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Produce oscillating signals repeating at a constant rate controlled by a resonator.
- Frequency Devices Inc.
a circuit that produces an alternating output current of a certain frequency determined by the characteristics of the circuit components
CEP Stable Lasers And CEP Phase Stabilization
Carrier envelope phase stabilization (CEP) is an enabling technology for metrology and for the generation of few cycle pulses. As one of the pioneers in the field we have developed products that allow to stabilize the carrier envelope phase of light pulses of few cycle pulse oscillators and amplifiers.
Clock Oscillators
A crystal clock oscillator (sometimes referred to as a 'Standard Packaged Crystal Oscillator' or SPXO) is a 'plug and play' quartz crystal. It combines a quartz crystal resonator with an oscillator circuit in a single package to provide a fully functioning stand-alone oscillator circuit.
Digital and Analog Communications
1. Design and implementation of RF oscillators and filters. 2. Design and implementation of analog AM and FM modulation and demodulation. 3. Design and implementation of digital and analog converter. 4. Design and implementation of ASK and FSK modulation and demodulation. 5. Design and implementation of PSK and QPSK modulation and demodulation.
Femtosecond Fluorescence Up-Conversion Spectrometer
Femtosecond optical gating (FOG) methods give best temporal resolution in light induced fluorescence lifetime measurements. Since 1997 we manufacture model FOG100-DX for operation with femtosecond oscillators and we offer now FOG100-DA for operation with femtosecond amplified pulses.
Frequency Counter (225MHz - 18GHz)
S43180 series high-precision frequency counter is a high-precision frequency measurement instrument. It has a frequency measurement resolution of 10 bits per second. The whole machine scheme adopts countdown technology and digital interpolation technology to realize the high-precision measurement of the instrument. It has measurement functions such as frequency, period, frequency ratio and powerful mathematical statistics operations (maximum value, minimum value, average value, PPM, standard deviation, Allan variance).S43180 series has reliable performance, complete functions, high measurement accuracy, wide frequency measurement range, high sensitivity, large dynamic range, high cost performance and easy to use. It is especially suitable for frequency measurement in scientific research and measurement fields such as aerospace, crystal oscillators, and components.
Frequency Generation & Monitoring
Timetech reference generators, phase comparators, and synchronized oscillators.
Frequency Sources
PMI offers a full line of Digitally Controlled Oscillators (DTOs), Dielectric Resonator Oscillators (DROs), Voltage Controlled Oscillators (VCOs) and Frequency Synthesizers covering various frequencies in the 50 MHz to 40 GHz range. All models are designed to withstand stringent military ground or airborne environments. These models use the latest internal digital calibration techniques such that frequency drift over the operating temperature range is minimal. All units offer fast switching speeds and stable frequency outputs with low phase noise. If you do not see exactly what you need, please e-mail your requirement to so we can propose an instant solution.
Harmonic Generators
Our harmonic Generators include Doubler, Tripler, and Quadrupler for doubling, tripling, and quadrupling laser frequency in the wavelength range 680-1300nm. The second harmonic, third harmonic, and fourth harmonic generation up-convert the laser frequency to a wavelength range 190-650nm. These harmonic generators greatly expanded the application of wavelength range for femtosecond and picosecond lasers available for both amplifiers and oscillators.
High-Reliability Voltage Controlled Oscillators
16 Models with Frequency Bands ranging from 10 MHz to 4350 MHz. 0.5" Hermetically Sealed Surface Mount Package. 50 Ohm Internal Matching. Designed to meet MIL-STD-883 and MIL-STD-202 Test Conditions. Wide Voltage Tuning Range from 0.5V to 20V. Phase Noise as low as -120 dBc/Hz @ 10 KHz offset. 2nd Harmonics as low as -25 dBc. RoHS and REACH Compliant. All models are EAR99. These products are used in military electronics, SATCOM, test and measurement and wireless communications.
High-Speed Oscillators
Renesas' laser diode driver product portfolio includes a push-pull oscillator used to reduce laser noise.
Opto-Electronic Oscillators (OEOs) produce spectrally-pure microwave and mm-wave signals using an opto-electronic feedback loop. The versatile scheme allows utilization of optical components for low loss and small size. It is also inherently less sensitive to vibration and acceleration and provides the same low-spectral purity at all RF frequencies (microwave to mm).
Mechanical Replacement Oscillator
MRO Series 3.05” x 2.02” x 1.62”
*Connectorized Package *Replaces Oscillators in Microwave Radios *Serially-Programmable *Manually Fine-Tuned *High Stability, <±1ppm (-10°C to +70°C) *Non-Volatile Memory
One-box Femtosecond Ti:sapphire Lasers
The TISSA is a series of mode-locked Ti: sapphire oscillators integrated with a pump laser.
Optical Parametric Oscillators
Our optical parametric oscillators are the most advanced in the industry, with leading technology plus a range of options to suit every system and customer need.
A TCXO is a emperature compensated crystal oscillator. The basic building block for a TCXO is a VCXO with approximately 50 ppm deviation range and a temperature sensitive network. This temperature sensitive network (temperature compensation circuit) applies a voltage to the varactor diode that corrects the frequency of the VCXO at any temperature within the operating temperature range.
The OCXO is an oscillator which is temperature controlled (ovenized crystal controlled oscillator). This type of oscillator has a temperature controlling circuit to maintain the crystal and key components at a constant temperature. OCXO''s are typically used when temperature stabilities on the order of 1 x 10-8 or better are required. While this type of oscillator has a tenfold improvement over a TCXO for temperature stability, the OCXO tends to be higher in price and consumes more power.
Dependent on the frequency range Kuhne electronic has Oscillator solutions available which are either working with PLL-Stabilization or which are Quartz based.
CG series
The CG series is a resister tunable sine-wave oscillator which can be set the oscillation frequency with externally connected resistors.
Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillators
Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillators (OCXOs) deliver the ultimate piezo electric performance with stabilities down to less than ±1ppb. An OCXO offers frequency stabilities even tighter than those offered by a TCXO.
Phase Locked Oscillators
Phase-Locked Oscillator with an external Reference Oscillator. Desirable Output Frequencies: 50 MHz, 100 MHz, 500 MHz, 1000 MHz, 2000 MHz, 4000 MHz, 6000 MHz. Exceptional Phase Noise Performance @ 10 KHz offset: -105 dBc/Hz Typical.
Resistance & Capacitance Box
RCS Series
The RCS-box combines the features and specifications of both the R-box and the C-box in one convenient package. Ideal for setting timers, oscillators, and filters, the resistance and capacitance may be used independently, in series, or in parallel. A shorting link allows them to be coupled or separated.
RF & Microwave Crystal Oscillators
A Crystal Oscillator is an oscillator which uses the resonance property of a quartz crystal to create an electric signal at a particular frequency. Compare Crystal Oscillators from the leading manufacturers on everything RF. Select a type and then use the parametric search tool to narrow down on a list of products from multiple manufacturers. Compare products, Download datasheets and get quotations.
RF/MicrowavePrototyping Boards and Housings
MicroAmp2 is a new series of RF/microwave prototyping boards and housings that allow for rapid construction of custom circuits in a fraction of the time and cost of traditional solutions. With the MicroAmp2 series of MB boards, a designer can quickly build amplifiers, filters, passive networks, multipliers, prescalers, log detectors, oscillators, and opamps using many popular components. A growing line of MB circuit boards are available to fit many of the industry-standard components, which can be easily assembled and mounted into shielded RF housings to create fully functional modules. Select parts from popular manufacturers such as Analog Devices, Avago, CEL, M/A-COM, Mini Circuits, RFMD, Triquint, and others.
Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillators
Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillators (TCXO) deliver excellent temperature characteristics combined with low power consumption and fast warmup. Voltage Controlled Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillators (VCTCXO) combine the same excellent temperature characteristics, low power consumption and fast warmup with a voltage control function to allow precise tuning of the output frequency after PCB assembly and later, to compensate for any effects of aging as well as offering the ability to pull back to nominal frequency where there is a change of circuit conditions
Up & Down Converter/RF Suite
DNA is one of the most effective phase noise and frequency stability analysers on the market. It is based on a unique digital architecture that reduces thermal noise and obtains top performance in terms of near phase noise, with a limit set by a user reference clock. DNA also includes in-built oscillators for advanced autonomous operation.
voltage controlled crystal oscillator
A VCXO (Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator) is a crystal oscillator the output frequency of which is controlled by adding an external control voltage via a frequency control input on a variable capacitance component such as a varactor diode connected in parallel to a load capacitance (CL). Epson VCXOs are divided into two types according to Voltage-Frequency (V-F) characteristic slopes depending on the AFC (Automatic Frequency Control) input configuration of the VCXO. One is a VCXO with a positive V-F slope and the other is a VCXO with a negative V-F slope. Please note that the input voltage of a control circuit will vary according to the individual type, as shown in Figs. 3 and 4. Epson's VCXOs are capable of either, depending on the customer's preference. Epson's VCXOs have been increasingly used for broader applications such as slave oscillators in phased-lock loops, or frequency modulators. Among the above types, a VCXO combined with a TCXO is called a VC-TCXO , respectively. These components have the merit of delicately controlling their output frequency electrically.
Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillators
Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillators (VCXOs) are used for fine adjustment of the operating frequency and are normally used in conjunction with a phase locked loop.
Voltage Controlled Oscillators
Mercury Systems’ VCOs (Voltage Controlled Oscillators) offer predictable consistency, rugged design and reliable performance. Our VCO products will meet your application’s most demanding stability and low phase noise requirements; featuring wide tuning bandwidth up to an octave. With custom designs and space qualified versions, trust Mercury to provide the VCOs for your next design.
Voltage Controlled Oscillators
World's widest selectionWideband up to full octaveLinear tuning
Wideband VCOs
Analog Devices wideband voltage controlled oscillators (VCOs) offer excellent output power and phase noise performance over temperature thanks to their monolithic construction. Our portfolio combines ultrasmall size, low phase noise, low power consumption, and a wide tuning range into one RoHS compliant SMT package.