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Integrating Spheres
Uniformly scatter or diffuse light rays.
See Also: Goniophotometers, Spectroradiometers
Integrating Sphere Solutions
An integrating sphere is a light collector which takes advantage of physical geometry to homogenize any radiation being emitted inside by relying on a high-reflectance coating material. Depending on the wavelength range the end user using a sphere with, different coatings have different advantages based on the application.
UV-VIS-NIR Spectrophotometer
UV-3600i Plus
UV-3600i Plus, the Multi-purpose large-sample compartment and the Integrating sphere attachment also feature three detector, enabling the high-sensitivity measurement of solid samples. LabSolutions UV-Vis is a next-generation Shimadzu UV control software pursuing efficiency of analysis. LabSolutions UV-Vis software with easy-to-use is included as standard.
UV-VIS-NIR Spectrophotometer
UV-2600i, UV-2700i
The compact UV-2600i/2700i is a universal, research-grade spectrophotometer that can be used in a wide range of fields, and easily expanded to suit the measurement objective. By using the optional integrating sphere, the measurement wavelength range of the UV-2600 can be extended to the near-infrared region of 1400 nm. The UV-2700 is capable of 8-Abs measurements, and optimal for measuring low transmittance samples.
UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
UV-i Selection
UV-3600i Plus, the Multi-purpose large-sample compartment and the Integrating sphere attachment also feature three detector, enabling the high-sensitivity measurement of solid samples.
Integrating Spheres
Instrument Systems Optische Messtechnik GmbH
Determination of radiant power or luminous flux from light sources with the aid of integrating spheres is one of the most important procedures in photometry. Designed as a hollow sphere whose inner surface is coated with a diffusely reflecting material, the integrating sphere ensures complete integration and mixing of light radiation. This is then output on a detector port for measurement.
Digilux 9500
Instrument Systems Optische Messtechnik GmbH
The Digilux 9500 of the Optronik line is a high caliber luxmeter for the precise measurement of illuminance, luminousintensity in the lab, or determination of luminous flux with an integrating sphere. It is equipped with a state-of-the-art photocurrent amplifier and microprocessor technology, and offers multiple operating and display functions with an excellent price-performance ratio.
Thorlabs' photodetectors are capable of detecting light throughout the UV, VIS, NIR, IR, and THz spectral regions. Our photodetectors feature sensors that enable properties such as intensity, power, intensity distribution, wavefront shape, energy, and wavelength to be measured. We offer unmounted photodiodes as well as amplified, biased, and avalanche photodetectors. Thermal power detectors are available unmounted, mounted on a PCB, or mounted on an aluminum plate. Also available are position-detecting sensors, integrating spheres, and an acoustic detection module.
Integrating Sphere FT-NIR Spectrometer
QuasIR 3000™
The QuasIR™ 3000 was designed from the ground up to offer the industry a new kind of NIR analysis solution – a solution that brings together the portability required to move NIR analysis closer to point-of-need, combined with unmatched spectroscopic performance for the fastest and most accurate results.
Transmission & Integrating Sphere FT-NIR Spectrometer
QuasIR™ 4000
The QuasIR™ 4000 was designed from the ground up to offer the industry a new kind of NIR analysis solution – a solution that brings together the portability required to move NIR analysis closer to point-of-need, combined with unmatched spectroscopic performance for the fastest and most accurate results.
Integrating Sphere
The simpler way to measure the total luminous flux of lamps and luminaires is to use an integrating sphere photometer system. It is a device to perform spatial integration of flux optically, thus the total luminous flux can be measured with one fixed photometer head and measurement can be instant. An integrating sphere photometer is calibrated with a total luminous flux standard lamp. A test light source is measured by comparison to a standard lamp calibrated for total luminous flux.
Light-resistant Integrating Sphere
The integrating sphere is used for total luminous flux measurement. It uniforms the light by spatially integrating the collected light of light source. The integrating sphere has highly reflective diffusing plates formed on the spheres internal surfaces. These plates repeatedly scatter light rays from the light source with in the sphere to all other points to deliver uniform brightness distribution so measuring a portion of that light gives the total luminous flux. These years, the usage of integrating sphere for total luminous flux evaluation of light source is increasing. The large size integrating sphere over 1.5M is required for measuring a high brightness light source and a long light source such as fluorescent light.
0.3M Integrating Sphere For Leds Luminous Flux Test
Shenzhen Chuangxin Instruments Co., Ltd.
Thesystem are composed of integrating sphere, spectroradiometer and computer to determine the spectroradiometric and colorimetric parameters, e.g. spectral power distribution, chromaticity coordinates, correlated color temperature, color rendering index, color tolerance, color difference, luminous flux, current, voltage, wattage, etc.
LED Lighting Test Instrument Integrating Sphere
Shenzhen Chuangxin Instruments Co., Ltd.
Measure Luminous Flux, Luminous efficacy, radiant power, Spectral Power Distribution, Chromaticity Coordinate, Correlated Color Temperature, Peak Wavelength, Dominant Wavelength, Spectral Half Width, Color Rendering Index, Colorimetric Purity, red ratio, Standard deviation of color matching(SDCM), voltage, current, power, power factor, harmonics, and etc. It meets the requirements of CIE standards.
LED Tester0.3m-2m Integrating Sphere
Shenzhen Chuangxin Instruments Co., Ltd.
Measure Luminous Flux, Luminous efficacy, radiant power, Spectral Power Distribution, Chromaticity Coordinate, Correlated Color Temperature, Peak Wavelength, Dominant Wavelength, Spectral Half Width, Color Rendering Index, Colorimetric Purity, red ratio, Standard deviation of color matching(SDCM), voltage, current, power, power factor, harmonics, and etc. It meets the requirements of CIE standards.
UV Penetration & Protection Test System
TESTEX Testing Equipment Systems Ltd.
UV Penetration & Protection Test System. Fabric Samples are measured in a double beam spectrophotometer with an integrated sphere. The sample is scanned over the UVA and UVB regions of the spectrum and transmitted radiation is efficiently collected by the detector within the integrating sphere. The software calculates UV penetration factors and sun protection factors from the scan data. It runs on a PC under Microsoft Windows and controls the spectrophotometer, automates the measurement process and generates a printed report. PC and printer are not included.
*High Speed, Multifunctional Integrating Spheres
Multifunctional integrating spheres enable simultaneous measurement of multiple laser parameters including:*Power*Pulse Characteristics*Spectrum
Integrating Spheres
Integrating spheres are used especially for measuring divergent light sources such as LEDs. The light is introduced through the input port, then reflected many times by the highly reflective interior of the sphere until it illuminates the inner surface uniformly. A detector samples a small fraction of this light to measure the total power input. Ophir integrating spheres have a highly reflective diffuse white coating for measurements independent of beam size, position and divergence. There are several sphere sizes, apertures and wavelength regions available. The large IS6 series has 2 configurations for measuring divergent or parallel beams.
UDT-Series Integrating Sphere Systems
Gamma Scientific offers a variety of pre-configured integrating sphere systems for use in conjunction with the UDT line of optical meters, with both 25 mm and 150 mm diameters.
Total Flux Measurement Systems
LED’s and Luminaires must be characterized and tested for brightness and color, for production quality control and also for R&D. The Gamma Scientific Total Flux Measurement System combines our accurate Radoma Spectrometer and an integrating sphere for total flux (total power) and color measurements of LED, micro LED and Luminaires. Measurement parameters include spectrum, lumens, total power, peak and dominant wavelength, CRI, CCT, FWHM and other optical properties.
Photometric Testing Services
LLI. offers a wide variety of services to fulfill your photometric, color and electrical testing needs. Using our custom, rotating mirror, Type-C goniophotometer, in combination with various integrating spheres, we are able to test many different types of lighting fixtures and light sources. LM-79 -08 Test & LM-80 Test, SSL Photometry Testing, Energy Star®, CEC Title 24, DesignLights Consortium® (DLC), Custom Tests and UL / ETL Safety Test Consultation.
UV-Vis & UV-Vis-NIR Systems
Our range of powerful and productive UV-Vis and UV-Vis-NIR molecular spectroscopy systems offers options for any optical application. The Cary 60 Spectrophotometer has a unique Xenon flash lamp to enable remote sampling, while the Cary 4000 allows you to measure highly turbid solutions without an integrating sphere. The Cary 8454 photodiode array captures the complete UV-Vis spectrum (190-1100nm) in less than one second.
General Purpose Integrating Spheres
General Purpose Integrating Sphere Systems are designed to spatially integrate radiant flux in order to measure optical radiation. The spheres can be coupled with a sensor to create radiometers, photometers, or spectroradiometers in order to measure the total geometric flux emanating from a light source or the flux density of an illuminated area. Additionally, these sphere systems can be used to measure the output of high power lasers and laser diodes or to measure the reflectance and transmittance of materials.
Integrating Spheres
All our spheres can be coupled to our high performance spectroradiometer systems for UV-visible-IR spectral power distribution measurements yielding full colour information including colour rendering indices, chromaticity co-ordinates, colour temperature, etc. Alternatively precision photometric detectors can be fitted for direct total lumen output measurements.
Precision Kelvin Holders
MH-4 Series
Integrating Spheres are essential tools for photometricresearch laboratories & lamp / luminaire manufacturers. To derive the best results from Integrating Sphere Photometry, precision lamp holders are necessary.
Reflectance/Transmittance Test Set
An Integrating Sphere is a hollow sphere which has its interior coated with a paint that is nearly perfectly diffuse or Lambertian and which has extremely high reflectance. Light energy introduced in an integrating sphere is reflected from the wall and distributed uniformly around the interior. A detector which is placed at a hole or 'Port' in the sphere wall sees an output which is completely independent of the angularproperties of the input light. The independence of the output of a sphere from the angular properties of the input and the uniform internal distribution of light make integrating spheres ideal for many uses.
Integrating Spheres
Photometric Integrating spheres are used for evaluation of luminous flux of light sources & luminaires with a single measurement & for comparative analysis. The sphere is an essential tool for photometric research laboratories & lamp/luminaire manufacturers.
Conversion Kit for Kelvin Holders
Integrating Spheres are essential tools for photometric research laboratories & lamp / luminaire manufacturers. To derive the best results from Integrating Sphere Photometry, precision lamp holders are necessary
Integrating Sphere Coating
Integrating Spheres are essential tools for photometric research laboratories & lamp / luminaire manufacturers. A good internal coating is essential forintegrating spheres. It is a special water based BariumSulphate (BaSO ) white reflective paint particularly suitablefor internal coating of Integrating Spheres. It offers an almost constant reflectance in the range of 380 nm to 780 nm (visible wavelength range).
Integrating Spheres & Absolute Flux Integrators
Photometric Solutions International Pty Ltd
PSI’s LF series integrating sphere photometers are widely regarded as excellent quality, robust equipment for industrial or laboratory applications.
Visible Light Source/Integrating Sphere
The Infinity VSX Series Integrating Sphere systems are ultra uniform, highly accurate broadband light sources.