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Delay Generators
The purpose of a digital delay generator is to produce a precise time delay of programmable length. (
See Also: Time-to-Digital Converters
Digital Delay Generators
Highland has introduced three unique features to digital delay generation: a "Queued Updates" feature allows time settings to be changed without corrupting ongoing timings; a "Train" feature allows multiple pulses to be generated from each trigger; and a "Frames" feature allows complex delay sweeps and pulse scenarios to be pre-loaded and rapidly executed. Digital delay and pulse generators are available in 1-6 channels, with square, Gaussian, and arbitrary waveshapes, and insertion delays as low as 10 nanoseconds.
Explosive Test Site Range Instrumentation
Firesets, CDU’s EDU’s, Delay generators, firing panels, and custom instruments. Fiber-optic and computer-control options.
Laser Drivers & Controllers
Fast Pulse Generators for E/O ModulationFast Laser Diode DriversSeed Laser Pulse PickingMOPA timing and controlCustom Delay and Waveform Generation
Pulse & Delay Generators
The benchtop pulse generators feature a fast risetime and low jitter. Our most popular digital delay pulse series 575 and 577 generators are now available with selectable time references. With up to eight channels of delay and width control, each individual channel's reference can be set either to the trigger or to any other channel. So look below if you require a picosecond pulse generator or nanosecond pulse generator for your application.
Research & Electronic Test Products
he CAL-AV Research & Electronic Test Product line includes Explosive Test Site Range Instrumentation, Illuminated Laser Warning Signs and Special Projects.. Firesets, CDU’s EDU’s, Delay generators, firing panels, and custom instruments. Fiber-optic and computer-control options.
10 Gb/s Programmable Digital Delay Line
The QPDDL10 series delay lines are four channel precision time delay generators for digital signals. Delays are controlled precisely in 5 ps increments at data rates up to 10 billion bits per second or clock rates exceeding 5 GHz. Each of the four channels is independently programmable.
5 Gb/s Programmable Digital Delay Line
The QPDDL5 series delay lines are four channel precision time delay generators for digital signals. Delays are controlled precisely in 5 or 10 ps increments at data rates up to 5 billion bits per second or clock rates exceeding 2.5 GHz. Each of the four channels is independently programmable.
Light Pulse Generators
Berkeley Nucleonics Corporation
The optical equivalent to electrical pulse generators with rep rate, delay, width and amplitude control.
NIM Instrumentation
Berkeley Nucleonics Corporation
is a bin and power supply combination for plug-in modules. It can house twelve single-width modular instruments or a mixture of other sizes equivalent to twelve singles. Units that can be installed include BNC's modular digital delay generators, trigger pulse amplifiers, pulse generators, programming interfaces and the instruments of other companies that are designed to NIM standards.
Pulse & Delay Generators
Berkeley Nucleonics Corporation
Provides high frequency pulses, delays and bursts. It is an ideal testing and timing control instrument for electronics, lasers or camera setup.
Pulse Generator Applications
Quantum Composers offers a diverse family of pulse generators, or pattern generators, test equipment used to produce pulses, or rectangular waves, at an adjustable repetition rate, pulse width, amplitude, polarity, rise time and delay.
Pulse Delay Generators
Quantum Composers provides innovation and value to our customers with our diverse family of Precision Pulse Generators. A wide range of pulse generator technology has been created to fit the needs of any budget and application. Our square wave signal generators provide a cost-effective method to create and synchronize multiple sequences, delayed triggering, or any precisely timed series of events.
Comb Generator, 10 MHz to 67 GHz
The Keysight Technologies, Inc. U9391G comb generators were developed to provide precision phase calibration, for non-linear measurements using the PNA-X nonlinear vector network analyser (NVNA), referenced to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) standard. Additionally, the comb generators can be used to calibrate PNA and PNA-X network analyzers for phase and delay measurements of frequency converters without requiring reference or calibration mixers.
Delays And Gates
Delays, Gate and Delay Generators, Logic Modules, and Linear Gates are used in many research or teaching experiments and in non-research applications such as actively shielded spectroscopy systems. Delay modules allow the alignment in time of signals from different paths, so that a logical decision can be made within a logic module which will often result in an electronic go/no-go decision as to whether a particular detector analog output will be processed within an associated multichannel analyzer.
Analog Mixed Signal Testers
- PC-performance independent: multiple SPEA CPUs provide test program timing, while pc replacement does not require the test program requalification- Pattern-based programming: -30% test time vs competitors- 64-line synchrobus and 16-line high-speed synchrobus for real-time instrument synchronization: no embedded delay when running pattern-based testing- 99% parallel test efficiency- Multi-site test capabilities for up to 256 devices in parallel- High-density, floating instruments, for true parallel analog test- Universal slot architecture, up to 1,408 channels- RF generators up to 3 GHz
ST offers industry-standard and low-power timers, in single and dual versions. These are highly-stable monolithic circuits, generating accurate time delays or oscillations. The industry-standard frequency generators are circuits designed in bipolar technology, while the the low-power frequency generators are designed in CMOS technology.
Comb Generator, 10 MHz to 26.5 GHz
The Keysight Technologies, Inc. U9391C comb generators were developed to provide precision phase calibration, for non-linear measurements using the PNA-X nonlinear vector network analyser (NVNA), referenced to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) standard. Additionally, the comb generators can be used to calibrate PNA and PNA-X network analyzers for phase and delay measurements of frequency converters without requiring reference or calibration mixers.
Comb Generator, 10 MHz To 110 GHz
U9391M comb generators were developed to provide precision phase calibration, for non-linear measurements using the PNA-X nonlinear vector network analyser (NVNA), referenced to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) standard. Additionally, the comb generators can be used to calibrate PNA and PNA-X network analyzers for phase and delay measurements of frequency converters without requiring reference or calibration mixers.
Comb Generator, 10 MHz to 50 GHz
The Keysight Technologies, Inc. U9391F comb generators were developed to provide precision phase calibration, for non-linear measurements using the PNA-X nonlinear vector network analyser (NVNA), referenced to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) standard. Additionally, the comb generators can be used to calibrate PNA and PNA-X network analyzers for phase and delay measurements of frequency converters without requiring reference or calibration mixers.