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Heat Stress
the degree that being hot strains thermo-mechanically or biologically.
See Also: Calorimeters
FEA Software
Autodesk® Nastran®
Autodesk Nastran FEA software analyzes linear and nonlinear stress, dynamics, and heat transfer characteristics of structures and mechanical components.
Heat Stress
Our lineup of heat stress meters include the WBGT (Wet Bulb Globe Temperature) meters, which provides the most accurate determination of the heat stress index based on the cumulative effect of air temperature, air movement, relative humidity, and radiant heat.
Heat Stress WBGT Meter
Heat Stress Index measures how hot it feels when humidity iscombined with temperature, air movement, and radiant heat Black Globe Temperature (TG) monitors the effectsof direct solarradiation on an exposed surface Air Temperature (TA) plus Relative Humidity (RH) Selectable units of F and C In/Out Function displays the WGBT value withor without direct sun exposure Auto Power Off with override Built-in RS-232 interface with optional Windowscompatible software Complete with two AAA batteries
Humidity Detectors
A humidity detector, also referred to as a humidity meter or humidity gauge, is a device with a humidity sensor that measures the relative humidity in the air. PCE Instruments offers a number of humidity detector products including handheld humidity detector, data recording or data logging humidity detector, and combination or multifunction humidity detector devices that also measure parameters such as room or ambient temperature and atmospheric or barometric pressure. A humidity detector can measure relative humidity (RH) as a percentage (%) from 0 to 100 % RH, depending on the humidity measurement range of the specific model.Humidity is a key factor in everything from library and museum archival to agriculture, construction, manufacturing, transportation, warehousing, and heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVACR). A relative humidity meter also is helpful in evaluating workers' heat stress risk on production floors and job sites. In addition, humidity plays an important role in the residential sector. If the humidity is too high in a private household, mold can grow. Mold creates a health hazard for anyone breathing the air in the home.
Humidity Indicators
A humidity detector, also referred to as a humidity meter or humidity gauge, is a device with a humidity sensor that measures the relative humidity in the air. PCE Instruments offers a number of humidity detector products including handheld humidity detector, data recording or data logging humidity detector, and combination or multifunction humidity detector devices that also measure parameters such as room or ambient temperature and atmospheric or barometric pressure. A humidity detector can measure relative humidity (RH) as a percentage (%) from 0 to 100 % RH, depending on the humidity measurement range of the specific model.Humidity is a key factor in everything from library and museum archival to agriculture, construction, manufacturing, transportation, warehousing, and heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVACR). A relative humidity meter also is helpful in evaluating workers' heat stress risk on production floors and job sites. In addition, humidity plays an important role in the residential sector. If the humidity is too high in a private household, mold can grow. Mold creates a health hazard for anyone breathing the air in the home.
Pocket Wind Meter
Kestrel 3000
The Kestrel 3000 Pocket Weather Meter is the handheld weather-monitoring device that provides a wide range of functions, plus accurate relative humidity measurements. Before the Kestrel 3000 came along, the technology required to gather this information would require masses of equipment but not anymore. The Kestrel 3000 Weather Meter measures essential environmental parameters like temperature and wind speeds, and has added advantages for professionals that need access to humidity and heat stress readings.
Shear Stress Sensors
Micromachined floating element shear stress sensor that enables time-resolved, one-dimensional, direct shear stress measurements. Direct measurement of shear stress — no heat transfer calibration. Non-intrusive — minimal flow disturbance. Simultaneous mean and fluctuating shear stress measurements. High resolution, dynamic range and bandwidth. Highly accurate, quantitative measurements.
Air Humidity Meter
Since air humidity is an important factor in many sectors including but not limited to manufacturing, agriculture, construction, restoration, remediation and heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), PCE also carries a number of air humidity meter devices designed for specific applications such as evaluating heat stress risk in hot work environments like boiler rooms, factories, construction sites and commercial bakeries. To accurately assess heat stress risk, an air humidity meter capable of detecting and classifying temperature in relation to the amount of moisture content in the air is recommended. The global standard description for heat stress is the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature Index (WBGT).
Sper Scientific offers a wide selection of anemometers for directly measuring wind and air velocity. They will tell you all you need to know about the speed of the wind, the temperature, even humidity and heat stress information. The extraordinary range of uses that our meters provide have made them required equipment in a wide range of professional settings. Firefighters, farmers, HVAC technicians and military personnel all over the world use these meters to gather accurate, real-time data.
Heat Stress Meters
The heat stress meter is mainly used in the workplace. The heat stress meter can detect and classify temperature in relation to the amount of moisture content. What is heat stress? And why is heat stress measured? People who work in installations or with machines that produce a lower energy level or a high emission of temperature can occasionally suffer heat stress (by the influence of body temperature). This phenomenon can also cause physiological symptoms: spasms, feeling unwell and shock that can in some cases prove fatal.
Material Testing
*Abrasion Testing*Adhesion Testing*Brittleness Temp.*Bursting Strength*Coating Testing*Coefficient of Friction*Compression Testing*Compression Set*Dart Drop Testing*Density Determination*Fatigue Testing*Fiberboard Testing*Flammability Testing*Flexural Testing*Foam Testing*Hardness Testing*Heat Deflection*Hydrostatic Testing*Impact Testing*Life Cycle Testing*Melt Index Testing*Plastic Testing*Ply Separation*Resin Content*Rubber Testing*Shear Strength Testing*Stress Crack Testing*Tear Testing*Temperature Testing*Tensile/Elongation*UV Exposure*Water Absorption*Wood Testing
A hygrometer is a device used to measure humidity. Many hygrometer products also measure temperature. A hygrometer that measures both humidity and temperature often is referred to as a thermo-hygrometer. PCE Instruments (PCE) offers a wide variety of hygrometer products used to measure the relative humidity of the air.Since humidity is an important factor in many sectors including but not limited to manufacturing, agriculture, construction, restoration, remediation and heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), PCE also carries a number of hygrometer devices designed for specific applications such as measuring the humidity in bales of pressed hay or in rolls of paper. A hygrometer also can be used to evaluate heat stress risk in hot work environments like boiler rooms, factories, construction sites and commercial bakeries. To accurately assess heat stress risk, a hygrometer capable of detecting and classifying temperature in relation to the amount of moisture content in the air is recommended. The global standard description for heat stress is the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature Index (WBGT). A combination hygrometer / thermometer, or thermo-hygrometer, can be used to verify the integrity of the cold chain during the transport and warehousing of refrigerated food and pharmaceutical products. This versatile and popular style of hygrometer also is ideal for evaluating the performance of HVAC systems in industrial, commercial and residential properties. If the humidity indoors is too high, mold can occur. Certain types of mold cause respiratory problems and other negative health effects for people living or working in the surrounding environment. In addition, mold that has permeated into the walls or roof of a structure must be removed for safety reasons. Mold remediation and removal, also called mold damage restoration, can be a costly endeavor, which is why preventative monitoring of the humidity indoors is preferable whenever possible.
Glow Wire Tester
TESTEX Testing Equipment Systems Ltd.
Glow Wire Tester, to determine the resistance to fire insulating parts. The testing of electro-technical products for fire hazard is conducted by simulating as closely as possible actual effects occurring in practice. Parts of electro-technical equipment which may be exposed to thermal stress due to electric effects & deterioration of which may impair safety of equipment shall not be unduly affected by heat & fire generated within the equipment.
Industrial Freezers
Our industrial freezers are designed for various types of cold storage applications from light duty storage in areas where laboratory freezers aren't adequate to heavy-duty applications for harsh environments. These chest-type freezers are primarily used for age-hardening, stress relieving, expansion assembly, martensiting, dimensional stabilization, epoxy storage, industrial cooling, heat treating and production chilling applications.
Heat Stress Monitors
Heat stress management is often viewed as time-consuming and complex. Simplify your heat stress management with TSI’s intuitive QUESTemp° Series Heat Stress Monitors.
Single-Inline Package (SIP) Relays
Series LS
Series LS single-inline package (SIP) relays are designed for mounting on printed circuit boards. LS relays facilitate heat sinking by providing an metallic interface surface. The relays use a direct-bonded copper substrate for thermal efficiency, thermal stress performance and long-life expectancy. Optional heat sinks are available.Available options include:LS24D16C 50A, 90-280Vac, 600Vpeak Load; 4-20mA ControlSHP24N50R 50A, 100-280Vac, 600Vpeak Load; 8-30Vdc Control
Heat Stress Monitors
Heat stress management is often viewed as time-consuming and complex. Simplify your heat stress management with TSI’s intuitive QUESTemp° Series Heat Stress Monitors.
This category covers test equipment for verification of resistance to heat, fire, tracking, mechanical stress, endurance, impact, force, torque, dimensional accuracy & similar related parameters as required by national and international safety regulatory agencies. These equipment are used to check Electrical WiringAccessories, Electrical Home Appliances, Industrial Luminaires, Motors and components or parts used in such products. Many of these test equipment are common to many standards and are essential for routine test purposes.
Leak And Seal Strength Detector
Jinan Leading Instruments Co., Ltd.
LSD-02 Leakand Seal Strength Detector is applicable in the quantitative measurement of leak, heat seal strength, heat seal quality, and burst pressure of each heat sealedges of the flexible packages that are made using heat seal and adhesiveprocessing, as well as sterilized packages; the quantitative measurement ofleak performances of all kinds of plastic pilfer-proof closures; thequantitative measurement of the unitary airproof, compression resistancestrength, cap body joint strength, cap disengaging strength, seal strength ofedge and butting strength of various flexible tubes. It can also provideevaluation and analysis for the compression and burst resistance strength ofthe materials of flexible packaging bags, the torsional airproof index of cap,the cap joint and disengaging strength and the stress strength; as well as theairproof performances, the compression resistance performance and the burstresistance character of unitary bottle, etc.