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IEC 61000-4-30
simulates a person generating an ESD event while touching ground with a metal object.
See Also: Human Body
Power Quality Analyzer
Power Quality Analyzer Sonel PQM-707 is an autonomous meter allowing for versatile measurement, analysis, and registration of energy networks parameters DC and 50/60Hz, including the quality of electric energy in accordance with the European standard EN 50160 and the Regulation of the Minister of Economy on detailed conditions of the electro-energetic system functioning. All parameters are measured in the S class of the IEC 61000-4-30 STANDARD guaranteeing high accuracy of measurements.
High Voltage 50 Ω Pulse Generator
High Power Pulse Instruments GmbH
*Wafer and package level TLP/VF-TLP/HMM testing*Ultra fast 50 Ω high voltage pulse output with typical 100 ps rise time*Built-in HMM (IEC 61000-4-2) pulse up to ±8 kV*High pulse output current up to ±30 A*High speed 50 Ω trigger output for oscilloscopes (synchronous to high voltage pulse output)*6 programmable pulse rise times: 100 ps to 50 ns*8 programmable pulse widths: 1 ns to 100 ns*Optional pulse width extender increases pulse width up to 1.6 µs in 68 programmable steps*Fast measurement time, typically 0.2 s per pulse including one-point DC measurement between pulses*Efficient software for system control and waveform data management*The software can control automatic probers for fast measurement of complete wafers*High performance and high quality components
Digital Power Meter, 30A
Chroma Systems Solutions, Inc.
Voltage Ranges:15/30/60/150/300/600 Vrms1200Vrms (optional)Current Ranges : 0.005/0.02/0.05/0.2/0.3/0.5/2/5/20/30 ArmsFrequency Range : DC, 15Hz~10kHzEmbedded high speed DSP, 16 bitsAnalog/Digital converters withmax samipling rate up to 250kHzCapable of meeting the IEC 61000-4-7harmonics measurement requirementsSmart Range function provides seamlesspower integration measurement underauto range modeSupports external shunt and CT forhigher current applications5 mA minimum current range &0.1mW power resolutionMeets ENERGY STAR /EN 50564/IEC 62301/ErP requirementsUser-define criteria providesautomatic PASS/FAIL indicationsTHD and user-specify order distortionmeasurementInrush current and energy measurementsVoltage/ Current harmonics measurementsup to 100 ordersUSB (Host) interface provides data loggingfunctionalitySupport GPIB, USB, RS232, LAN (option)interface
Power Quality Analyser
iSTAT M355
The iSTAT M355 is a Power Quality Analyser that provides measurements to IEC 61000-4-30. 2008 Class A and reports Power Quality compliance to EN50160: 2011. Sampling at a rate of 31 kHz (620 samples per cycle at 50Hz) and true RMS measurement gives accurate readings under all harmonic conditions, with Measurement accuracy better than 0.1% and Class 0.2S Energy.
Power Quality Analyzers
The Dewesoft power quality analyzer can measure all the power quality parameters according to IEC 61000-4-30 Class A. In comparison to other power quality meters ours are able to do more detailed power quality analysis. Raw data storing, behavior at faults, calculation of additional parameters, etc.
Power Quality Analyzer
High-precision Power Quality Analyzer and MeterThe Dewesoft power quality analyzer can measure all the power quality parameters according to IEC 61000-4-30 Class A. In comparison to other power quality meters ours are able to do more detailed power quality analysis. Raw data storing, behavior at faults, calculation of additional parameters, etc.