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NI-9203, 200 kS/s, ±20 mA, 8-Channel C Series Current Input Module
200 kS/s, ±20 mA, 8-Channel C Series Current Input Module - The NI‑9203 is intended for high-performance control and monitoring applications. It features programmable input ranges and variable connectivity options. To protect against signal transients, the NI‑9203 … includes a channel‑to‑earth ground double‑isolation barrier (250 Vrms isolation) for safety and noise immunity.
Brute High Current Probe
Current Rating (Amps): 50Current Rating Remark: 40 Amps for BeCu plungersAverage Probe Resistance (mOhm): 5Test Center (mil): 300Test Center (mm): 7.62Full Travel (mil): 250Full Travel (mm): 6.35Recommended Travel (mil): 167Recommended Travel (mm): 4.24Mechanical Life (no of cyles): 1,000,000Overall Length (mil): 1,750Overall Length (mm): 44.45
Brute High Current Probe
Current Rating (Amps): 50Current Rating Remark: 40 Amps for BeCu plungersAverage Probe Resistance (mOhm): 5Test Center (mil): 300Test Center (mm): 7.62Full Travel (mil): 250Full Travel (mm): 6.35Recommended Travel (mil): 167Recommended Travel (mm): 4.24Mechanical Life (no of cyles): 1,000,000Overall Length (mil): 1,750Overall Length (mm): 44.45
Brute High Current Probe
Current Rating (Amps): 50Current Rating Remark: 40 Amps for BeCu plungersAverage Probe Resistance (mOhm): 5Test Center (mil): 300Test Center (mm): 7.62Full Travel (mil): 250Full Travel (mm): 6.35Recommended Travel (mil): 167Recommended Travel (mm): 4.24Mechanical Life (no of cyles): 1,000,000Overall Length (mil): 1,750Overall Length (mm): 44.45
Brute High Current Probe
Current Rating (Amps): 50Current Rating Remark: 40 Amps for BeCu plungersAverage Probe Resistance (mOhm): 5Test Center (mil): 300Test Center (mm): 7.62Full Travel (mil): 250Full Travel (mm): 6.35Recommended Travel (mil): 167Recommended Travel (mm): 4.24Mechanical Life (no of cyles): 1,000,000Overall Length (mil): 1,750Overall Length (mm): 44.45
Standard- 27.20 (771.00) - 64.00 (1814.00) Godzilla High Current Probe
Current Rating (Amps): 100Average Probe Resistance (mOhm): 25Test Center (mil): For more details, please contact us.Test Center (mm): For more details, please contact us.Full Travel (mil): 360Full Travel (mm): 9.14Recommended Travel (mil): 250Recommended Travel (mm): 6.35Overall Length (mil): 3,110Overall Length (mm): 78.99
Alternate 24.00 (680.00) - 96.00 (2722.00) Godzilla High Current Probe
Current Rating (Amps): 100Average Probe Resistance (mOhm): 25Test Center (mil): For more details, please contact us.Test Center (mm): For more details, please contact us.Full Travel (mil): 360Full Travel (mm): 9.14Recommended Travel (mil): 250Recommended Travel (mm): 6.35Overall Length (mil): 3,110Overall Length (mm): 78.99
Godzilla High Current Probe, 100 Amp
Current Rating (Amps): 100Average Probe Resistance (mOhm): 25Test Center (mil): For more details, please contact us.Test Center (mm): For more details, please contact us.Full Travel (mil): 360Full Travel (mm): 9.14Recommended Travel (mil): 250Recommended Travel (mm): 6.35Overall Length (mil): 3,110Overall Length (mm): 78.99
Brute Hight Current Probes
Current Rating (Amps): 50Current Rating Remark: 40 Amps for BeCu plungersAverage Probe Resistance (mOhm): 5Test Center (mil): 300Test Center (mm): 7.62Full Travel (mil): 250Full Travel (mm): 6.35Recommended Travel (mil): 167Recommended Travel (mm): 4.24Mechanical Life (no of cyles): 1,000,000Overall Length (mil): 1,750Overall Length (mm): 44.45
Current Probe
Vernier Software & Technology, LLC
The Current Probe measures DC and low-frequency AC currents up to 600 mA. Use Current Probes in combination with Differential Voltage Probes to investigate Ohm's Law and explore series and parallel circuits. The 0.1 shunt resistor minimizes changes to your circuit. If currents will exceed 1 A, use the High Current Sensor.
High-Voltage Isolation Amplifier
Knick Elektronische Messgeräte GmbH & Co. KG.
Measurement of DC or AC voltages up to () 3600 V and of large DC currents to about () 20 kA with shunt resistor or directly in the device to () 5A DC and AC. Variants with calibrated range selection.
Interface Technology ProLine
Knick Elektronische Messgeräte GmbH & Co. KG.
Isolation Amplifier for DC voltage and current measurement with galvanic isolation, active and passive standard signal isolation amplifier, supply isolation amplifier for supplying 2-wire sensors, transmitter for temperature and AC signals, isolating amplifiers for high voltages and shunt applications. T
Shunt Isolation Amplifier
Knick Elektronische Messgeräte GmbH & Co. KG.
Especially to accurately measure large DC currents via shunt resistors, ie for making isolated detection of mV voltage on shunts. Variants with calibrated range selection. Working voltage up to 3600 V AC / DC.
AC Current Shunts
AC Current Shunts feature low uncertainty (high accuracy), low temperature coefficients and excellent stability. These shunts are purely resistive with extremely small values of reactance. The 7340 shunts may be used over a wide frequency range from DC to 100 kHz and are optimized for use with thermal converters.
AC Current Shunts
CSA Series
Ohm-Labs’ CSA series of ac current shunts are designed as laboratory standards for ac current measurement up to high frequencies.
Current Probes
Teledyne LeCroy current probes do not require the breaking of a circuit or the insertion of a shunt to make accurate and reliable current measurements. Based on a combination of Hall effect and transformer technology, Teledyne LeCroy current probes are ideal for making accurate AC, DC, and impulse current measurements.
Differential Voltage Probes
The DP differential isolation probes are an important accessory for any laboratory involved in power electronics and high voltage systems. These probes allow isolated and floating measurements with any oscilloscope or data recorder, whilst the oscilloscope can remain grounded. Using a DP150 or DP200pro probe, differential and floating measurements can be made on a variety of ac power systems like 230V/110V ac input power supplies, chopped and switching power supplies, thyristor controllers, variable speed motor drives (PWM signals), motor inrush current and measurement across current shunts. The isolated input is made via two 4mm/banana safety sockets. The BNC output allows easy connection to an oscilloscope. The DP probes can be powered from a 9V battery or external power supply.
Temperature Stabilized
Multiple Current Shunt
*IMPROVED ACCURACY*WIDE RANGE: <1 TO 300 A*HIGH IMMUNITY FROM AMBIENT TEMPERATURE CHANGESDC OR AC USE*TRANSPORTABLE*CUSTOM VALUES AVAILABLEWith new features, Ohm-Labs' model MCS Multiple Current Shunt for the first time overcomes much of the chief problem with accurate current measurement.
AC Power Analyzers
Measure voltage, current and power on 4 channels: DC, 1-phase AC or 3-phase ACMake more accurate power measurements: 0.05% at 50/60 HzMeasure current directly: internal shunts to 50 Arms, or with external probes or transducersAddress multiple test scenarios with isolated inputs
PXI Based Multifunction Measurement and ICT Instrument
The PXI-501 is a multifunction measurement instrument for functional and in-circuit measurements.It combines two parametric measurement units with a digital voltmeter, a high voltage current source and a discharge unit. This powerful combination makes it the ideal instrument for classical analog in-circuit test and manufacturing defect analysis with additional functional test capabilities.With it’s fast sampling rate of up to 4MSps it speeds up measurements and is capable of measuring and generating AC signals up to 100kHz.To enhance the PXI-501 capabilities it can be combined with an ABex TM-501 or an ABex TM-404. The ABex TM-501 enhances the in and output range of the PXI-501. Furthermore, it provides a shunt current measurement upgrade. In combination with the ABex TM-404 it’s a complete in-circuit test solution with 86 channels in one ABex slot. For sure it can be upgraded to 2838 test points in one rack by simply adding additional matrix modules.With the above-mentioned terminal modules, the PXI-501 is able to act as a ABex system controller, so that no additional controller is required in the cassis.
Voltage Logger
Besides from physical parameters; application also demands logging of voltages and currents. The IM2000 series Voltage Logger / Current Logger / Power Logger offered by us can accept DC shunt inputs, signals from convertors 4-20mA range or CT current inputs for higher AC currents or AC signals from PT. These can calculate values from the recorded channels to generate additional channel values.
AC and DC Non Inductive Current Shunt
Series A co-axial shunt and Option 02F/B shunt
Use with wattmeters, DMMs and power analyzers to extend current measurement ranges. Use with phase angle meters to enable phase angle measurements between voltage and current. Ultra low phase shift
Wide Angle Scale Instrument
Standard Electric Works Co., Ltd
● For ranges higher than 20A DC, use external shunt with a 50mV DC Ammeter.● For ranges higher than 300V DC, use external Volt Divider with a 1mA Voltmeter.● For ranges higher than 5A AC, use external Current Transformer with a 5A AC Ammeter. ● For ranges higher than 600V AC, use external Potential Transformer with a 150V AC Voltmeter.● Full Scale Deflection : 250° ● Accuracy : Class 1.5● Composition : Glass window, ABS resin frame and case, PC glass fiber base mounting fittings included.● Color : Black base and frame, white scale plate and meter body.● Pointer : Stick shape in black color.
Electrical Standards
To verify the performance of an electrical calibrator or dc calibrator, you need an electrical standard. Fluke Calibration standards are found in primary calibration laboratories across the world. A wide range of electrical standards and frequency standards are designed to meet the needs of today’s laboratories for traceability and quality accreditation while also being portable, simple to use, and easy to support. Electrical standards include: Voltage standards; ac/dc transfer standards; ac measurement standards; resistance standards; ratio standards; current shunts.