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Current and Potential Transformers
current and potential transformer T&M instruments.
NI-9203, 200 kS/s, ±20 mA, 8-Channel C Series Current Input Module
200 kS/s, ±20 mA, 8-Channel C Series Current Input Module - The NI‑9203 is intended for high-performance control and monitoring applications. It features programmable input ranges and variable connectivity options. To protect against signal transients, the NI‑9203 … includes a channel‑to‑earth ground double‑isolation barrier (250 Vrms isolation) for safety and noise immunity.
Brute High Current Probe
Current Rating (Amps): 50Current Rating Remark: 40 Amps for BeCu plungersAverage Probe Resistance (mOhm): 5Test Center (mil): 300Test Center (mm): 7.62Full Travel (mil): 250Full Travel (mm): 6.35Recommended Travel (mil): 167Recommended Travel (mm): 4.24Mechanical Life (no of cyles): 1,000,000Overall Length (mil): 1,750Overall Length (mm): 44.45
Brute High Current Probe
Current Rating (Amps): 50Current Rating Remark: 40 Amps for BeCu plungersAverage Probe Resistance (mOhm): 5Test Center (mil): 300Test Center (mm): 7.62Full Travel (mil): 250Full Travel (mm): 6.35Recommended Travel (mil): 167Recommended Travel (mm): 4.24Mechanical Life (no of cyles): 1,000,000Overall Length (mil): 1,750Overall Length (mm): 44.45
Brute High Current Probe
Current Rating (Amps): 50Current Rating Remark: 40 Amps for BeCu plungersAverage Probe Resistance (mOhm): 5Test Center (mil): 300Test Center (mm): 7.62Full Travel (mil): 250Full Travel (mm): 6.35Recommended Travel (mil): 167Recommended Travel (mm): 4.24Mechanical Life (no of cyles): 1,000,000Overall Length (mil): 1,750Overall Length (mm): 44.45
Brute High Current Probe
Current Rating (Amps): 50Current Rating Remark: 40 Amps for BeCu plungersAverage Probe Resistance (mOhm): 5Test Center (mil): 300Test Center (mm): 7.62Full Travel (mil): 250Full Travel (mm): 6.35Recommended Travel (mil): 167Recommended Travel (mm): 4.24Mechanical Life (no of cyles): 1,000,000Overall Length (mil): 1,750Overall Length (mm): 44.45
Standard- 27.20 (771.00) - 64.00 (1814.00) Godzilla High Current Probe
Current Rating (Amps): 100Average Probe Resistance (mOhm): 25Test Center (mil): For more details, please contact us.Test Center (mm): For more details, please contact us.Full Travel (mil): 360Full Travel (mm): 9.14Recommended Travel (mil): 250Recommended Travel (mm): 6.35Overall Length (mil): 3,110Overall Length (mm): 78.99
Alternate 24.00 (680.00) - 96.00 (2722.00) Godzilla High Current Probe
Current Rating (Amps): 100Average Probe Resistance (mOhm): 25Test Center (mil): For more details, please contact us.Test Center (mm): For more details, please contact us.Full Travel (mil): 360Full Travel (mm): 9.14Recommended Travel (mil): 250Recommended Travel (mm): 6.35Overall Length (mil): 3,110Overall Length (mm): 78.99
Godzilla High Current Probe, 100 Amp
Current Rating (Amps): 100Average Probe Resistance (mOhm): 25Test Center (mil): For more details, please contact us.Test Center (mm): For more details, please contact us.Full Travel (mil): 360Full Travel (mm): 9.14Recommended Travel (mil): 250Recommended Travel (mm): 6.35Overall Length (mil): 3,110Overall Length (mm): 78.99
Brute Hight Current Probes
Current Rating (Amps): 50Current Rating Remark: 40 Amps for BeCu plungersAverage Probe Resistance (mOhm): 5Test Center (mil): 300Test Center (mm): 7.62Full Travel (mil): 250Full Travel (mm): 6.35Recommended Travel (mil): 167Recommended Travel (mm): 4.24Mechanical Life (no of cyles): 1,000,000Overall Length (mil): 1,750Overall Length (mm): 44.45
Instrument Transformer Comparator
Power Measurement Technologies Inc.
The PMT20010 Comparator is an automatically balancing bridge that measures the accuracy of instrumentation potential and current transformers.
Three-Phase Transformer Demagnetizer
After a DC current test, such as winding resistance measurement, the magnetic core of a power or instrument transformer may be magnetized (remnant magnetism). It can cause various problems such as wrong diagnostics, inaccurate measurements on a transformer, inrush current at the start-up of a power transformer, or incorrect operation of protective relays due to magnetized CT cores. The best way to eliminate this source of potential problems is to use demagnetizer on the power or instrument transformer.The DEM60C is a fully automatic test instrument which performs three-phase transformer demagnetization. Transformer magnetic core demagnetization requires the application of AC current with magnitude decreasing to zero. DEM60C provides this AC current by internally changing the polarity of a controlled DC current. During the demagnetization process, the instrument supplies the current at decreasing magnitude for each step, following a proprietary algorithm. It can demagnetize single-phase and three-phase power transformers.The instrument can be connected to all three phases of a power transformer to be demagnetized, on either the primary or the secondary side. If a user selects specific vector diagrams for different types of transformers, DEM60C will run a specific demagnetization procedure for each transformer type (i.e., single phase, delta, wye/star, zig-zag.) without switching the test leads.DEM60C enables safe and efficient power transformer demagnetization. The instrument automatically regulates the injection of current and discharging energy from the inductance. During and after the operation, an intrinsically safe discharge circuit with an indicator rapidly dissipates the stored magnetic energy. The discharging circuit is independent of the power supply, which improves its reliability in case of loss of power.Test currents of up to 60 A DC enable efficient demagnetization of even the largest power transformers. Using a DV Win software, it is possible to control DEM60C externally.
CT/VT Test System
Fully pre-wired comprehensive turn test system. *Suitable for CTs up to 6000A & VTs up to 132kV. * Precision to (0.005 class) internal multi-ratio standard CT. * Internal 4KA current source. * State-of-the-art Instrument Transformer Test Set AITTS-98 with computer & printer interfaces. * Electronic potential divider facilitates testing any VT ratio upto 132kV. * Current & potential burdens.
Transformer Turn Ratio Instrument
The ART-3D is high precision instrument designed to measure ratios, magnetization currents, phase-shifting in power transformers, distribution transformers, potential and current transformers, in conformity to IEEE C57.12.90 and CEI/IEC 60076.
Potential Transformers
Osborne Potential Transformers (PT’s) are used to reduce higher system voltages to lower values that are appropriate for instrumentation and/or protection circuits. They have been designed to meet specified current ratios, and burden impedance at a specified transformation error. One area of unique Osborne expertise is in designing for phase shift when potential transformers are to be used for power measuring applications.
Test Switches and Accessories
Test switches are designed and manufactured to allow quick and easy multi-circuit testing of switchboard relays, meters and instruments by any conventional system.These test switches and related test plugs have the features necessary for applications involving the measurement of individual currents and voltages associated with substation instrumentation and protection devices. They have been especially designed for the measurement of potential elements, current elements, and make-before-break short-circuit elements related to Current Transformer (CT) circuits.
Transformer Analyzer
The UTEC 505 Transformer Analyzer is designed for testing current transformers (CT) and potential transformers (PT) without interruption of the customer’s service. This instrument measures CT admittance, CT ratio, CT primary-to-secondary phase angle and the voltage, current and phase angle of the service. With the ‘Burden CT/PT Option’, it determines the CT secondary burden capability, the regulation of the PT and its secondary burden capability and provides for CT core demagnetization.
Transformer Ratiometer
Model TR-1C Transformer Ratiometer is a precision test set with an easy-to-read in-line digital readout from 0.00001 to 1.00000, suitable for testing all types of single and three-phase power distribution, potential and current transformers.
High Voltage System
International Electro-Magnetics, Inc.
*Tests Power Transformers for Continuity, Ratio and Phase. Applied and Induced Potential and No-load Losses.*14 Conductor Switching Matrix will test 7 individual windings, 13 taps of one common winding or some combination thereof. (10 Amp current limit)*The System Control is Windows/Visual Basic based. Menu screens allow full selection of test parameters and sequence. Low voltage tests can be performed first, allowing defective parts to be rejected without proceeding to time consuming induced Potential dwell routines. Test data labeling and data acquisition software can be easily added to the system.
16-Channel VME AC Power Analysis Module
The V180 is a single-width VME module that allows accurate and comprehensive measurement of AC power circuits. The V180 acquires powerline current and voltage inputs using approved current transformers and model C750 remote potential transducers.
Transformer Testing Equipment
Offering you a complete choice of products which include Automatic Transformer Turns Ratio Instruments (ATRI- 3), Automatic Transformer Turns Ratio Instrument (ATRI-201), VTRI-2000 ( Transformer turns ratio instrument ), Current Transformer Test Set (CTC-1), Potential Transformer Tester ( PT Tester ) and Current Transformer Tester ( CT Tester ).
20 Amp Current Transformer Burden Test Set
Due to overwhelming demand, TESCO is pleased to re-introduce the 1044A 20 Amp Current Transformer Burden Test Set. This light weight, hand held unit is a simple and inexpensive means whereby a current transformer installation may be quickly checked for many sources of trouble. The 1044A provides utilities a less expensive and more traditional option for checking larger services for potential meter circuit related issues.
Wide Angle Scale Instrument
Standard Electric Works Co., Ltd
● For ranges higher than 20A DC, use external shunt with a 50mV DC Ammeter.● For ranges higher than 300V DC, use external Volt Divider with a 1mA Voltmeter.● For ranges higher than 5A AC, use external Current Transformer with a 5A AC Ammeter. ● For ranges higher than 600V AC, use external Potential Transformer with a 150V AC Voltmeter.● Full Scale Deflection : 250° ● Accuracy : Class 1.5● Composition : Glass window, ABS resin frame and case, PC glass fiber base mounting fittings included.● Color : Black base and frame, white scale plate and meter body.● Pointer : Stick shape in black color.