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Far InfraRed
15-1,000 µm
Infrared, Near Infrared & Raman Spectroscopy
Our selection of near, mid and far infrared and Raman spectrometers is unrivalled across the industry. Our portfolio includes compact, portable routine as well as powerful research spectrometers. Our solutions cover the entire spectral range from near infrared, mid infrared, far infrared to THz applications.
Our Winston Cone condenser is a field optic designed for maximum concentration of far infrared and sub millimeter radiation. Its principal functions are to:*Concentrate the radiation onto a detector smaller than the field aperture*Restrict the field of view of the detector*Distribute the incoming energy uniformly across the detector
NanoModeScan M² Measuring System
This scanning slit M² measurement system accurately analyzes lasers with wavelengths from UV to Far Infrared with its silicon, germanium, or pyroelectric head. It features a compact portable design, immediate results, ISO compliant measurements, and operates in CW or kHz Pulsed modes which makes it ideal for comprehensive analysis of lasers of most wavelengths.
Blackbody System
Infrared Systems Development Corp.
IR-563 is a ideal source for the Near (1-3 um), Mid (3-8) and Far (8-30+ um) infrared bands. The IR-563 has been the industry standard 1000º C blackbody for more than 30 years, and continues to provide excellent service to infrared applications throughout the industry. The IR-564 extends the temperature range of the IR-563 to 1200º C by changing cavity materials to Silicon Carbide and high purity Alumina ceramics, otherwise the two units are virtually identical.
Far Infrared Systems
Far-Infrared and terahertz (THz) radiation is the spectral region at the long wavelength end of the infrared and the short end of the microwave region, also known as the sub-millimeter wavelength spectral region. Recently, there has been an explosion of interest in THz applications as the radiation generated can penetrate various materials. THz light is commonly used in materials science, security, pharmaceutical com- pound analysis, biomedical imaging, superconducting materials, astronomy, and particle physics research.
Net Irradiance Meter
LPNET07 measures the net radiation across a surface, from near ultraviolet to far infrared.
Pyrgeometer for Far Infrared Radiation
The pyrgeometer LPPIRG01 is used to measure the far infrared radiation (FIR).