relay outputs, and a RS-485 Modbus RTU Communication port. The user can choose one more communication port, and 2 Analog outputs for output expansion.It provides measure voltage and current of the 2~63 harmonic, and it shows CO2 emissions, which is suitable for power monitoring, management and analyze power quality. It has TOU (time-of-use) function and 4MB Flash memory capacity, allowing users to record data for a long time. It also has a software line adjustment function to reduce the on-site line adjustment work.It has the functions of waveform capture and recording, power record, and event record, which can be used for multifunction power analyzer.
Advanced Power Quality Analyzers
PM174-175 Series
SATEC offers various products to fit the special needs of each market.
Power Quality Analyzer
Power Quality Analyzer Sonel PQM-707 is an autonomous meter allowing for versatile measurement, analysis, and registration of energy networks parameters DC and 50/60Hz, including the quality of electric energy in accordance with the European standard EN 50160 and the Regulation of the Minister of Economy on detailed conditions of the electro-energetic system functioning. All parameters are measured in the S class of the IEC 61000-4-30 STANDARD guaranteeing high accuracy of measurements.
Power Analyzers
At PCE Instruments you will find a power quality analyzer to measure the power in W, kWh or to analyze and measure harmonics. This power analyzer is a multi-function power analyzer device that measure precisely direct current, alternating current, AC-voltage, DC-voltage the intensity of DC or AC, phase rotation and idle, apparent and effective power. The reading of AC power is considered the real value and has a maximum range of 6000 Watts. While a reading is being taken, the polarity changes automatically, if negative values are taken then a minus sign will appear on the device display.Nowadays, power quality analyzers have many features such as, insulated current input, measurement of harmonics, AC and DC current measurement, AC and DC voltage measurement, frequency measurement, phase rotation measurement and idle, apparent and effective power measurement. All this data can also be logged and analyzed with the delivered PC-Software. Power analyzers of the type PCE PA 6000 can determine the energy in single-phase systems.Power quality analyzers of type PCE-GPA 62 allow the energy measurement in symmetrically loaded three-phase systems. Power analyzers of type PCE-PA 8000, PCE-360 and PCE-830 support professional power and energy measurements in single and three-phase systems.Apart from being used as energy-measuring devices, power analyzers like the PCE-830 can also be used for network analysis and the determination of harmonics and phase rotation. On our website you will find other power analyzers used in the field of electronics.
Advanced Power Quality Analyzer
The PM174 answers the needs of a wide range of users within the ANSI Market: substation operators, electrical energy system integrators, generator users, industrial and commercial energy consumers. This analyzer covers the entire range of applications demanding high performance power quality monitoring and root cause analysis.
Three Phase Electrical Power Calibrator
The Fluke Calibration 6003A Three Phase Electrical Power Calibrator is the most cost-effective way to get the superior accuracy and performance of three independent phases in one instrument. It is an ideal solution for calibration laboratories, electronics manufacturers, electric utility meter shops, and other organizations that manufacture and maintain energy meters, power quality analyzers, and similar tools.
Siloxane Analyzer
VA-5000 (Siloxane)
VA-5000 Series Siloxane Analyzer continuously measures siloxane concentration in gases with high sensitivity. It is tunable according to the type of cyclic siloxane to be measured. It is also available to measure carbon dioxide and methane at the same time as siloxane. The system can be used for siloxane durability testing of contact parts such as relays and motors, impurity monitoring and fuel quality control in biogas power generation facilities, and many other needs.
Power Analyzers - Meters - Loggers
Full line of power and power quality analyzers, loggers and meters including for extending measurement ranges. The wide range of applications include electrical monitoring, harmonic detection & analysis, utility testing, energy management, power factor analysis and correction, power demand and consumption, kW measurement, industrial power systems, and commercial maintenance.
NanoVIP® TWO PLUS™ is a modern, compact and powerful portable Power Quality analyzer for professional use; it can be used on single-phase, two-phase, three-phase balanced networks, low and medium voltage as well as on chillers and pumping system to monitor all performance parameters.In addition to its electrical channels, it has 4 sensor channels to read whichever type of transducer: 4..20mA, 0..1V or PT to monitor and store data of whichever system.Thanks to the MRH™ hardware onboard, it can be connected to a QUADRA measuring network as a DGP device.A long lasting battery and the huge logging capability of data (over 1 year) are distinguishing characteristics that make it an absolute reliable and unique professional tool.
Online Coal Analyzer
Online Coal Analyzer is installed over the conveyor belt and provides continuous real-time data of coal parameters, such as calorific value, total ash, moisture and others without sampling. The solution is widely used in coal power plants, coal mines and coal terminals to maximize the use of coal resources or control the quality of produced material.
Battery Analyzers
BA6010 Series
The BA6010 Series battery analyzers measure voltage and resistance of modern battery technologies with high accuracy, resolution, and speed. Additionally, these instruments provide auxiliary measurement parameters inductance, capacitance, dissipation factor, impedance, quality factor, reactance, and phase angle in degrees and radians. The BA6010 Series is suitable for characterizing battery chemistries that are responsive to a 1 kHz AC stimulus signal including lead acid, lithium and alkaline type batteries used in consumer products, electric vehicles, power backup, security, and fire alarm systems.
Complete Power Quality Analysis System
PK4564 complete Power Quality Analysis System includes PS4550 Power Quality Analyzer with extended memory, AC charger, Quick-Start manual, deluxe voltage leads, four eFX6000 flexible current probes, SD memory card, CAS3 hard-shell carrying case, PSM-A Software, and 1-year deluxe warranty.
Portable Spectrum Analyzer
LPT-3000 Portable Spectrum AnalyzerThe LP Technologies LPT-3000 Spectrum Analyzer is a fully synthesized RF Spectrum Analyzer featuring simple user controls which allow the novice or the seasoned expert to use the LPT-3000 right out of box. The LPT3000 provides you with a powerful RF test and measurement tool for CDMA and WCDMA RF systems, broadcast RF systems, EMI/EMC. The features include 6.4 color display, centronics printer, internal memory, USB host, built in CDMA measurement (ACP, Channel Power and Occupied bandwidth). The LPT 3000 Spectrum Analyzer gives educational institutions, mobile and communication system manufactures and RF product service centers a quality RF test instrument at an unbelievably affordable price.
Power Quality Analyzers
*It can be powered from the L phase.*It is intended for use in virtually all types of networks from 64 V to 760 V directly, with special consideration for measurements on low-voltage poles, due to its ease of connection.*It has an independent power supply and is therefore particularly suitable for measurements outside of voltage transformers. It can also be adapted for measurements on DC voltage systems.*Real-time remote configuration and data transfer (GPRS) using a built-in GSM modem
Wave Quality Analyzer
This equipment is a power quality analyzer according to the European standard EN 50160. The Amperis APQM-707 is a high-tech product that allows universal measurement of the parameters of 50/60 Hz electrical networks, as well as the analysis and recording of these parameters.
Power Quality
Rishabh Instruments Pvt. Ltd.,
A compact state of art Power Quality Analyzer designed for utilities, as well as for industrial & commercial customers. It can continuously monitor power quality in accordance with EN50160, also the built in flexibility allows the user to set customized setting.
Torque Analyzers & Sensors
If torque tools slip out of calibration, that could impact the quality of your products. Having an accurate way to regularly test calibration onsite is a great way to reduce risk and ensure safety. With Mountz torque analyzers and sensors, you can test tools before they go into service every day. This prevents employees from working with miscalibrated tools and enhances quality management. It’s also more efficient to use your own torque testing equipment since you can evaluate your tools without sending them to a laboratory. Whether you want stand-alone sensors for hand and power torque tools or run down adapters that simulate actual joint conditions, Mountz has many options to choose from.
Dial Torque Analyzer
Dial Analyzer is designed for hand tools, like torque screwdrivers and torque wrenches. This tool is not suitable for power tools. Ideal for checking torque tools on production floor daily or weekly to ensure the tools aren't falling out of calibration, or can be used in cailbration lab. Using a quality torque tester makes a safer world through accuracy and precision. Measuring torque is essential for companies to ensure their product’s quality, safety and reliability isn’t compromised. The failure of a three-cent fastener that isn’t properly tightened can lead to catastrophic or latent failures.
Power Quality Analyzer
PQM-711 power quality analyzer is an advanced product for wide type of measurements, analysis and recording of network parameters 50/60 Hz and the power quality diagnostic according to European standard EN 50160. PQM-711 is an innovative model with a wireless communication Wi-Fi , which allows for automatic pairing with the included tablet, with a large 10" touch screen. Tablet allows full operating of the analyzer, live data preview and the reading and analysis of data stored in the internal memory. With this solution, the PQM-711 is an unique device that combines the advantages of the analyzer with built-in display and typical portable analyzers (known as Black Boxes).With the tablet you can very fast checked the device under test. On the other hand, you can leave the analyzer module for multi-measurements as a typical logger without display. You can very fast diagnose the machine under test using the tablet. On the other hand, you can leave the analyzer module itself for many days measurement as a typical logger without display. PQM-711 has a transient registration with a maximum sampling rate of 10 MHz (rapid changes in voltage) and control signals. The minimum duration of the registered transient is 650 ns.
Power Quality Analyzer
PQM-710 power quality analyzer is an advanced product for wide type of measurements, analysis and recording of network parameters 50/60 Hz and the power quality diagnostic according to European standard EN. PQM-710 is an innovative model with a wireless communication Wi-Fi , which allows for automatic pairing with the included tablet, with a large 10" touch screen. Tablet allows full operating of the analyzer, live data preview and the reading and analysis of data stored in the internal memory. With this solution, the PQM-710 is an unique device that combines the advantages of the analyzer with built-in display and typical portable analyzers (known as Black Boxes).With the tablet you can very fast checked the device under test. On the other hand, you can leave the analyzer module for multi-measurements as a typical logger without display. You can very fast diagnose the machine under test using the tablet. On the other hand, you can leave the analyzer module itself for many days measurement as a typical logger without display.
Lubricant Oil Analyzer
Xi'an Tianhou Filter Technology Co., Ltd
oil quality analyzer is an upgrade version.Due to install a large screen monitor to realize operating promot English characters of each function,convenient to read various data.It is installed a micro printer and uses a high-precision A/D conversion circuit,so that the analyzer repeatability is better.When the power of battery is low,the buzzer will alarm automatically and prompt.The analyzer has a dual function of DC and AC,in no man operation condition will shut down automatically;when AC power work can charge.The analyzer has exquisite appearance,easy to operate,suitable for on-site and field operations.
Power Quality Analyzer
The PQPro™ is a portable 8 channel (4 voltage and 4 current) power quality analyzer that can stream high resolution waveform and RMS data to high capacity removable SD memory cards. Sampling rate can be adjusted from 64 samples per cycle to 1024 samples per cycle. The PQPro™ is in a rugged weatherproof enclosure that can be left recording in all kinds of environments - from the top of a utility pole to the bottom of an underground mine shaft!
Test & Measurement
NIF (Dutch Instrument Factory, later Nieaf-Smitt) started in 1900 as one of the first organizations in the world with the design and production of instruments for electrical values. The portfolio of test tools, digital multimeters, current clamps, device testers, installation testers and power analyzers is characterized by quality and reliability.
Power Analyzers
Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Scientech offers wide range of high-performance power analyzers including quality power loggers and more at the best price in India. The power analyzer is a multi-function power analyser device that measure precisely direct current, alternating current, AC-voltage, DC-voltage the intensity of DC or AC, phase rotation and idle, apparent and effective power.
Power Quality Analyzer
*power to the analyzer is supplied from tested mains (internal power supply) and is used in all types of networks from 64 V to 760 V, with particular emphasis on measurements at low voltage poles, due to the ease of connection,*has an independent power supply socket, especially suited for voltage measurements for transformers and DC circuits,built-in real-time clock.