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Hall Effect
a measurable transverse voltage which occurs when current flows through a conductor in a magnetic field.
Current Clamp Meter
CP 41
The CP 41 current clamp meter has been designed for reliable and accurate, non-intrusive measurement of AC, DC and complex waveform currents. Using advanced Hall Effect technology the CP 41 can measure currents accurately from 5mA to 40Amps.
Current Probe For Non-Intrusive Measurement Of AC, DC, And Waveform Currents
CP 305
The CP 305 current probe has been designed for use with oscilloscopes respectively for accurate, non-intrusive measurement of AC, DC and complex waveform currents.Using advanced Hall Effect technology the CP 305 can measure currents accurately up to 450A peak over the frequency range of DC to 20 kHz.
Current Probe With Hall Effect Technology
CP 35
The CP 35 current probe has been designed for use with oscilloscopes respectively for accurate, non-intrusive measurement of AC, DC and complex waveform currents.
Current Sensors
Measurlogic offers an array of current sensors for every need, including split core, solid core and Rope current transformers (CTs); DC Shunts and Hall Effect Sensors. All of our electrical sensors are designed with an easy, un-intrusive installation in mind. With a low cost and high accuracy guarantee, we provide top of the line solutions for measurement and cost savings for residents and business owners alike.
DX-101 Gaussmeter is based on the Hall effect magnetic field strength of the latest developments in instrumentation, the design of desktop-type Gauss meter. Maximum range 330.0mT and 3000mT two tranches, the minimum basic error of 1.0%. Test probe connectors is imported, stable and reliable connection.
DX-103 Gaussmeter is a desktop gaussmeter.Which is based on he latest progress of the the Hall Effect magnetic field measuring instrument.Adapt the high stability constant current source circuit technology to design and manufacture. Test probes adapt imported GaAs linear Hall-chip, the difference between probes is small, which can be replaced directly when it is damaged, and is an ideal AC & DC magnetic field test instrument.
DX-105 Gaussmeter is a desktop gaussmeter. Which is based on the latest progress of the Hall Effect magnetic field measuring instrument.Adapt the high stability constant current source circuit technology to design and manufacture. Test probe adapts imported GaAs linear Hall-chip, the difference between any two probes is small, which can be replaced directly when it is damaged. DX-105 Gaussmeter is an ideal DC magnetic field test instrument.
DX-102 Gaussmeter is a portable gauss meter, based on the latest progress of Hall effect magnetic field measuring instrument, adopted DSP technology. Test probe adopts import GaAs linear Hall chip, the difference between any two probes is small, if damaged, it can be replaced directly. DX-102 Gaussmeter is an ideal DC magnetic field test instrument.
Group3 Hall probe
The Group3 Hall probe produces an analog voltage as its output signal, corrected for temperature effects and non-linearities, producing a signal accurate to within 0.05%, from -1 to +1 T, over 10 to 50 deg C. Group3 can offer different field and temperature ranges, and custom probe dimensions.
Hall Effect DC Current Sensor
ChenYang Technologies GmbH & Co. KG
The sensor CYHCT-WS3 is a Hall Effect sensor for the measurement of DC current. The sensor has agalvanic isolation between the high power primary conductor and the secondary electronic circuit and withdifferent output signals and different power supplies.
Hall Effect Gear Tooth Sensors and Custom-Made Target Wheels
ChenYang Technologies GmbH & Co. KG
ChenYang Technologies GmbH & Co. KG supplies various kinds of Hall Effect Gear Tooth sensors (CYGTS101DC, CYGTS99, CYGTS211, CYGTS212, CYGTS99-198 etc.) for speed measurement with applications to machines, equipments, motorcycles, automobile industry and instruments etc. We are specialised in design, development and production of Hall-effect sensors and can offer also custom Hall sensors for your special applications.
Hall Effect Magnet Kit
Permanent magnet - Neodium materials - +/- 0.03Tesla deviation can be made in a process of assembling magnet. - However, we indicates correct tesla strength measured by gaussmeter, before shipping magnet kit.
Hall Effect Measurement Equipment
The physical quantity of Hall Coefficient, Hall Mobility and Carrier Density etc. can be investigated by measuring at room temperature voltage occurred perpendicularly to the both magnetic field and constant-current when flowing constant-current perpendicularly to magnetic field from current source while applying magnetic field to sample set at the center of magnetic field of magnet.
Hall Effect Portable Gauss-Meters
300 Series
Integrity Design and Reseach Corp.
Typical Applications include Measurements of the Earth's field vectors, Air shipment inspection, Mapping and recording field perturbations, Magnet classification, Analysis of magnetic circuitry and components, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Measuring residual fields.
Hall Effect Position Sensors
BEI Sensors Hall effect sensors meet customer needs for high performance, non-contact rotary position sensor solutions. This product line features a standard operational life of 35 million cycles while providing up to 6-turns with 2160 degrees of resolution and linearity of +/-0.5%. Capable of having redundant outputs, meeting up to IP69K sealing requirements and operating temperatures of 85 C , these rotary hall effect sensors are ideal for a wide variety of applications. Ideal applications include steering, pedal and throttle for off-highway equipment, dancer controls in web processing, flow control valves and elevator door opener operations.
Hall Effect Speed Sensors
SPECTEC Innovative Sensor Solutions
SPECTEC zero speed Hall effect gear tooth sensors are used in industrial applications to determine shaft or gear speed or direction by detecting fluctuations in the magnetic field. The Hall effect technology fulfills a wide array of applications due to a Hall effect sensor's ability to detect zero speed and the quadrature sensor's ability to detect direction change. The Hall effect gear tooth sensor's digital output is easily read by computers, motion control devices, position monitors and digital to analog converters. Intrinsically Safe zero speed sensors are available for various applications.
Hall Effect Thickness Gage
Magna-Mike 8600
The Magna-Mikeยฎ 8600 is a portable thickness gage that uses a simple magnetic method to make reliable and repeatable measurements on nonferrous materials. Operation of the Magna-Mike is very simple. Measurements are made when its magnetic probe is held or scanned on one side of the test material and a small target ball (or disk or wire) is placed on the opposite side or dropped inside a container.
Hall Effect Vane Sensors
ChenYang Technologies GmbH & Co. KG
ChenYang Technologies GmbH & Co. KG supplies various kinds of Hall Effect vane sensors (CYHME301, CYHME56, CYHME2000) for speed measurement with applications to machines, equipments, motorcycles (BMW ), automobile industry etc. We are specialised in design, development and production of Hall-effect sensors and can offer also custom Hall sensors for your special applications.
Linear Hall Sensor
The output of a hall effect sensor is a voltage which changes in proportion to the shaft extension. A constant voltage is required across the supply and ground wires of the sensor. The sensor consists of a Hall Effect element, and a shaft which houses a magnet. When the position of the sensor changes relative to the shaft, the change in magnetic field in the sensor results in a change in output voltage.
Non Contacting Rotary Position Sensors
We offer a comprehensive range of Hall Effect Non Contacting Position Sensors, from the World leading suppliers. Our range includes both Non contacting and Non touching Rotary Position Sensors.
Proximity Sensors
Premier Electrosystems is an esteemed name in the manufacturing of inductive proximity switch, photo sensors, capacitive sensors, magnetic sensors, hall effect sensors, analog sensors, encoders, infrared sensors, etc. with NABL calibration certificate
Quadrature Sensor
SPECTEC Innovative Sensor Solutions
DIGISPEC Hall Effect Quadrature Sensors provide two digital output signals, 90ยบ out of phase to each other, detecting speed (down to true zero speed) and direction of rotation of gear teeth and ferrous targets. Gear teeth as small as module 0.10" wide can be sensed. Standard output is provided from a 2.2kOhm internal pull-down resistor to a collector, which can sink 25 mA. Open collector can be provided. Output is protected against reverse voltage.
Rotary Hall Effect Sensor
The output of the Rotary Hall-effect sensor is a voltage which changes in direct proportion to the shaft angle. The sensor is non-contact, using Hall elements to determine the angle of a magnet. The magnet is either mounted in a shaft integral to the sensor or can be mounted externally to the sensor.
Rotary Position Sensors For Motorsport
Variohm offer a range of Rotary Position Sensors For Motorsport including rotary potentiometers and hall effect sensors. They are suitable for use in Morotsport application such as pedal, steering and gearbox applications.
SparkFun Current Sensor Breakout
The SparkFun Current Sensor Breakout is a high accuracy board that utilizes the ACS723 for moderate AC and DC current sensing applications. The ACS723 sensor uses a Hall effect sensor to output a voltage relative to the current flowing through the IP+ and IP- pins on the board. The advantage of using a Hall effect sensor, specifically, is that the circuit being sensed and the circuit reading the sensor are electrically isolated meaning that, although your Arduino is running on 5V, the sensed circuit can be operating at higher DC or AC voltages!
SparkFun Current Sensor Breakout
ACS723 (Low Current)
The low current version of the SparkFun Current Sensor Breakout is a high accuracy board that utilizes the ACS723 for low to moderate AC and DC current sensing applications. The ACS723 sensor uses a Hall effect sensor to output a voltage relative to the current flowing through the IP+ and IP- pins on the board. The advantage of using a Hall effect sensor, specifically, is that the circuit being sensed and the circuit reading the sensor are electrically isolated meaning that, although your Arduino is running on 5V, the sensed circuit can be operating at higher DC or AC voltages!
Speed Sensors
DHE (Differential Hall Effect) sensors give an output when subjected to a changing magnetic field. The field is set up by a magnet inside the sensor body and changes when ferromagnetic teeth are passed beneath the sensor (no magnets are required in the target). To improve noise resistance, the sensor has two Hall effect elements and only responds to changes in magnetic field strength corresponding to tooth passing frequencies above 15Hz. As each tooth passes the sensor, the digital state of the output changes.
Speed Sensors
Variohm supply differential hall effect speed sensors for use in motorsport applications. We have two different designs but both offer very high performance.
Sport Sensor Range
DHE (Differential Hall Effect) sensors give an output when subjected to a changing magnetic field. The field is set up by a magnet inside the sensor body and changes when ferromagnetic teeth are passed beneath the sensor (no magnets are required in the target). To improve noise resistance, the sensor has two Hall effect elements and only responds to changes in magnetic field strength corresponding to tooth passing frequencies above 15Hz. As each tooth passes the sensor, the digital state of the output changes
Zero Chamber
The Mu-Metall-Chamber shields hall probes against the earth's field and therefore allows "zeroing" protected from external effects.