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Atomic Clocks
measure time by the frequency of an atomic transition.
See Also: Clocks, Atomic, GPS Clocks, Hydrogen Masers, Time Standards
Rubidium Atomic Audio Clock
Stanford Research Systems, Inc.
Perfection is a high standard - but your studio clocks deserve nothing less. That''s why we designed the PERF10, to offer audio professionals and demanding audiophiles a frequency reference of staggering accuracy and unmatched stability.
GPS- Based Video Sync Generator
A multiple output SD RS-170A analog composite video blackburst and video sync signal generator that is genlocked to the atomic clocks in the Global Positioning System. The GPS-MSG quartz crystal master clock is continuously phase controlled to accurately track the time from the GPS satellites.
Clock Synchronization
Analog Devices Clock synchronizers are designed for wired networking applications, providing the clock redundancy functionality needed to maximize system uptime. Our technology supports clock synchronization with common standards, including 1 pulse per second (PPS) output signal from a GPS receiver. GPS signals are broadly available and utilize an extremely stable atomic clock as its time base, but they are often noisy. Systems rely on the IEEE1588 timing protocol to establish synchronous communications across the wired network, including synchronous Ethernet and synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) to optical transport network (OTN) mapping/demapping. The IEEE1588 protocol has emerged as the preferred method for Clock synchronizing systems throughout both computer networks and local area networks (LAN).
Optical Lattice Clock
Our strontium lattice clock project aims to create the world’s first commercially available fully integrated optical frequency atomic clock. The clock will be compact, transportable, easy to use and based on optical lattice technology enabled by the SolsTiS. The strontium lattice clock will achieve frequency uncertainties below 10-17, a level unprecedented on the global market.
Atomic Clocks
Society has become dependent on atomic time. Atomic clocks underpin our financial transactions, communications services and broadcast services, but they are expensive to produce and maintain.Quantum technology brings a new generation of clocks which are smaller, more accurate and cost effective, and as a result this is driving an evolution of new time-critical products and services.
Rubidium Oscillator
Rubidium oscillators are a type of atomic clock and are the most accurate time standards known and are used as time distribution services to control things such as telecommunications infrastructure, TV broadcasts and global navigation satellite systems (GPS).
GPS Clocks
The Excelitas Rubidium Atomic Frequency Standard ( RAFS) is an exceptionally high-performance and high-reliability space-qualified rubidium clock developed for global navigation satellite systems.
Clock And Trigger Synchronization Board With Atomic Clock
CLKSYNC-PCI-AC is a clock and trigger distribution board designed to provide up to eight synchronous clock and trigger outputs. The CLKSYNC-PCI-AC is designed for use with multi-channel, ADC and DAC systems where precise clock and trigger synchronization are required.
Miniature Single-Stage Isolators – 780nm And 852nm
AOSense is excited to offer free-space optical isolators at 780 nm and 852 nm. The innovative, small package size enables integration into compact laser sources and amplifiers without sacrificing transmission efficiency. The low external magnetic field enables the isolator to tightly integrate into systems with high magnetic-field sensitivity such as atomic spectrometers, magnetometers, clocks, and cold-atom devices.
Cold-Atom Frequency Standard
Rack-mount microwave atomic clock using laser-cooled 87Rb atoms. Production unit target specifications: Allan deviation 2×10-12 @ 1 s, 2×10-14 @ 104 s; flicker floor 1×10-14; absolute accuracy < 1×10-13.
Miniature Dual-Stage Isolators
780nm And 852nm
AOSense offers dual-stage, free-space optical isolators at 780 nm and 852 nm for enhanced isolation. The innovative, small package size enables integration into compact laser sources and amplifiers without sacrificing transmission efficiency. The low external magnetic field enables the isolator to tightly integrate into systems with high magnetic-field sensitivity such as atomic spectrometers, magnetometers, clocks, and cold-atom devices.
Timing And Sync
Precision timing is critical for defense and commercial industries and powering essential network operations. Safran offers secure time servers and solutions for accurate network synchronization, ensuring security, compliance, and adherence to best practices. Safran excels in delivering precision timing solutions, including NTPNTP, or Network Time Protocol, is a widely used networking protocol that enables computers and devices to synchronize their system clocks with a reference time source. It ensures accurate timekeeping in computer networks by allowing devices to obtain precise time information from NTP servers, which are typically synchronized to highly accurate atomic clocks. NTP is essential for various applications and services that rely on synchronized time, such as network security, authentication, and data logging. time server appliances and GPSGlobal Positioning System is a navigation satellite system. See also master clocks globally.
Atomic Clocks And Oscillators
Safran is a world leader in rubidium atomic clocks and oscillators, quartz crystal (OCXO), maser, integrated GPSGlobal Positioning System is a navigation satellite system. See also/GNSS, and related testing instrument technologies that rely on accurate atomic time and the rubidium standard. Whether you need short or long term stability, our decades of experience designing and manufacturing products is trusted by companies ranging from global enterprises to space initiatives.