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Light from the sun.
See Also: Light, Illumination, Lighting, Lightning, Lightwave, Streetlight
Current / Voltage input Panel meter with output options
The DM3420 panel meter accepts Voltage and Current process signals and displays the process value on a high efficiency daylight readable LED display. A built in transmitter power supply is also provided.
Electronic Solutions ULM GmbH & Co. KG
Today we would like to present to you a brand new multi-protocol accessory decoder designed for controlling signals. Due to its intelligent software it supports DCC and Motorola®. Flexible programming makes this decoder THE all-rounder amongst accessory decoders. The SignalPilot has 16 outputs for direct connection of micro lamps respectively LEDs installed in daylight signals. Due to the fact that the outputs are designed as push/pull power amplifiers, they are suitable for both – conventional daylight signals with common anode as well as for daylight signals and/or lighting strips with common ground (common cathode), as is the case with some Viessmann® signals. Of course, the SignalPilot decoder can also handle semaphore signals and turnout motors.
Dual-Vision Sensor for Intersection Control and Safety
TrafiSense2 Dual
FLIR TrafiSense2 Dual combines best-in-class thermal and visual imaging technology with advanced video analytics to provide vehicle and bicycle presence detection at signalized intersections, day and night. Thermal imaging lets traffic operators see in total darkness and inclement weather. The daylight camera offers additional visual verification for such incidents as wrong-way drivers and animal crossings. In addition, FLIR's analytics capture accurate traffic data, making FLIR TrafiSense2 Dual ideal for real-time traffic management in urban environments.
Light / Lux Meter, Calibrated, 50000 lx, 100 lx, 4 %, 185 mm, 78 mm, 38 mm
72-7250 CAL
The 72-7250 CAL from Tenma is a digital light meter with RS232 capability. It has custom one-chip microprocessor LSI circuit which ensures high accuracy. The meter features 13mm (0.5”) super large LCD display with contrast adjustment for best viewing angle, data hold and auto power off. It records maximum, minimum and average readings with RECALL facility. The 72-7250 has RS-232 PC serial interface, user selectable lighting type (tungsten, fluorescent, sodium or mercury, daylight) and zero adjustment by push button. The meter operates from 9V battery.
Light / Lux Meter, Calibrated w/Data, 50000 lx, 100 lx, 4 %, 185 mm, 78 mm, 38 mm
72-7250 CAL D
The 72-7250 CAL D from Tenma is a digital light meter with RS232 capability. It has custom one-chip microprocessor LSI circuit which ensures high accuracy. The meter features 13mm (0.5”) super large LCD display with contrast adjustment for best viewing angle, data hold and auto power off. It records maximum, minimum and average readings with RECALL facility. The 72-7250 has RS-232 PC serial interface, user selectable lighting type (tungsten, fluorescent, sodium or mercury, daylight) and zero adjustment by push button. The meter operates from 9V battery.
Light / Lux Meter, Calibrated w/D & U, 50000 lx, 100 lx, 4 %, 185 mm, 78 mm, 38 mm
72-7250 CAL DU
The 72-7250 CAL DU from Tenma is a digital light meter with RS232 capability. It has custom one-chip microprocessor LSI circuit which ensures high accuracy. The meter features 13mm (0.5”) super large LCD display with contrast adjustment for best viewing angle, data hold and auto power off. It records maximum, minimum and average readings with RECALL facility. The 72-7250 has RS-232 PC serial interface, user selectable lighting type (tungsten, fluorescent, sodium or mercury, daylight) and zero adjustment by push button. The meter operates from 9V battery.
Monitor Chlorophyll Fluorometer System
PSP32 Plant Stress Probe
The monitor chlorophyll fluorometer system is designed to dramatically increase the capabilities of plant monitor systems while also providing more affordable solutions for measuring larger plant populations. The revolutionary daylight dark adaptation capability allows measurement of photoprotective mechanisms, state transitions, chloroplast migration, and photoinhibition at different times of day.
Multi-angle Polarized Light Scattering Measurements
In-situ measurements of P11, P12 and P22 elements of scattering Mueller matrix, (P11 is VSF) from 15-150º.VSF (P11) only at small angles, 0.05 to 10º in 32 logarithmic steps in angles.Only two detectors employed with absolute radiant sensitivity (A/W) calibration.Beam attenuation measured with optics similar to our LISST-100X.Roving Eyeball™ optics permit 1-degree resolution in angles between 15 -150º.Sampling rate at 3 seconds per measurement set (involves 3 turns of Roving Eyeball with unpolarized, vertical, and horizontal polarized laser).Daylight rejection by laser modulation.Dynamic range in VSF measurements extended via laser power modulation.Data from small and large angles in a single data stream, including depth and temperature.
SpectralLED® Tunable Light Sources
The award-winning SpectralLED® family of uniform intensity tunable light sources are designed to deliver unmatched resolution and accuracy. These adjustable wavelength LED light sources also have an operating lifetime and cost of ownership that cannot be duplicated with traditional light sources such as Tungsten-Halogen and Xenon lamps. With a fully spectrally tunable output, all you need is one SpectralLED to generate any arbitrary spectral power distribution, whether it be blackbody, daylight, fluorescent, LED, or something completely unique. By sweeping through individual LED channels, the SpectralLED can even emulate a traditional monochromator light source, with no moving parts and no halogen input illumination.
VisionGauge Digital Optical Comparators / Digital Profile Projectors
500 Series
The VisionGauge Digital Optical Comparator is The Fastest, Easiest, Most Accurate Way to Compare a Part to a CAD File. Our VisionGauge Digital Optical Comparators: Produce a very high contrast image with very sharp edge profiles so that there is no problem viewing it in full daylight Are much more accurate, more powerful, much faster, include CAD Auto Pass/Fail and CAD Auto-Align, works directly with CAD data so there no mylars or templates are needed, etc.
Rackmount Models
All our rack mount models feature bright and accurate 1 inch high LED readout of voltage and current that is readable from across the room in any lighting condition from daylight to full darkness.
3D Depth Camera
Machine vision applications are as diverse as the 3D sensor technologies that enable those. Structured light camera systems are a preferred solution when precision is required, but neither high frame rates nor color information are needed. Stereo vision, on the other hand, is the preferred technology when measurements are to be made in daylight and/or over long measurement distances, but it has difficulties with textureless surfaces.
Artificial Skies
As a simulator maker, we can say the artificial sky, among other devices, is the ideal instrument for every lighting designer and lighting engineer. In fact, to predict daylight penetration inside a building, a scaled model under an artificial sky is the only reliable prediction method in the case of unusual situations, complex geometries, or heavily obstructed windows.
Corona Camera
TD 100
TD100 is an innovative NDT - Non-Destructive Testing equipment, which detects, pinpoints and documents flash-arc corona and arcing partial discharge camera. Being with high sensitivity, it is a power tool to detect UV emission in full daylight with high signals from faraway and nearby sources.
QTI Sensor
The QTI Sensor is a close-proximity infrared emitter/receiver that is able to differentiate between a dark surface) with low IR reflectivity) and a light surface (with high IR reflectivity). These little sensors can be very handy for line following, maze navigation, or sensing the outer rim of a SumoBot ring. Wiring options allow it to be used digitally for fast black/white line following, or as an analog sensor to detect different shades of gray. A daylight filter is built into the sensor.
Fixed Gas Detectors
DG7 Series
Teledyne Gas & Flame Detection
All DGi-TT7 are constructed from a common housing and electronics with the detection properties being determined by the type of sensor (cartridge) used. A wide range of cells are available, these cells are intrisically safe protected, and may be replaced with the detector powered which minimises the system down time. The intelligent, microprocessor driven unit is fully configurable using a wireless hand-held terminal (TLU) or by using the hard wired HART option giving true flexibility to the installer and reduced service costs.Elements such as relay operation and alarm levels are all set via the TLU, a hazardous area approved hand-held unit. The unit may be interfaced directly with a wide range of panels, controllers and PLC’s etc. Its integral daylight readable alphanumeric display indicates local status and alarm level.
Curtiss-Wright Defense Solutions
Our high-definition (HD) displays are designed for use with the industry's most popular sensors, including forward-looking infrared (FLIR) and long-range daylight video cameras. Readable in all light conditions, these rugged displays provide anytime readability to ensure you won't miss a moment of the action, no matter your application. With leading-edge functionality, including multiple video inputs, picture-in-picture, quad view, and video freeze-frame, our displays are ready for many roles, including moving map or quad view operator displays, and are ideal for use with our fully integrated video management system (VMS).
Long-Range, Pan-Tilt, EO and IR Multi-Sensor with LRF
Ranger® HDC MS
The Ranger HDC MultiSensor system integrates the long range, mid-wave HD Ranger HDC with a variety of powerful daylight sensors, and optionally a Laser Range Finder, GPS, Digital Magnetic Compass, and Automatic Video Tracker. An array of advanced functions and options are available to meet the most demanding needs. All sensors on the Ranger HDC MultiSensor units are mounted on a fast and accurate Pan & Tilt unit.
High-Performance, Compact 9" Airborne Imaging System
Talon® MMS
Forged from special operations targeting sensors, the TALON MMS is a compact, lightweight EO/IR surveillance system. Complete with thermal imager, color daylight optics, and eyesafe laser rangefinder, the TALON MMS delivers high reliability, performance, and mission critical imagery day or night with low-light and image blending. Battle-proven and AWR qualified, the TALON MMS is deployed with a range of customers, including the US Army where it flies on UH60s.
Camera Cores
Photonis camera cores provide day-through-night imaging to detect and capture images in any lighting conditions, from daylight through quarter-moon darkness. Our camera core portfolio covers a broad range of detection from visible, near infrared (NIR), short-wavelength infrared (SWIR) to long-wavelength infrared (LWIR) spectrum.
Water-cooled Light & Weather Fastness Tester
TESTEX Testing Equipment Systems Ltd.
Water-cooled Light & Weather Fastness Tester, to determine the color fastness, aging resistance of textiles, plastics, rubber products or materials by objecting to the simulated conditions of nature weather (daylight, rain, temperature and humidity, etc.). The tester simulates both light and dark cycles and nature weather conditions by rack sprays and water-cooled long-arc-xenon lamp equipped.
Photovoltaic System Bypass Diode Tester
Hioki is pleased to announce the launch of the Bypass Diode Tester FT4310 for Photovoltaic Systems. The FT4310, which is designed to test bypass diodes in strings of crystalline photovoltaic cells, can be used to detect open and short-circuit faults in bypass diodes by string either in daylight or at night. The instrument is the first portable device capable of detecting bypass diode open faults in operating panels (without requiring the panels to be shielded from sunlight).
LED based light source
Image Engineering GmbH & Co. KG
The most flexible, 22 channel, LED based light source is the heart of all adaptive lighting productsCreate your own light by adjusting the 22 channels to your needs. You can simulate standard light sources, reconstruct the daylight distribution from dawn till dusk, create patches of a high saturated color chart, or reconstruct the spectral distribution of a measured light source. By using the individual channels you can even measure the spectral sensitivities of a camera.
Hand-held Refractometer (new type)
Beijing DMD Optical Instrument Co., Ltd.
Based on the old type of hand-held refractometer, we designed and manufactured new type of hand-held refractometer, which are comparably more beautiful and lighter than the old ones, the grip is made of ABS, the prism and other metal parts are made of stainless steel, the day-light plate can be turned to 90, now have blue color and black color(we can also provide other colors according to customers requirements)
Light Condition Sensors
The MS-321LR Sky Scanner is designed for building automation, design, daylight software modelling and light pollution research.
Police Scanner
Stalker Patrol
All new, white-on-black high contrast displayLCD display technologyIncreased daylight visibilityAuto-dimming featureAll new, waterproof K-Band antennasProprietary Digital Antenna CommunicationOne of the smallest on the marketWaterproof to 2 feetFirst-ever USB antenna connectionsWaterproof, high-speed, low-noise, and secure
Intrinsically Safe Noise Dosimeter
Acu-Vib Electronics Acoustic & Vibration
The SV 104IS is the intrinsically safe version of the revolutionary personal noise dosimeter, the SV 104. Both instruments offer a new approach to occupational health and safety noise monitoring presenting features such as 1/1 octave band real-time analysis and audio events recording functions which are a new quality in an instrument of this size. All results are clearly displayed on the amazing OLED screen which offers excellent visibility even in full daylight or darkness.
Smart Lighting
The AS721x/AS722x are complete System-on-Chip (SoC) sensor-integrated IoT smart lighting managers for color-tunable white lighting applications. They also support daylight harvesting and color/lumen maintenance lighting applications. 0-10V control and network-enabled high-level command inputs are combined with industry-standard PWM and 0-10V outputs for direct control of LED power systems.