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Fourier Transform
Mathematically converts a time domain into a function of frequency and their amplitudes.
CellTest Multichannel Potentiostat
Simultaneous Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) tests can be run on multiple cells by connecting Solartron 1455A/1451A series frequency response analyzer (FRA) modules to the 1470E. These FRAs can operate in single sine correlation or multi-sine / Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) analysis mode, providing the ultimate in speed, precision and accuracy. The 1455A FRA provides high performance impedance measurements over the frequency range 10 μHz to 1 MHz, while the 1451A FRA operates from 10 μHz to 100 kHz.
CompuScope GPU CUDA Processing
Performing real-time digital signal processing (DSP) routines such as Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), Signal Averaging, Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filtering, Digital Down Conversion (DDC) and more have traditionally required the use of dedicated DSP processors, Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), or Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs).
EDM Post Analyzer Software
The Post Analyzer application is used for the post processing of previously recorded time stream data. Post processing includes data conditioning, Fourier transform operations, and specialized analyses such as order tracking and octave analysis.
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer
Despite their small footprint, smaller than an A3 size sheet of paper (297 x 420 mm), these models have been engineered with a wide sample compartment that accommodates existing accessories from Shimadzu and other manufacturers. This capability makes them the smallest (installation footprint) and lightest FTIR spectrophotometers in the world that can be used with optional products from other manufacturers. They also include a program, IR Pilot, with 23 application-specific workflows that can be utilized without involving any complicated parameter setup process. Customers can select from either the IRSpirit-T model, which offers sensitivity equivalent to standard Shimadzu models, or the reasonably priced IRSpirit-L model.
FTIR – Fourier Transform Infrared
FTIR stands for Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy. It is a powerful gas measurement technology for simultaneous measurements of multiple gases. The ability to detect and measure almost any gas, combined with the robustness and reliability of the technology, makes FTIR ideal for a wide variety of applications.
FTIR Gas Analysers
Protea’s range of Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Gas Analysers allows for the measurement of nearly any gas with one instrument. A FTIR gas analyser collects a full infrared spectrum continuously, allowing for hundreds of gases to be detected and measured at once. Changes are only needed to software calibration files to measure new gases.
hyperspectral imaging sensor
The Hyper-Cam is a lightweight and compact hyperspectral imaging sensor which uses Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) technology. This advanced high-performance spectrometer allows to detect and identify substances either gases or solids from a distance of up to 5 kilometers. It provides real-time chemical imaging as well as unparalleled spatial and spectral information about the IR targets under measurement.
Phase Angle Voltmeter
Measuring Vrms, inphase, quadrature, freq, ratios and phase angles. Using Discrete Fourier Transform algorithms, the PAV1010A provides capability, performance and versatility not available with traditional PAVs. Targeted at the Synchro/Resolver and LVDT/RVDT marketplace, this instrument makes measurements of Phase Angle, In-Phase, Quadrature (90° component), Fundamental and Total Vrms very straightforward. All these measurements are displayed simultaneously on a bright multifunction display.
Spectral Domain Signal Analyzer
Baudline is a time-frequency browser designed for scientific visualization of the spectral domain. Signal analysis is performed by Fourier, correlation, and raster transforms that create colorful spectrograms with vibrant detail. Conduct test and measurement experiments with the built in function generator, or play back audio files with a multitude of effects and filters. The baudline signal analyzer combines fast digital signal processing, versatile high speed displays, and continuous capture tools for hunting down and studying elusive signal characteristics.
Time Frequency Analysis Function
This function can evaluate transient phenomena that were difficult to capture by FFT analysis, and display clearly time change of the frequency component while maintaining its frequency resolution . The OS-0527 is equipped with STFT (Short Time Fourier Transform) and Wavelet transform.
FFT Audio Spectrum Analyzer Plug-in
Fast Fourier transform spectrum analyzer. Stereo, mid-side, surround spectrum analyzer. Stereo correlation meter. Multi-track spectrum comparison. PNG spectrum snapshot saving. K level meter. This plug-in is compatible with Windows (32 and 64-bit Windows XP, Vista, 7 and later versions) and Mac OS X (10.5 and later versions, 32-and 64-bit, Intel processor-based) computers.
FTIR Exhaust Gas Analyzer Dilute Measurement Type
Offers a 5Hz sampling rate and simultaneously measure the concentrations of multiple components including NH3, CH4 and CO2, engine diluted exhaust gas using the Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) method in combination with multivariate analysis algorithm.
FTIR Exhaust Gas Analyzer Direct Measurement Type
The FTX-ONE offers a 5Hz sampling rate and simultaneously measure the concentrations of multiple components including NH3, CH4, and CO2, from (engine) direct exhaust gas using the Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) method in combination with multivariate analysis algorithm.
EDXIR-Analysis Contaminant Finder/Material Inspector
EDXIR-Analysis software is specially designed to perform qualitative analysis using data acquired by an energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) fluorescence spectrometer and a Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer (FTIR). This software is used to perform an integrated analysis of data from FTIR, which is excellent at the identification and qualification of organic compounds, and from EDX, which is excellent at the elementary analysis of metals, inorganic compounds and other content. It then pursues identification results and the degree of matching. it can also be used to perform EDX or FTIR data analysis on its own. The library used for data analysis (containing 485 data as standard) is original to Shimadzu, and was created through cooperation with water supply agencies and food manufacturers. Additional data can be registered to the library, as can image files and document files in PDF format. It is also effective for the linked storage of various types of data as electronic files.
EDX-FTIR Contaminant Finder/Material Inspector
EDXIR-Analysis Contaminant Finder/Material Inspector
EDXIR-Analysis software is specially designed to perform qualitative analysis using data acquired by an energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) fluorescence spectrometer and a Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer (FTIR). This software is used to perform an integrated analysis of data from FTIR, which is excellent at the identification and qualification of organic compounds, and from EDX, which is excellent at the elementary analysis of metals, inorganic compounds and other content. It then pursues identification results and the degree of matching. it can also be used to perform EDX or FTIR data analysis on its own. The library used for data analysis (containing 485 data as standard) is original to Shimadzu, and was created through cooperation with water supply agencies and food manufacturers. Additional data can be registered to the library, as can image files and document files in PDF format. It is also effective for the linked storage of various types of data as electronic files.
Materials Lab XM
The Materials Lab XM product provides a fully integrated reference grade time domain and AC measurement platform. No need to switch sample connections between techniques. Time domain measurements include I-V (current voltage) characterization as well as fast pulse techniques. AC testing techniques include everything from single-sine analysis, to multisine / Fast Fourier Transform for faster low frequency analysis, to harmonics and intermodulation for testing linearity and breakdown of materials. Measurements of electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), admittance, permittivity and capacitance are all provided from the XM-studio MTS software platform, together with integrated equivalent circuit analysis functionality.
FPGA Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT)
eXpert / Fast Fourier Transformation
Fourier Transform Analysis is Advanced On-board FPGA Technology a powerful signal-processing technique used in a wide variety of applications. GaGe’s eXpert FFT firmware allows CompuScopehardware to perform Fourier Analysis within its on-board processing FPGA.
Gasmet Portable FTIR Ambient Gas Analyser
The Gasmet DX4030 was the first truly portable FTIR gas analyzer in the world. The lightweight analyzer module is located in durable Teflon–coated backpack. The DX4030 analyser module houses a Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrometer, Rhodium-Gold coated sample cell and signal processing electronics. The sample gas is extracted into the sample cell via a probe with built in a particle filter. Hence no sample preparation is needed.
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)
Rocky Mountain Laboratories, Inc.
FTIR Analysis is used to analyze organic materials. Bulk and small particle materials can be analyzed. FTIR microscopy allows for the identification of particle as small as 10 µm. Determination of unknown materials is facilitated by spectral matching to a library of over 250,000 reference spectra.
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer
This system achieves excellent sensitivity with an SN ratio of 60,000:1, high resolution at 0.25 cm-1, and high-speed scanning capable of 20 spectra/second. The performance of medium and higher end models is supported by high reliability including advanced dynamic alignment and an interferometer with a dehumidifier. This is compatible with applications active in a variety of circumstances, with a library of approximately 12,000 spectra and data analysis programs for contaminant analysis, and time course and rapid scan programs for reaction tracking.
Fixed Point FFT/IFFT IP Core
Abaco Systems' fixed point FFT cores are the most efficient and fastest available in the FPGA world. With a revolutionary architecture for efficient memory usage and balanced use of arithmetic and logic resources, we offer complete FFT solutions with any input resolution up to 2Gsps. Whether you require a forward FFT, Inverse FFT, a 2D FFT, correlation or any algorithm efficiently performed with a Fourier transform, our technology will offer you the best solution for a cost-effective implementation.
Floating Point FFT
Abaco Systems' Floating Point FFT core is the most flexible IEEE-754 compliant FFT core available in the FPGA world. Designed for high performance programmable devices from Xilinx and Altera, this core performs Fast Fourier Transforms ranging from 256 points to 64M points and is ideal for high precision spectral analysis, radar and video processing applications. Download our bit-true model for 1D and 2D FFT.
FTIR Spectrometers
Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy is a non-destructive analytical technique that can be applied to solid, liquid, and gas samples. Measuring the mid-IR spectral range, from 4,000 cm-1 to 400 cm-1, the technique detects vibrational transitions of molecules, therefore an FTIR spectrum contains vibrational information on the sample studied.
DC Fault Tester
The HBD-81 DC Portable DC System Ground Fault Locator designed for DC fault testing. This equipment utilizes the principle of DC current differential detection and incorporates fast FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) technology for detailed analysis of the amplitude-frequency characteristics of the test signal. By balancing the safety and sensitivity aspects of DC ground fault locating, it effectively resolves the conflict between the two.
Software and Interfacing
The installed sophisticated software offers many possibilities for signal storage, processing, visualization, etc. This includes the Fourier Transform analysis, and the line shape fitting of resonance. The system can also control external devices through the GPIB interface.
Laser Spectrum Analyzer
771 Series
The 771 Series Laser Spectrum Analyzer from Bristol Instruments combines proven Michelson interferometer technology with fast Fourier transform analysis resulting in a unique instrument that operates as both a high-resolution spectrum analyzer and a high-accuracy wavelength meter. With spectral resolution up to 2 GHz, wavelength accuracy as high as ± 0.2 parts per million, and an optical rejection ratio of more than 40 dB, the model 771 provides the most detailed information about a laser’s spectral properties.
Handheld spectrum analyzer/Signal analyzer
Recently, a lot of equipment have taken the high frequency or microwave technology according to the advancement and the spread of the telecommunication equipment. As a result, the handheld spectrum analyzer to analyze the signal by the frequency domain is necessaries now. The handheld spectrum analyzer is roughly classified into a heterodyne method and a Fourier transform method. The heterodyne method is also called the swept frequency method and makes it possible to measure up to tens of GHz though only for the steady signal. On the other hand, the Fourier transform method is also called the real time method and can handle an unsteady signal though the low measuring frequency range up to tens of MHz. As for our spectrum analyzer or signal analyzer, the MSA300/400 series adopts the swept frequency method, and the MSA500 series adopts both the swept frequency method and the Fourier transform method.
Fourier Transform Optical Spectrum Analyzer, 600 - 1700 nm
Thorlabs' Optical Spectrum Analyzers (OSAs) perform highly accurate spectral measurements. Compatible with fiber-coupled and free-space light sources, these compact benchtop instruments suit a wide variety of applications, such as analyzing the spectrum of a telecom signal, resolving the Fabry-Perot modes of a gain chip, and identifying gas absorption lines. Many commonly available OSAs use grating-based monochromators, which have slow acquisition times due to the need to mechanically scan the grating and average out noise at each wavelength. Thorlabs' OSAs acquire the spectrum via a Fourier transform using a scanning Michelson interferometer in a push/pull configuration. This approach dramatically improves the acquisition time, enables a high-precision wavelength meter mode with 7 significant figures and ±1 part-per-million accuracy, and allows the included software to provide robust statistical analysis of the acquired spectra, as explained in the Design tab.
Signal Analysis
FFT Analysis
The program FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) Analysis is used for narrow-band spectral processing of signals coming from the input channels of ADC modules and FFT spectrum analyzers (in real-time or recorded time realization view mode), as well as for viewing various spectral characteristics of signals.
Fourier Transform Optical Spectrum Analyzer, 350 - 1100 nm
Thorlabs' Optical Spectrum Analyzers (OSAs) perform highly accurate spectral measurements. Compatible with fiber-coupled and free-space light sources, these compact benchtop instruments suit a wide variety of applications, such as analyzing the spectrum of a telecom signal, resolving the Fabry-Perot modes of a gain chip, and identifying gas absorption lines. Many commonly available OSAs use grating-based monochromators, which have slow acquisition times due to the need to mechanically scan the grating and average out noise at each wavelength. Thorlabs' OSAs acquire the spectrum via a Fourier transform using a scanning Michelson interferometer in a push/pull configuration. This approach dramatically improves the acquisition time, enables a high-precision wavelength meter mode with 7 significant figures and ±1 part-per-million accuracy, and allows the included software to provide robust statistical analysis of the acquired spectra, as explained in the Design tab.