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Compact, Portable Fluorescence Microscope
*Very compact fluorescence microscope*Detects organisms expressing GFP or other fluorophores*Perfect for sample triage, education and outreach
Insect Rearing Rooms
Standard walk-in incubators or coolers used in the rearing of drosophila and other biological organisms often end up being problematic for a number of reasons. The acids inherent in the rearing of many specimens or their food can quickly corrode a standard refrigeration evaporator. High humidity exacerbates the issue, as droplets of concentrated acid will collect on the cooling components.
Light Sheet Microscopes
Life science research can place high demands on your imaging capabilities: Sometimes you need to image whole living model organisms, tissues and cells as they develop. Or you may want to observe subcellular dynamics in living samples over hours and even days. Light sheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM) with its unique illumination principle is ideal for fast and gentle imaging of such specimens.
Relative Humidity Logger Sensor
This sensor measures relative humidity. It can find use in recording variations with weather conditions and the relative humidity effect on organisms such as seedlings and insects. It is located in a plastic box with exposure of the sensor being through a hole in the side.
Automated Live Fish Measuring System
The system for measuring and identifying aquatic organisms is designed to measure the linear dimensions and volume of live fish on a conveyor. The conveyor speed can reach 2.5 m / s, that is, up to 5 fish can pass through the installation in one second.The measurement of the thickness and volume of fish is carried out using a specialized camera Sick Ranger D40, which works on the principle of laser triangulation.The camera operation is synchronized with the conveyor movement using the Sick DGS-60 encoder.The industrial color camera Basler Scout scA1300-32gc is used for measuring the linear dimensions of fish (length and width), as well as highlighting characteristic features of different types (color of scales and fins) and possible defects.
Application Specific LC Systems
Co-Sense Series
The Co-Sense series features automatic sample processing systems intended to improve the efficiency of LC-MS operations by automating complicated sample processing steps. This eliminates the need for tedious, time-consuming, and expensive manual processes. It also achieves parameter settings for separating target components by HPLC can be set freely without being encumbered by LC-MS limitations. The Co-Sense series is especially well suited to the structural analysis of impurities in pharmaceuticals. It is also advantageous for LCMS measurement in the life sciences or chemical industry fields, such as to research metabolites in biological organisms or to analyze the side reaction in chemical synthesis.
Ambient Measurement
A measurement of the concentration of a substance or pollutant within the immediate environs of an organism; taken to relate it to the amount of possible exposure.
Your Automated Microscope For Live Cell Imaging
ZEISS Celldiscoverer 7
Combine the ease of use of an automated microscope with the image quality and flexibility of a research microscope. Whether working with 2D or 3D cell cultures, tissue or small model organisms, you will acquire better data in shorter times with this automated live cell imaging platform. Add LSM 900 with Airyscan 2 to gently image dynamic processes with highest framerates in superresolution.
Dissolved Oxygen
Dissolved oxygen (DO) is one of the most important indicators of water quality. It is essential for the survival of fish and other aquatic organisms and is used in hydroponics as well. When dissolved oxygen becomes too low, fish and other aquatic organisms cannot survive. Sper Scientific dissolved oxygen meters are made to accommodate the user with rugged, portable meters for use out in the field. All of our DO meters offer fast and accurate DO response times in wastewater, surface water and aquaculture applications. Three basic styles of DO meters are available for varying applications: Pens, Portable Meters, and Multi-parameter meters.
Underwater Quantum/PAR Sensors
Photosynthetic radiation is essential for the growth of the photosynthetic organisms such as corals. The wavelength range from 400 to 700 nm is PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation) or PPFD (Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density). Apogee quantum/PAR sensors are calibrated to measure the number of photons of light across this range.