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Chromatic Dispersion Emulator
The ClearSpectrum™-CDE is a chromatic dispersion emulator suited for test and measurement. This 1U half 19-inch rack-mountable module is designed to emulate tens of thousands of picoseconds per nanometer in a compact unit while maintaining very low insertion loss. It is a passive, ready-to-use emulator which can be cascaded several times to achieve higher levels of dispersion.
Companion Tool to VS for Test Time & Pin reduction
UltraScan is SynTest's solution to combat increase in test time. In 130 nm or smaller ? nanometer geometries, many defects become delay defects and it becomes necessary to use delay tests to detect the transition faults and path delay faults. Often bridging tests are also required.
High Resolution Wafer Thickness & Thickness Variation Gauge
MX 10x series
The MX10x series measure thickness and thickness variation on silicon wafers. It has a resolution of 10 nanometers and can be adapted to different thickness ranges within a few seconds.
Laser Diode Source Product Family
5 nanometers tuning range• 10 picometer setpoint accuracy• 0.1 picometer resolution• 20mW output power• 0.005 dB power stability• Built-in coherence control• Integrated function generator• USB remote interface• Application program with source code
Laser Scanning Microscope
The LEXT OLS4100 is a Laser Scanning Microscope to perform non-contact 3D observations and measurements of surface features at 10 nanometer resolutions. It also features a fast image acquisition and a high-resolution image over a wider area.
Nanopositioning Stage & Controller
Physik Instrumente GmbH & Co. KG
PInano® XY and XYZ low-profile piezo scanning stages are optimized for easy integration into high-resolution microscopes. They feature a very low profile of 20 mm (0.8") and a large aperture designed to hold Petri dishes and standard slide holders. The long travel ranges of up to 200 x 200 x 200 µm with nanometer closed-loop resolution are ideal for leading-edge microscopy and imaging applications. PInano® series piezo positioning stages are available in two versions: A) Highest Stability, Linearity and Precision with capacitive feedback sensors. B) High Precision with lower cost piezoresistive sensor feedback. Both types provide very high sensitivity and responsiveness as well as nanometer resolution. A proprietary servo controller significantly improves the motion linearity of the piezoresitive version compared to conventional piezoresistive sensor controllers.
Particle & Molecular Size/Charge Analyzers
Zetasizer Range
Instruments in the Zetasizer range are used to measure particle and molecular size from less than a nanometer to several microns using dynamic light scattering; zeta potential and electrophoretic mobility using electrophoretic light scattering; and molecular weight using static light scattering. The Zetasizer system is available in a range of variants, including the new Zetasizer Pro and Ultra. These two new systems offer unprecedented ease-of-use and flexibility, along with empowering user guidance and novel measurement techniques such as MADLS® and Particle Concentration.
Position/Displacement Systems
Kaman Fuzing & Precision Products
* 1, 2 and 3 channel configurations* Nanometer to sub-nanometer resolution* Easy, cost-effective performance customization* CE and RoHS compliant* Small package size* Thirteen standard sensor options
Surface Analysis
Shimadzu offers a range of instruments that are ideal for all sample forms handled by customers in the fields of steel, non-ferrous metals, environment, foods, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, semiconductors, ceramics, and polymers. EPMA/SEM offers analysis of targets from several centimeters to several microns; XPS offers analysis from several millimeters to several microns; and SPM permits observations from over a hundred microns to several nanometers.
40mA Multi-Channel Amplifier
For the precise nanometer movement of actuators and other piezo products, an amplifier is required. Multi-channel amplifiers allow you to control multiple actuators or piezo products with a single amplifier. The NV40/3 piezo amplifier was designed for controlling low voltage piezo elements. It includes a voltage amplifier, a display and a PC-interface. The high-resolution display shows the voltage of the actuator, along with the mode of operation and the temperature inside the amplifier.
3D Form Measurement
Ensure that components function and can be fitted correctly with efficient form monitoring. ISRA’s 3D form measurement systems capture component geometries down to the nanometer level while ensuring the shortest cycle times.
Submicron Particle Imaging
FlowCam Nano
FlowCam Nano is the next-generation dynamic image analysis instrument for submicron particle imaging and sizing in real-time. FlowCam Nano extends subvisible particle analysis to detect objects between 300 nanometers and 2 micrometers - the smallest visible with light microscopy.
Surface Analysis
A UHV surface analysis system for thin film depth profilingMeasures the surface composition of the first few nanometers and/or micrometers depth of solid samples.
Precise 3D Profilometry
Using the NanoFocus µscan technology, you can measure up to 100 times faster than with conventional probe systems. Various µscan sensors are available for the different application areas. The optical profilometers of the µscan series are suitable for the fast scanning of surface profiles with precision in the low nanometer range.
EV Profiler Kit V2
Harness the power of single-molecule localization microscopy to characterize EVs across scales. Quantify nanometer small, rare, and precious EV samples with super-resolution precision. ONI’s EV Profiler helps you focus on answering the right questions about your EV populations.
Particle Size Analyzers
Particle systems can be complex, but measuring them doesn’t have to be! Anton Paar offers two different technologies to characterize particles from the nanometer to the millimeter range. The Litesizer series employs light-scattering technology to determine not only particle size, but also zeta potential, transmittance, molecular mass, and the refractive index of nano- and microparticles in liquid dispersions. The PSA series uses laser diffraction technology to measure the size of particles in both liquid dispersions and dry powders in the micro and millimeter range. Side by side they open up a wide range of possibilities for comprehensive particle characterization.
Instrumented Indentation Tester
With Anton Paar’s versatile indentation testers you can precisely determine the mechanical properties of thin films, coatings, or substrates such as hardness and elastic modulus. The instruments handle almost any type of material, whether soft, hard, brittle, or ductile. You can also conduct creep, fatigue, and stress-strain studies on surfaces in the nanometer range.
Surface Measurement Instrumentts
Analyze surfaces texture with nanometer precision is already a technological challenge, but TR Scan Premium is able to perform this task with unprecedented speed! The TR Scan Premium is used in workshops and laboratories worldwide. It is completely designed and manufactured in Switzerland by TRIMOS. The TR Scan is focusing on Digital Holographic Imaging Technology. Accuracy, speed, ease of use and modular construction make it ideal for all types of surface measurements.
Capacitive Position Sensor for Nanopositioning
MicroSense Mini
The MicroSense Mini is a compact, high resolution linear displacement sensor designed specifically for providing servo system feedback, especially for OEM applications.The MicroSense Mini is a precision linear position sensor which delivers nanometer level resolution over measurement ranges up to a millimeter.
AFM for Large Samples
The unparalleled small footprint of the NaniteAFM scan head and its highprecision/quick lock mounting system make it the ideal atomic force microscopefor integration into automated industrial environments. With a resolution below one nanometer, the NaniteAFM is capable of detecting and visualizing even the smallest surface structures.
Precision Capacitive Position Sensor
Break the nanometer resolution barrier -- achieve picometer resolution with our highest resolution position sensorPrecision Position Sensor for Non Contact Displacement Measurement - Model 6810MicroSense introduces our new Model 6810 high resolution capacitive position sensor. The 6810, in combination with 6000 series probes, is a non-contact displacement measurement system intended to provide exceptionally high resolution, low noise measurements.
Surface Form Analysis System
Tropel® FlatMaster®
Tropel® FlatMaster® Surface Form Analysis System Fast and Precise Measurements of Ground, Lapped, Honed, Polished and Super-finished Components. The Tropel® FlatMaster® offers industry leading performance for surface form measurements to precision component manufacturers. Our non-contact optical technique analyzes the entire surface of the part in seconds, regardless of its size or complexity. The FlatMaster provides five nanometer resolution and a standard accuracy of 50 nm (2.0 μ). It rapidly and accurately measures flatness, line profile, radius and other surface parameters on a variety of materials and surface finishes.
UV Light Sensor
The UV Light Sensor measures ambient ultraviolet intensity in the 200 to 370 nanometer range, within the solar ultraviolet UVA, UVB, and UVC light spectrum. The sensor has a built-in amplifier with adjustable levels. The UV Light Sensor may be used outdoors in a variety of applications including datalogging and closed-loop control, such as for activating watering or greenhouse vents.
High Sensitivity Dark Field Surface Inspection
High throughput• Nanometer scale sensitivity• Autofocus• Full haze characterization• Multisize capability• Pits / Particle distinction• High lifetime / low CoO solid state laser• Advanced Automatic Defect Classification
Surface Charge and Zeta Potential
Surface analysis is a vital method for qualifying new materials in technical and biological applications. Surface charge analysis empowers users to closely monitor the surface chemistry from small particles in the nanometer range up to large wafers. Gain insights into modifications resulting from surface treatment and surface interactions with natural environments under near-ambient conditions. Get a competitive edge in optimizing existing products and developing new ones using the Anton Paar instruments which offer zeta potential measurement for a wide range of applications.
hpower High Power Amplifiers
For hpower high-power actuators, high-power amplifiers are required. Together these hpower actuators and amplifier systems deliver exceptionally fast response times, superior dynamics, high force generation, and nanometer precision.
CMAS Analyzers and Field Monitors
Backed by at least one of the 8 corrosion sensor patents wholly owned by Corr Instruments, our nanoCorr analyzers and field monitors are widely used for online and real-time localized and general corrosion monitoring. These ultra-high precision instruments measure extremely low currents in the pico-ampere levels, which can be translated into a corrosion rate as low as a few nanometers per year, in some applications (PDF). Our analyzers and monitors are based on the patented coupled multielectrode array sensor (CMAS) technology which measures the flow of electrons from corroding electrodes to one or more cathodes.
Direct Drive Motors And Motion Systems
HEIDENHAIN offers the largest direct drive motor range on the market via ETEL. Solutions range from high-end motion systems with nanometer precision to industrial applications requiring high torque. And like HEIDENHAIN, ETEL builds its linear and torque motors, along with motion systems, on a foundation of superior knowledge and technical expertise, disruptive technology and tireless quality control. Customers reap the benefit: the most cutting-edge, reliable and precise motion control solutions available.
Nanoindentation Testing in the Micrometer RangeFISCHERSCOPE
Nanoindentation for professionals. Reliable hardness measuring instrument for determining properties such as indentation hardness and the depth-dependent elastic indenter modulus – and all of that in the nanometer range.
Plant growth and reproduction are driven by photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), defined as wavelengths between 400 and 700 nanometers. This interval is often separated into three distinct “color” bands for plant research. Modifying the intensity of red, blue, green wavelengths, along with additional near-UV (380-400 nm) and far-red (700-780 nm) bands, can influence a variety of plant characteristics, such as growth rate, chemical composition, and more.