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- LBA Group, Inc
Static & Lighting Chokes
Lighting chokes are used to pass tower lighting voltages across the base insulator of a series-fed tower without appreciably altering the tower impedance. LBA TC-300 general purpose tower lighting chokes are provided for three wire 110/220 VAC circuits. Maximum current is 25 amps. These chokes are rated for peak base voltages to 10,000 volts, and present a typical reactance of +j5000 ohms at 530 kHz. Bypass capacitors are provided on each winding.
CellTest Multichannel Potentiostat
Simultaneous Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) tests can be run on multiple cells by connecting Solartron 1455A/1451A series frequency response analyzer (FRA) modules to the 1470E. These FRAs can operate in single sine correlation or multi-sine / Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) analysis mode, providing the ultimate in speed, precision and accuracy. The 1455A FRA provides high performance impedance measurements over the frequency range 10 μHz to 1 MHz, while the 1451A FRA operates from 10 μHz to 100 kHz.
Charge Integrator Amplifiers
Analog Devices’ charge integrator amplifiers convert the charge acquired by X-ray or photodiode detectors to a voltage. The channels are composed of CMOS transistors, using typical high input impedance CMOS gates. The integrators generate charge dependent voltages using a range of selectable capacitance values that accommodate a broad range of input charge values. The integrators are followed by single-ended input to differential output voltage amplifiers where offset and low frequency noise voltages are subtracted from the input voltages.
Circuit Card Design Services
Capabilities• VME, CPCI, VSX form factors• Differential pairs and controlled impedance• Matched length traces, trace guarding• Multilayer (designs to 26 layers completed)• Analog and designs (>6 GHz)• Column Grid Array, Micro-Ball Grid Array• Flex circuits
Compact Vibration Generator
The compact vibration generator is used for calibration of a vibrometer, measurement of mechanical impedance, excitation source for modal analysis and reliability test of a small light specimen. In particular, EMIC uses the world's first ceramic armature for the 512-D and 513-D vibration generator,making it possible to excite up to high frequency of 30 kHz (513-D can excite up to 24 kHz).
Controlled Impedance Field Solver
TheSi8000m is an all new boundary element method field solver , which builds on the familiar easy to use user interface in earlier Polar impedance design systems. The Si8000m adds enhanced modeling to predict the finished impedance of multiple dielectric PCB builds and also takes into account the local variations in dielectric constant on close spaced differential structures.
Current Pulsers and Laser Diode Drivers (Pulsed Current)
These instruments generate current pulses whose amplitude is largely independent of the load voltage. This makes them ideal for pulsing device whose voltage may vary with time (for instance, the voltage drop of laser diodes may vary with temperature, or explosive squibs which change impedance during ignition). This voltage independence is a trade-off with speed. If faster rise times are required, consider using pulsed voltage instruments instead.
Current Transformer
Love Controls LTTJ Series Current Transformers allow easy monitoring of the current flowing to your load. This easy to use device provides a 0 to 10 VDC signal into both low and high impedance circuits, and is easily scalable to your needs
DC Bias Injector
When using the network analyzer to measure impedance, such as the capacitance and ESR or a capacitor, or the DCR of an inductor, etc., it is often necessary to provide a voltage bias to the device being tested. This is true of semiconductor junction capacitances, varactors, and some ceramic capacitors (especially X5R). In these cases the impedance is a function of the DC bias on the device. The Picotest DC bias injector (J2130A) is used for this purpose during impedance measurements.
DC-to-250MHz, X1/x10 Probe Kit (HP-3250i), Isolated BNC
Oscilloscope Probe 1:1-1:10 - HP-3250i250 MHz bandwidth, rated 600 V.The Oscilloscope Probe 1:1-1:10 - HP-3250i is a 1:1-1:10 selectable passive high impedance oscilloscope probe with 250 MHz bandwidth (1:10) designed and calibrated for use on oscilloscopes having an input impedance of 1 MOhm shunted by 20 pF. However, it may be compensated for use with an oscilloscope having an input capacitance of 10 to 30 pF.
DC TO 40 GHz
MDHC Series
Smiths Interconnect's spring loaded High Frequency Micro-D Coax Connectors MDHC offer low VSWR of 1.5:1 (typical) up to 40GHz (max mated pair), maximum overall diameter of 0.125" fitted into low-profile micro-D housing, constant 50 Ohm airline impedance.
Decade Capacitance Box
The wide capacitance range and high resolution of the GenRad 1412-BC decade capacitance box make it exceptionally useful in both laboratory and test shop. Owing to its fine adjustment of capacitance, it is a convenient variable capacitor to use with an Impedance Comparator. The polystyrene dielectric used in the decade steps is necessary for applications requiring low dielectric absorption and constancy of both capacitance and dissipation factor with frequency.
Differential Probe
*1:1 High Sensitivity*100 Gain Design*x1, x10, x100 Attenuator*Bandwidth: DC-50MHz*Input Impedance 3MΩ // 2.5PF*Max. 800Vp-p Input or ±400V DC or AC 280V RMS*Output Impedance 50Ω
Differential Probe
*30KVp-p, High Voltage Model .*Input Impedance 81.6MΩ//1PF *x200, x2000 Attenuator, Easy to Convert.*Separating Design(Standard No.114205)*Convenient & Durable.
Differential Probe
DP-16K Series
*High Frequency Performance Model*Bandwidth:(-3 dB)**DC~100 MHz (DP-16K)**DC~70 MHz (DP-16KM)**DC~50 MHz (DP-16KL)*2 Range: x100, x1000*Input Impedance:**10 MΩ // 10 pF each side to ground*Over Range Indicate LED*Rise Time: 4 ns
Differential Probe
*This is the first detachable design (patent for 15 years)*High frequency, big power using. Max. Measuring is 7000Vp-p.I*t is capable for any brand of digital and analog oscilloscopes.*Additional AC Adaptor.*16MΩ high input impedance.
Differential Probe
*High Sensitivity Model: x 1, x 5, x 10 Attenuation*1 MΩ // 10PF Input Impedance*High Frequency Operation: x 1(30 MHZ), x 5(60 MHZ), x 10(60 MHz)*Especially For Low Voltage: x 1(7 Vp-p), x 5(35 Vp-p), x 10(70 Vp-p)
Differential Probe
*MAX. Input Voltage: ±8KV DC or 16KV p-p or AC 5.6KV rms*Bandwidth: DC-50MHz*Input Impedance 30MΩ// 1.5PF*x20, x200, x2000 Attenuator*To Ground MAX. Voltage: 8KV CAT III*Output Impedance 50Ω
Differential Probe
*Econmical High Voltage Model*25MHz/1400Vp-p Max.*3 Range: x20/ x50/ x200*Input Impedance 4MΩ//1.2PF*Separating Design(Standard No.114205) Convenient & Durable.
Differential Probe
*MAX. Input Voltage: ±20KV DC or 40KV p-p or AC 14KV rms*Bandwidth: DC-20MHz*Input Impedance 100MΩ// 1PF*x500, x5000 Attenuator*To Ground MAX. Voltage: 10KV CAT III*Output Impedance 50Ω
Differential Probe
*MAX. Input Voltage: ±400V DC or 800V p-p or AC 280V rms*Bandwidth: DC-150MHz*Input Impedance 20MΩ // 5PF*X20, X200 Attenuator*To Ground MAX. Voltage: 400V*Output Impedance 50Ω
Differential Probe
*MAX. Input Voltage: ±4KV DC or 8KV p-p or AC 2.8KV rms*Bandwidth: DC-50MHz*Input Impedance 20MΩ// 2PF*x10, x100, x1000 Attenuator*To Ground MAX. Voltage: 4KV CAT III*Output Impedance 50Ω
Differential Probe
*150MHz High Frequency*MAX. Input Voltage:*±40V DC or 80V p-p or AC 28V rms*Bandwidth: DC-150MHz*Input Impedance 1MΩ // 7.5PF*X2, X20 Attenuator*To Ground MAX. Voltage: 40V*Output Impedance 50Ω
Differential Probe
*MAX. Input Voltage: ±8KV DC or 16KV p-p or AC 5.6KV rms*Bandwidth: DC-150MHz*Input Impedance 20MΩ // 5PF*X400, X4000 Attenuator*To Ground MAX. Voltage: 3.5KV CAT III*Output Impedance 50Ω
Differential Probe
*This is the first detachable design (patent for 15 years)*4 range attenuation selection, easy for operation.*For big power using. Max. Measuring is 7KVp-p.I*t is capable for any brand of digital and analog oscilloscopes.*16MΩ high input impedance.
Differential Probe
*High Sensitivity, High Voltage Model .*35MHz/1600 Vp-p Max.*Input Impedance 8MΩ//2.5PF*x10, x100 Attenuator, Easy to Convert.*Separating Design(Standard No.114205) Convenient & Durable.
Digital frequency counters
The instrument is equipped, in addition to the 20 Hz-160 MHz input, a second input for measurement up to 2.4 GHz with an impedance of 50 Ohms.
ECT / ECA Eddy Current Flaw Detector
United Western Technologies Corp
The EVi works directly with the EddyView Family of probes and accessories. UniWest’s unmatched selection of standard and advanced display features set a new standard for flexibility of applications, ease of use, interpretation of data and overall operator accuracy. The key to the EVi’s ground-breaking performance is the display of a visual image of the surface area under inspection alongside the customary and selectable eddy current signal displays (impedance plane, A-scan or strip charts). The EVi provides a high precision, easily readable display of surface conditions enabling improved interpretation of data while giving more accurate discernment of cracks, pits, gouges and fretting.
EIS Interface (Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy)
The BATT470m electrochemical impedance analysis interface (EIS) provides an easy to use battery/cell impedance test platform for the electrochemical industry. Utilizing the highly accurate PSM3750 frequency response analyzer from N4L, the BATT470 provides impedance measurement of batteries/cells up to 100V DC. With a frequency range of 100mHz to 1MHz, the BATT470m covers a wide range of applications. Our software package - PSMComm2, featuring “EIS” mode, displays the in-phase and quadrature impedance of the cell in Nyquist form as well as overall impedance (Z), in bode form.
Electrical Circuits Control Device
ZET 452
ZET 452 is an automated module for electrical circuits parameters control that is used for electrical circuits impedance and insulation resistance monitoring in automated mode. The monitoring is performed in accordance with the set participation and without participation of an operator. ZET 452 allows to reduce the time necessary for verification procedure more than in 20 times if compared with the standard measurement instruments normally used for these purposes.
Electric Shock Protection Analysis
60364-4-41 StandardBS 7671 StandardEN 50122 StandardTN-C, TN-S, TN-C-S, TT & IT Earthing TypesElectric shock requirementsLoop impedance and current calculationTouch voltage calculation and evaluationCalculation considers resistance to ground / earthGround Fault Current Interrupter (GFCI) or Residual Current Circuit Breaker (RCCB) or Residual Current Detector (RCD) protectionReports in Crystal Reports and MS Excel