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Refractometers are used for two different applications: Measuring the sugar concentration of beverages and food, and measuring the salinity, specific gravity, refractive index or viscosity of industrial fluids such as oils, polymers, brake fluid and anti-freeze. Advanced models sport automatic temperature control (ATC). All have a metal body, cushioned eyepiece and rubber hand grip.
Vacuum Oil-Purifiers
The most important application of the high-vacuum degasser is in the field of high-voltage transmission and in the manufacture of electrical devices. In addition, the high vacuum process is used in the degassing of oil cables including poly-butanes. Outside the electrical industry, this process is used for the dehydration and degassing of oil for radar and electronic equipment, oil-sealed vacuum pumps, brake fluids, cooling oils - including phosphate esters and silicones. Amperis offers the AEHV Oil Degasser designed for maximum job efficiency, expertly proven performance, requires minimal maintenance and is fully serviced. All this is thanks to the full support of Amperis' specialist technicians, plus the "know-how" and thorough research that makes the AEHV a Unique Degasser. Designed for unattended operation and suitable for operation on energized equipment - full equipment monitoring is an option.
Test bench for Diagnostics of Brake Valipers
Diagnostic equipment MS300 for repair and diagnostics of brake calipers. MS300 is manufactured fromanti-corrosion materials resistant to chemical effects of the brake fluid. The tabletop and the control panel are made of stainless steel, itensuresa long-lasting service of the equipment. A pressure indicator andhigh-pressure pumpcontrol elements are located on the control panel. There is also aconnection coupling fortested units. There is a gutter along the tabletops perimeter preventing the brake fluid from draining on the floor. For convenient use of tools, there is a section with perforation on the back side.
Series Brake Testers
H585 Series Brake Testers give maintenance operators flightline measurement of brake system pressures and differentials for a variety of aircraft. All models minimize fluid loss and maintain hydraulic system integrity by incorporating purging and bleeding (forward or back) as routine operations in hydraulic system testing.
Brake Fluid Tester For DOT4
Peaceful Thriving Enterprise Co Ltd
The tester can be used as a digital brake fluid tester suitable for determining brake fluid quality. Quality is tested and indicated on 5 LEDs in terms of "percent of water in the brake fluid". Develop for professional use in automotive repair shops and in servicing.
Brake Fluid Boiling Point Tester
Peaceful Thriving Enterprise Co Ltd
This tester can measure the boil point of the brake fluid. It can measure the wet boiling temperature of the brake fluid for technician as a reference for maintenance. It can be the reference when technician is going to change the brake fluid. Besides the brake fluid, user can also measure the temperature of other fluid by connecting the tester with K-type thermocouple.
Brake Fluid Boiling Point Tester With Bluetooth Printer
Peaceful Thriving Enterprise Co Ltd
This tester can measure the boil point of the brake fluid. It can obtain the wet boiling temperature of the brake fluid for technician as a reference for maintenance. It can be the reference when technician is going to change the brake fluid.The testing data print by Bluetooth printer.
Brake Fluid Tester For DOT4
Peaceful Thriving Enterprise Co Ltd
The tester can be used as a digital brake fluid tester suitable for determining brake fluid quality. Quality is tested and indicated on 5 LEDs in terms of "percent of water in the brake fluid". Develop for professional use in automotive repair shops and in servicing.
Brake Fluid Tester For DOT3, DOT4 And DOT5.1
Peaceful Thriving Enterprise Co Ltd
There is a switch that can select the brand of brake fluid, it can detect 8 different kinds of brake fluids separately and precisely test the water content in the brake fluid.
Brake Fluid Tester For DOT4
Peaceful Thriving Enterprise Co Ltd
This tester can be used as a digital brake fluid tester suitable for determining brake fluid quality. Develop for professional use in automotive repair shops.
Brake Fluid Refractometer
DOT3 Fahrenheit
Fahrenheit model – The MISCO Palm Abbe Brake Fluid Refractometer is a precision digital instrument designed for measuring the water content, and estimating the boiling point, of DOT3 brake fluids. It only takes two drops of brake fluid to get an accurate indication of water content or boiling point in only seconds. Brake fluid may be measured from the master cylinder or from each of the wheel cylinders.
Brake Fluid Tester For DOT3, DOT4 And DOT5.1
Peaceful Thriving Enterprise Co Ltd
This device is used to test the quality of brake fluid, which includes DOT3, DOT4, and DOT5.1 brake fluid. The tester will indicate the water containing by LED indication.