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- Pickering Interfaces Inc.
PXI Automotive Switch Simulator Modules
Pickering's Switch Simulator Modules are designed for automotive test applications. These modules simulate the operation of automotive switches where dirty contacts or leaking current can be expected from switch contamination. They allow automotive I/O devices to be tested for correct operation under adverse conditions.
Constant Climate Chamber
Temperature range up to +70 C 3 model sizes 110, 260, 750 1 model variant: TwinDISPLAY Digitally controlled active humidification and dehumidification up to 90% Double doors as standard: Prevention of contamination and drops or rises in temperature, and at the same time an optimal view of the sensitive load through wide-area interior glass doors
Dial Indicators
1. Always select the dial test indicator that best fits the application.2. Care should be taken while using a dial test indicator, try not to jolt the indicator, should you be unfortunate and drop a dial test indicator, get it re-calibrated/repaired before reusing it.3. Replace worn contact points only with those of a similar length from the centre of the ball stylus to the abutment shoulder.4. Always clean dial test indicators after use with a lint free paper or cloth and store the indicator in its box or in a dust free area.5. When using a dial test indicator, always position the dial test indicator in a horizontal plane to the surface media.6. Always use a rigid stand for mounting the dial test indicator.7. When measuring a rotating object, either between centres or in a vee block, ensure that the object is rotating in the correct direction. Never rotate the workpiece towards the contact point.8. When measuring a sliding object, only take readings when the object is moving directly towards the contact point, never away from the contact point or in a sideways manner.9. Avoid parallax errors by reading the dial directly from the front and square on to the dial.10. Never oil a dial test indicator as this attracts contamination, should the movement become erratic then the dial test indicator should be submitted to a reputable repair agent.11. Try not to expose dial test indicators to direct sunlight or in a high humidity environment.12. Never use a dial test indicator that has not been calibrated, if in doubt consult an appropriate authority.
Digital Video Inspection Microscope
Contamination is the first reason for troubleshooting optical networks. Proactive inspection and cleaning of fibre connectors can prevent poor signal performance, damage to equipment, and network downtime. DIAMOND’s Video Microscope Kit contains all necessary tools for proper inspection and cleaning of the connector’s front-faces to help ensure optimal connector performance.
Gamma Air Monitor
Quant Air
QuantAir is a solution for measuring radioactive contamination in the air, it provides high-performance detection capabilities with accurate in-field quantification.
Geiger Counter
ONYX features a modern, streamlined look and the use of advanced technologies, making it a one-of-a-kind Geiger Counter. It weighs only 7 oz. (200g.) and measures a mere 5.1 X 2.6 X 0.9 in. (72 X 37 X 13 mm.) making it easy to transport. Despite its compact size ONYX is capable of detecting alpha, beta and gamma radiation with the same sensitivity as the IMI Inspector Alert™, and like the IMI Inspector Alert™ V2, ONYX is optimized for surface contamination measurements through use of its 2 in. pancake Geiger Mueller tube.
Infrared Lab Dyeing System
TESTEX Testing Equipment Systems Ltd.
Infrared Lab Dyeing System is Suitable for all fibers and substrates dyeing. The infrared dyeing system produces accurate laboratory sample dyeings with level and reproducible results and accommodates up to 24 positions with a low liquor ratio for synthetic and natural fibers. This infrared dyeing system moves the beakers in a circular rotation with advanced infrared heating technology eliminating glycol contamination and cumbersome beaker cleaning.
Integrated Displacement Sensing
With its slim size, the IDS can be directly integrated into machines for free-beam operation and is the product of choice for challenging OEM & synchrotron applications. A passively cooled housing prevents contamination of optical and electrical components.
Leadframe Inspection Machine
The IV-L200 is a leadframe inspection machine ideal for measuring leadframe dimension and pitch. Aside from identifying leadframe warpage, it is also used to detect bent or skewed leads as well as surface defects such as scratch, ink, and contamination, among others.
Liquid Thermal Shock Baths
TSB Series
CSZ's Liquid thermal shock chambers consist of separately controlled hot and cold baths. Product is submersed in fluid and thermally stressed between the hot and cold baths, resulting in immediate product temperature changes. CSZ uses perfluorinated fluid that does not coat the product or conduct electricity for use in both the hot and cold baths to eliminate cross contamination and reduce evaporation losses.
Metal Detector
Safeline Profile Advantage
For challenging inspection applications where a product is wet, hot, chilled or cooling Profile Advantage technology provides the ultimate in metal contaminant detection capability. All metal contamination including ferrous, non-ferrous and even the most difficult to detect non-magnetic stainless steels are readily detected enabling them to be removed effectively from the manufacturing process.
Metal Detector
Profile Advantage
Maximum Sensitivity and Performance; Multi-Simultaneous Frequency & Product Signal Suppression technology deliver the ultimate detection sensitivity with zero false triggering. Simple to Use and Robust Detector Design. Superior performance on wet and conductive products. Product signal suppression overcomes product effect to detect more metal contamination in challenging applications irrespective of packaging type.
Pass-Through Oven
The Memmert heating oven with fully insulated stainless steel door on both sides saves time during loading and reduces the risk of contamination, specially when handling sensitive load between grey and clean rooms. On this page, you can find all the essential technical data on our pass-through oven. Our customer relations team will be pleased to help if you want further information. If you should require a customised special solution, please contact our technical specialists at
Phantom Vertex Metal Detector
Ultra-slim Phantom Vertex metal detectors are utilized in specialized packaging applications involving freefalling product. The compact Vertex fits where other metal detectors can’t – typically between a Multihead Weigher and a Vertical Form Fill Seal machine (Bagger). Phantom intelligence and controls are achieved via a convenient mountable remote control box. Upon detection of metal contamination, a reject relay is triggered.
Pollution Monitoring/ Water Quality Sensing
Detect organic contamination in water faster, cheaper and on the spot. Patented and validated solution that brings a new quality of pollution monitoring / fresh water sensing.
Radiometric Detectors - Research
Analyzing drug pathways, protecting lab environments, and assessing environmental contamination require instruments with the highest possible sensitivity and specificity. Radiometric detection has long been and still remains to be today, the gold standard for these applications.
Refrigerant Identifier
Mini ID R-22
Neutronics Mini ID™ R-22 is an affordable, compact and hand-held R22 Refrigerant Identifier designed to protect your equipment and avoid contamination of your R-22 supply. This tool can be used on HVACR systems or on virgin cylinders to ‘PASS’ or ‘FAIL’ R-22 before recovery or use.
Sindie Online
Sindie Online is an industrial-grade process analyzer delivering continuous sulfur detection to monitor fuel streams and help to prevent tank contamination. It has many advantages over competing technologies: Powered by MWDXRF, Sindie Online has an exceptional signal-to-noise ratio using monochromatic excitation of the X-ray source characteristic line – a technique that is faster, safer and cleaner than UVF.
The PosiTector SST Soluble Salt Tester measures the concentration of soluble salts (salt contamination) on metal surfaces in accordance with ISO 8502-6, 8502-9. View Video
Surface Contamination Monitor
IMI Inspector Alert™ V2
The IMI Inspector Alert™ V2 measures alpha, beta, gamma and x-radiation using a 2-inch “pancake” GM detector with high sensitivity to common beta and alpha sources. The easy-to-read digital display shows readings in your choice of µSv/hr, mR/hr, CPM, or CPS. The Total/Timer feature allows timed readings from one minute to 40 hours for precise measurement of low level contamination. An audible alert sounds when the radiation reaches a user-adjustable level.
Surface contamination monitoring
Personal surface contamination monitor [IEC 61098/IEC 61256 compliant]. *Innovative plastic scintillation detector for beta rays
Thin Films, Plasma and Surface Engineering
A residual gas analyser for vacuum process analysis. Measures the vacuum process gas composition, contamination and leak detection.
Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence (TXRF) Services
A highly surface-sensitive technique, TXRF is optimized for analyzing surface metal contamination on semiconductor wafers.
Ultrasonic Clamp-On Flow Meter
The ultrasonic clamp-on flow meter SONOFLOW CO.55 detects the flow rate of liquids in flexible plastic tubes quickly and reliably. The non-invasive sensor has no contact to the medium and is particularly suited for applications with strict hygienic standards. The clamp-on mounting concept eliminates any risk of contamination or leaking.
Hand-held Fiber Inspection Microscopes
The WL-C series hand-held fiber microscopes use coaxial illumination to provide users with maximum detail. It easily can detect the finest scratches and contamination, making it ideal for critically inspecting polish quality.
0.1 Micron Portable Particle Counter
This revolutionary 0.1-0.3 micron 2-channel semiconductor particle counter comes in one of the lightest form-factors available today; clocking in at only 7.5lbs (3.4kg). It is designed for high-end contamination control environments, such as semiconductor manufacturing facilities and cleanrooms, and can be used for standalone operation or integrated into an existing monitoring system to accommodate a vast array of applications.
Safety Proximity Sensors
Leuze electronic GmbH + Co. KG
With their encapsulated and contactless design, safety proximity sensors are insensitive to contamination and humidity. They operate free from wear and also have a long life expectancy, even with frequent operating cycles. They are also used wherever it is difficult to precisely guide the moveable protective device. All devices feature a high-strength plastic housing. Furthermore, the devices with RFID transponder provide maximum protection against tampering.
AEROTRAK™ Handheld Particle Counters
The TSI AEROTRAK™ Handheld Particle Counters offer the most features and flexibility for customers interested in low cost and versatile particle contamination monitoring.
Automated Monitoring of Airborne Molecular Contamination
AMC-Monitor T-1000
The all-in-one analyzer for FOUP, fab and clean-room environment AMC monitoring in the semiconductor industry. The AMC-Monitor is a modular and flexible platform for airborne molecular contaminations (AMC) monitoring in semiconductor applications such as: FOUP analysis with a focus on VOC and condensables incl. full integration with Pfeiffer Vacuum APA 302 pod analyzer. Clean-room monitoring in fabrication plants.
Automatic Defluxing System
Trident removes all contamination and residues from post-reflow circuit assemblies. When assembly and flux residues are removed, so is the chance for electro-chemical migration (ECM) failures. Clean assemblies are more reliable assemblies.
Bench Top Ionizers
Point-Of-Use Ionizer, Adjustable (30-100 PSI) Compressed Air IonizerNeutralize Electrostatic Attraction (ESA) to control contamination by dislodging dust and debris attracted by static electricity.Detachable 7'' long ESD Protective Flexible Hose with Thumb Button Designed to for a wide range of motion and simple operation.Adjustable Balance (20 Volts) with Less Than 1 Second Discharge Time At 6 InchMeets required limits ANSI/ESD S20.20 tested per ANSI/ESDSTM3.1 and ESD TR53