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Comb Generators
a reference signal source outputing multiple harmonics of the input signal.
See Also: Open Area Test Sites
Radiating Comb Generators
The TBCG1 is a radiating comb generator with an internal antenna and a base frequency of 100MHz. It radiates a comb spectrum characterized up to 6GHz. The comb generator is built and characterized to serve as a rough reference for testing radiated noise measurement set ups in anechoic chambers, TEM/GTEM cells, shielded chambers, etc.
Comb Generators
Macom Technology Solutions Holdings Inc.
MACOM offers a family of Non-Linear-Transmission-Line (NLTL) GaAs Comb Generators offering superior phase noise performance up to -18 dBc/Hz better then a SRD, usable harmonics out to 50 GHz, and available in SMT or connectorized packages. Standard drive levels from 18 - 21 dBm.
Low Phase Noise Amplifiers
Macom Technology Solutions Holdings Inc.
MACOM is committed to an expanding portfolio of low-phase noise (>150dBc/Hz @ 1k Hz offset) amplifiers for critical signal generation applications in test and measurement and defense. These offerings complement our line of NLTL GaAs comb generators.
Comb Generator, 10 MHz to 67 GHz
The Keysight Technologies, Inc. U9391G comb generators were developed to provide precision phase calibration, for non-linear measurements using the PNA-X nonlinear vector network analyser (NVNA), referenced to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) standard. Additionally, the comb generators can be used to calibrate PNA and PNA-X network analyzers for phase and delay measurements of frequency converters without requiring reference or calibration mixers.
Reference Radiators / Comb Generators
The Spectrum Generator is a family member of the Schwarzbeck pulse generators, which are used as pulsestandard world wide. Whilst the latter one uses a bounce free relay contact to discharge a coaxial lineto the load resistor, it uses a special avalanche transistor instead of the relay contact.
Comb Generator
CG 50/500
The main application of Conducted Comb Generator is to quickly verify conducted emissions test setups. And the most important application is trouble conducted measurements using an ISN. reference signal source Noise Generators Signal Generators
Comb Generator
The main application of comb generator is to quickly verify 1GHz above radiated emission and conducted emission test setup.And the most important application is 3m chamber and 10m chamber 1GHz above to18GHz with 250MHz frequency spacing for site validation,shielding efficiency. reference signal source Noise Generators Signal Generators
Comb Generator
The main application of Comb Generator is to quickly verify conducted emissions test setups. And the most important application is trouble shooting Open Area Test Sites(OATS).An OATS must be completely calibrated before it is put into service. reference signal source Noise Generators Signal Generators
Comb Generator, 10 MHz to 26.5 GHz
The Keysight Technologies, Inc. U9391C comb generators were developed to provide precision phase calibration, for non-linear measurements using the PNA-X nonlinear vector network analyser (NVNA), referenced to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) standard. Additionally, the comb generators can be used to calibrate PNA and PNA-X network analyzers for phase and delay measurements of frequency converters without requiring reference or calibration mixers.
Comb Generators
Keysight comb generators provide excellent phase and amplitude flatness making them ideal for use in phase calibration applications. A customer selectable USB-controlled frequency divider which allows for broad range of input signal frequencies from 10 MHz to 67 GHz and small minimum tone spacing of 10 MHz, makes Keysight comb generators suitable for characterizing non-linear devices.
Comb Generator, 10 MHz To 110 GHz
U9391M comb generators were developed to provide precision phase calibration, for non-linear measurements using the PNA-X nonlinear vector network analyser (NVNA), referenced to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) standard. Additionally, the comb generators can be used to calibrate PNA and PNA-X network analyzers for phase and delay measurements of frequency converters without requiring reference or calibration mixers.
Comb Generator, 10 MHz to 50 GHz
The Keysight Technologies, Inc. U9391F comb generators were developed to provide precision phase calibration, for non-linear measurements using the PNA-X nonlinear vector network analyser (NVNA), referenced to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) standard. Additionally, the comb generators can be used to calibrate PNA and PNA-X network analyzers for phase and delay measurements of frequency converters without requiring reference or calibration mixers.
RefRad Comb Generators
RadRad is a battery-operated comb generator as well as a field source. It is a valuable tool for engineers ensuring the quality of radiated and conducted EMC and EMF measurements.
Comb Generators
As an EMC testing lab, the accuracy of your results is key to your reputation. Maintaining this accuracy requires properly calibrated quality equipment. Comb generators are an important piece of EMC radiated emissions testing equipment - one that can save you time and money by reducing your reliance on full, annual recalibrations of your site and instrumentation.