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Grid array with switches at each circuit crossing connecting multiple inputs to multiple outputs.
See Also: Matrix, Switch Matrix
- Pickering Interfaces Inc.
PXI 12-Slot BRIC Matrix, 85x32 1-Pole (17 sub-cards)
The 40-562B-321-85X32 is a high density BRIC12 matrix module with a size of 85x32 with 1-pole switching. It is part of a range of BRIC matrices available in 2, 4, 8 or 12-slot formats to suit high performance PXI matrix requirements and is constructed using instrumentation quality reed relays.
Comprehensive GCxGC System
Shimadzu’s Comprehensive GC-MS (GCxGC-MS) System is suited for a variety of applications, including analysis of complex matrices such as a natural products that are hard analyze by conventional GC or GC-MS, and grouping analysis based on two-dimensional chromatograph patterns.
Computer Controlled, Solid-State RF Switch Matrices
PMI offers a full product line of RF Switch Matrices that operate over the 20MHz to 40GHz frequency range. Three standard models are offered that cover this frequency range, namely 20MHz to 3.0GHz, 2.0GHz to 18.0GHz, and 18.0GHz to 40.0GHz. Any of the three models can be supplied as either a 4 X 4, 8 X 8, 16 X 16, or 32 X 32 non-blocking matrix.
Group Switching Matrices and Multiplexers (Analog & Digital)
GX Series
Cytec GX Series is used to build Group or Gang switches from 2 to 2000 wires. A variety of different modules can be custom configured to switch virtually any type of signal and can be wired out to any type of connector.Group Multiplexers switch any one of several groups of input signals to a single output group, or a single input group to multiple output groups.
ICP OES spectrometer (ICP AES)
SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH
ICP OES spectrometer (ICP AES) for the rapid analysis of elements in a variety of matrices including aqueous, semi-conductor, petrochemical, soil, metallurgical and slurries
Opto-Engineering Lenses
To effectively use the capabilities of the selected camera, it is necessary to choose the appropriate lens in terms of size and resolution. In addition to classical optics, we offer telecentric and special solutions for compact cameras with C / CS-mount and devices with large matrices: F-mount, M42 and others.
RF Switch Matrix
Switch Matrices are offered in Blocking, Non-Blocking, and Super Non-Blocking configurations in mechanical housing packages of 1U-10U. Completely customizable control (USB, 10/100 Base-T) and expandable in blocks of 8 by 8 and 64 by 64 in a single unit, multiple units up to 256 by 256.
Switch Matrices
Mercury System’s family of rugged, custom-designed switch matrices are available in rigid PCB construction, module-based packages, or rack-mount solutions. Each switch matrix is a highly integrated, SWaP-optimized assembly consisting of an assortment of switches, filters, amplifiers, attenuators, limiters, and drivers. The result is high speed channel selection, high isolation, high linearity, and low insertion loss.
Switch Matrices
Our standard line of switch matrices includes automated control via our command customizable controller. Interface options include USB, LAN, IEEE-488, and many other options that can customize our standard switch to meet your needs. ur existing designs cover a wide array of topologies, frequencies up to 70Ghz. and power levels from milliwatts through kilowatts.
Switch Matrices
Configurable, high performance, non-blocking RF switching matrix units from HF to SHF
Thermogravimetric Moisture
LECO's thermogravimetric moisture determinator, the TGM800, provides a high precision, automated solution, which utilizes a direct method for replacing the slow labor intensive, traditional loss-on-drying analytical techniques. The TGM800 offers a number of time-saving features such as the ability to automatically measure up to 16 samples at a time with optional drying time end point recognition, and intuitive touch-screen software with flexible method settings. The TGM800 is applicable to a wide variety of sample matrices including food, feeds, milled products, and agricultural materials, making it a versatile solution for many laboratories.
The RECON-XT is the ultimate value, entry-level system for the DJI Matrice 300. A strong fit for smaller scan areas and teams on a budget. The RECON-XT is designed to grow and adapt with your business.
Water Treatment Plant Analyzer
Aqualog® is the only instrument to simultaneously measure both absorbance spectra and fluorescence Excitation-Emission Matrices. EEMs are acquired up to a 100 times faster than with other instruments. Dedicated software automates traceable Quinine Sulfate Unit calibration and correction of inner-filter effects and Rayleigh and Raman scattering lines, enabling rapid export to modeling algorithms like PARAFAC.
Water Treatment Plant Analyzer
Aqualog® is the only instrument to simultaneously measure both absorbance spectra and fluorescence Excitation-Emission Matrices. EEMs are acquired up to a 100 times faster than with other instruments. Dedicated software automates traceable Quinine Sulfate Unit calibration and correction of inner-filter effects and Rayleigh and Raman scattering lines, enabling rapid export to modeling algorithms like PARAFAC.
Affordable ICP-OES Spectrometer
Ultima Expert LT
HORIBA Scientific develops and manufactures high performance ICP-OES spectrometers for more than 35 years.• The new Ultima Expert LT provides high performance at affordable price for laboratories with challenging samples.• Ultima Expert LT integrates high efficiency Jobin Yvon optical design capable to achieve optimal performance for a large variety of sample types and matrices.• Ultima Expert LT is driven by the powerful Analyst software featuring a large variety of analytical functionalities for tailored control and analysis.• The robustness of the Ultima Expert LT makes it ideal for applications common to mining, chemicals manufacture, salt production, wear metals in oil analysis, petrochemical and metallurgical production• Gain in performance with the Ultima Expert LT for your most challenging applications!
Magnetic Resonance Equipment
SpecFIT HR60
Low-field Magnetic Resonance Equipment (DT-NMR) with easy-to-operate software for analysis in soil matrices.
Automated Soxhlet Extractor
Soxtec™ 8000
The Soxtec 8000 extraction unit is a fully automated system for fast and safe extraction of soluble matter from a wide range of matrices. It performs the four extraction steps boiling, rinsing, solvent recovery and auto-shut down, fully unattended. Just load, start and walk away. The Soxtec 8000 is specially designed to ensure the highest possible throughput and safety.Parameters: Crude fat, Total fat and Extractable matterSample types: Fat in food and feed. Extractable matter in textile, paper pulp, plastics, rubber etc. PCB and PAH in soil and sludge (the Soxtec is a preparatory step to GC-MS).
Digestion Systems
Tecator line
FOSS Tecator line Digestion systems are based on a digestion unit and a tube rack, allowing fully automated digestion for convenient, safe and flexible Kjeldahl analysis. Two way PC communication supports traceability and GLP. These versatile digestion systems are capable of handling eight, twenty or forty tubes in volumes of 100 ml, 250 ml or 400 ml dependent on chosen configuration. Parameters: Kjeldahl digestions, Chemical Oxygen Demand & other reflux chemistries, Trace metal analysis by AAS or ICP instruments. Sample types: Raw materials and finished products in Food, Feed, Agriculture and related matrices, Water & Wastewater and a wide range of industrial compounds.
SwRI Software
Genetic Programming Environment for FIFTH (GPE5™)
Introduced in 2007 by Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), the Genetic Programming Environment for FIFTH (GPE5) incorporates several important features that set it apart from other GP systems. GPE5 programs are evolved using a stack-based language (FIFTH) whose syntax and interpreter is similar to FORTH. The single parameter stack for FIFTH holds containers that support multiple data types with intrinsic handling of vectors and matrices. Other stack-based GP languages use separate stacks for each data type with no provision for manipulating a vector as an object.
Presentation Systems
Video presentation matrices and switchers for multiple signals with range extension, video processing/scaling, control, and advanced audio capabilities.
Switchers & Matrices
Multi-format switchers and matrices for simple switching of multiple audio, video, and control sources to single (switcher) or multiple (matrix) destinations.
Empowering Traditional Mass Spec
The ZipChip™ separations platform uses integrated microfluidic technology to prepare, separate and electrospray biological samples directly into traditional mass spectrometers (MS). In less than 3 minutes per sample, the cost-effective ZipChip system enables analysis of a broad range of matrices from growth media to cell lysates, blood, plasma, urine, and biopharma products. Each chip provides answers on analytes from small molecules up to intact proteins, antibodies and antibody drug conjugates (ADCs). This platform provides better separation quality than most liquid chromatography (LC) instruments – in a fraction of the time – all with full MS identification behind every separations peak.
General Purpose Switching System
LX Series
The LX Series matrices are reliable, low cost, and versatile switching systems. A modular design concept is used. Interchangeable control modules, switch modules, and display modules can be assembled into matrices, multiplexers, or individual switch point configurations. All chassis have full front panel LED displays. Status feedback from all switches is provided.
Switch Matrices
Becker Nachrichtentechnik GmbH
The three variants of the 4X4 matrix switch (RSWM-4X4, RSWM-4X4E, BSWM-4X4) are also available as Slot-In modules compatible to our 'Modular RF Systems' construction kit. Thereby the customer is able to combine different products in a space saving and efficient way for any application.
TOC Combustion Analyzer
TOC users from around the globe requested an instrument that meets the following criteria: simplicity, performance, and durability.The Lotix TOC Combustion analyzer is designed to accurately measure carbon content in aqueous matrices down to the ppb level. It uses proven high temperature combustion, oxidation of carbon material into carbon dioxide, and detection using a new Non-Dispersive Infrared (NDIR) detector.
Modular Switch Matrices
L8990M Series
Keysight’s L8990M Modular Switch Matrices provide a cost effective and quick ship solution with a simple and flexible platform for basic RF switching. The L8990M can support up to 30 switch channels in a 2U rack-mountable enclosure with signal frequencies up to 67 GHz. It can support up to 66 switch channels in a 4U high enclosure. This provides the capability to test a wide range of RF and telecommunication products and devices.
Fixture Interface Module 2 Test Matrices
OTP2 module no.193
PXI offers the optimal approach to validation and production testing. You can meet timing, synchronization, and throughput requirements across devices. PXI is a robust PC-based platform for measurement and automation systems, supported by software. PXI combines PCI electrical bus characteristics with CompactPCI's modular Eurocard packaging, and then adds special synchronization buses and important software functions. PXI is both a powerful and cost-effective platform for applications such as manufacturing test, military, aerospace, machine monitoring, automotive, and industrial test.
PXI-2593, 500 MHz, 50 Ω PXI RF Multiplexer Switch Module
500 MHz, 50 Ω PXI RF Multiplexer Switch Module—The PXI‑2593 can be programmatically configured as unterminated multiplexers, externally terminated multiplexers, or dimensionally flexible sparse matrices.
PXIe-2593, 500 MHz, 50 Ω PXI RF Multiplexer Switch Module
PXIe, 500 MHz, 50 Ω PXI RF Multiplexer Switch Module—The PXIe‑2593 can be programmatically configured as unterminated multiplexers, externally terminated multiplexers, or dimensionally flexible sparse matrices.
PXI 4-Slot BRIC Matrix, 368x4, 1-Pole (4 sub-cards)
The 40-560B-021-368x4 is an ultra high density matrix module and is part of our range PXI BRIC matrices. They are available in 2, 4, 8 or 12-slot sizes to suit high performance PXI switching requirements and is constructed using instrumentation quality reed relays.
LXI High Frequency Matrices
Pickering's LXI high frequency (HF) matrix modules are suitable for switching frequencies up to 50MHz. They have an impedance of 50 and uses SMB signal connectors or with a larger case size is uses BNC connectors. This HF matrix is designed to provide a simple and scalable bidirectional matrix for radio frequencies and is intended for the easy construction of high performance bidirectional matrix switching systems.