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a fake concealed to look like an original.
Counterfeit Currency Detector
MS-250 MoneyScanner®
Instantly shows if new, re-designed U.S. currency bills are genuine or counterfeit by their fluorescent glow. MoneyScanner model MS-250 viewers are used by U.S. Government Agencies, Treasury Department, Federal Reserve Banks and thousands of banks and retailers worldwide.
Counterfeit Defect Coverage Tool
The SAE Counterfeit Defect Coverage Tool is a dynamic, web-based application that supplements SAE Standard AS6171 authored by the SAE G-19A Test Laboratory Standards Development Committee. It provides potential test sequences for the identification of counterfeit electrical, electronic, and electromechanical (EEE) parts along a range of risk levels and EEE part types. Allowing users to compare alternative test sequences as a function of resources needed to implement those tests, the SAE CDC Tool is appropriate for those ordering counterfeit detection tests as well as those performing the tests.
High-Definition Inspection Station
The HDMag® is perfectly positioned to provide greater assistance in SMT inspection, repair and rework, and in the fight of counterfeit part and component detection by improving inspection accuracy and efficiency. The ergonomic design and integrated monitor combined with the HDMag Software provides convenient collaboration among peers and supervisors, as well as real-time sharing with suppliers and/or customers. The ergonomic design also promotes good posture and reduces operator eye, neck, and back strain.
Counterfeit IC Detector
The ABI SENTRY is a unique solution for the quick and easy detection of Counterfeit ICs and components. ABI Electronics has over 27 years of experience in the field of Test & Measurement equipment as well as Contract Electronics Manufacturing. Knowledge of both industries has allowed ABI to design this product around two main concepts:
Manufacturing Services - Supply Chain Management
Teledyne Advanced Electronic Solutions manages the customer Bill of Material and drawing requirements to ensure compliance with all system specifications. We manage quality and delivery for all sub-tier suppliers, including single source vendors and directed suppliers.- Teledyne part numbers are assigned to control Q-Notes, AVL, Progress Payments, etc.- Counterfeit Avoidance Program in compliance with AS5553- Customer Quality requirements are flowed to sub tier suppliers- BOM Manager Analysis Service detects potential obsolescence issues for Customer notification- Robust Quality Management programs for sub-tier suppliers- Web-based material quoting ensures competitive pricing
Making Invisible Visible
Quadra 3
Quadra™ 3 is your partner for high quality X-ray inspection for production line quality control. Detect a wide range of manufacturing defects including BGA, QFN and IGBT attachment, PTH filling, interfacial voiding, component cracking and counterfeit device screening. High quality, high magnification inspection for product applications.
Destructive Physical Analysis & Failure Analysis
DPACI's component analysis laboratory performs major analytical functions, such as destructive physical analysis, failure analysis, counterfeit analysis, and material analysis on components & devices. Our destructive physical analysis techniques are performed in accordance with standards and methods used in most military and space program requirements. Solutions for difficult production problems are resolved through our failure analysis procedures.
Counterfeit Analysis / Screening Services
DPACI perform counterfeit part analysis on all types of electrical, electronic, and electromechanical (EEE) components. Our suspect counterfeit analysis task groups include source identification, manufacturer validation, external visual inspection, mechanical inspection, electrical test, X-Ray, in-depth internal visual and materials analysis. With one of the largest databases of test reports for EEE components, we can offer similar historical data for correlation with images, test data, certifications and reports.