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Measure differences in voltage.
See Also: Electrostatic Voltmeters, Phase Angle Voltmeters
HandyScope HS6-DIFF: 50 MS/s, 250MHz BW, 4 Channel (256MS/ch), USB Differential Digital Storage Oscilloscope, Spectrum Analyzer, Voltmeter, Transient Recorder
The only oscilloscope in the world that has:- SafeGround, differential input channels that can be switched to single ended.- CMI interface.- USB 3.0 interface, 5Gb/s data transfer- Lowest noise
Phase Angle Voltmeter, Industry Standard
NAI's 2250A Phase Angle Voltmeter is the most accurate and versatile AC measurement tool in the Synchro/Resolver and LVDT/RVDT marketplace. Considered the industry standard and based on the latest DSP and FPGA technologies, the 2250A substantially extends and simplifies the capabilities of the legacy 2250 model.
Cathodic Protection Digital Voltmeter
The CPV-4 is a DC digital voltmeter with a input resistance of 20 meg ohm and two voltage ranges
Data Logging Voltmeter Plus
Explorer Technology Group (ETG)
Automatically measure, time-stamp, store voltages in less than 1 second Immediate audio and visual out-of-tolerance indication View/edit last 5 readings with out-of-tolerance indication Record in either 8 strings of 256 or 20 strings of 48 format Color-coded out of tolerance indication Set threshold limits via PC interface for each mode and/or string Statistical analysis (sum, average, max/min readings with cell number) Graphical analysis (color-coded bar graphs: Voltage, SG and Temp.)
DC Ammeters And Voltmeters Type MP
*DC Ammeters and voltmeters type MP 40,80,210,220,230*Handle deflection of 85° typ MP40, MP 80*Handle deflection of 100° typ MP210, MP 220/220T, MP 230/230T*The technical data catalog can be found on the download tab below the product.
DC Stable Electrostatic Voltmeter
Model 370TR
The Trek Model 370TR is a precision electrostatic voltmeter with the unique capability of making noncontacting surface voltage measurements in the range of 0 to ±3 kV DC or peak AC.
DC Stable Electrostatic Voltmeter
Model 370
The Trek Model 370 is a precision electrostatic voltmeter with the unique capability of making noncontacting surface voltage measurements in the range of 0 to ±3 kV DC or peak AC.
Digital Multimeters
With decades of class-leading experience, Rohde & Schwarz offers you reliable instruments for your everyday T&M tasks requiring DMM functionalities. These can include digital voltmeter (DVM), ammeter features as well as power, temperature, resistance and other measurements.
Digital Panel Meter
Laureate DC voltage and current panel meters with a DC signal conditioner board combine high accuracy with high read rate and a wide range of isolated output options for computer interface and control. Accuracy is 99.99% of full scale 1 count. Used as a direct-reading DC voltmeter, the Laureate provides a full-scale readout of 20,000 counts and six full-scale voltage ranges from 200.00 mV with 10 mV resolution to 600.0 V with 100 mV resolution.
XY Plotter
XY Plotter is used for visualizing (form evaluation) the transfer characteristics of two values to be measured. The following instruments can be used for transfer characteristics: DC and AC voltmeters, a selective AC voltmeter, a frequency meter, and a phase meter. Characteristics can be displayed in 3 planes (XY, XT, and YT), as well as in a three-dimensional (XYT) view.
Electromagnetic Ammeters And Voltmeters Fb-1, AC Electric Current, AC Voltage
Electrostatic Voltmeter
Model 347
The Trek Model 347 is a precision DC stable electrostatic voltmeter for making noncontacting surface voltage measurements in the range of 0 to 3 kV DC or peak AC. Industrial applications include surface voltage measurements of photoconductors or dielectric surfaces, charge monitoring in semiconductor production, or measuring electrostatic potentials on film, polymers, and paper.
Electrostatic Voltmeter
Model 344
The Trek Model 344 is a precision electrostatic voltmeter for making noncontacting surface voltage measurements in the range of 0 to ±2 kV DC or peak AC. Industrial applications include radiation effect studies, R&D of the electrophotographic processes, and charge accumulation monitoring of the semiconductor production process.
Energized Distribution Insulator Tester
A sensitive voltmeter, the tester measures the difference in potential across each insulator in a suspect string. Comparative readings from satisfactory strings in the same operating situation quickly indicate the state of every insulator in the string being tested.
FPP Software
Four Point Probe
Materials Development Corporation
For use with a manual four point prober, the MDC FPP Software operates in a convenient, single screen that displays both measurement parameters and testresults. The FPP software can measure Resistivity, Conductivity, Resistance, Doping, Thickness, and SheetResistance when used with a compatible current source and voltmeter or SMU.
Hand-Held Electrostatic Voltmeter
Model 821HH
Trek's Model 821HH Infinitron Hand-Held Electrostatic Voltmeter represents the next generation of contacting precision surface voltage measuring instruments, providing input characteristics far beyond the limits of any currently available hand-held voltmeter product.The Model 821HH can easily measure the voltage level of both conductive and insulative objects and surfaces with virtually zero charge transfer to the measurement probe. This results in stable high accuracy voltage measurement capability for ESD-sensitive devices.
HAND-HELD Electrostatic Voltmeter
Model 876 & 884
The Trek Models 876 and 884 Hand-Held Electrostatic Voltmeters provide accurate, noncontacting measurements of electrostatic surface voltage for ESD applications in either ionized or non-ionized environments.
High Impedance Contacting Voltmeter
Model 820 Infinitron®
The 2 kV Trek Model 820 Infinitron Voltmeter may be used in either contacting or non-contacting mode to acquire precision surface voltage measurements. It is especially beneficial when used with applications that demand infinitely high loading impedance levels far beyond the reach of currently available high impedance voltmeter instruments. The Model 820 comes with a guarantee of virtually no modification of the object being measured. This allows the instrument to indicate, with high precision, the voltage level of both conductive and insulative objects and surfaces.
High Impedance Voltmeter
Model 800
Trek developed the Model 800 Infinitron(TM) for voltage measurement applications that demand virtually infinite loading impedance levels which are far beyond the reach of currently available high impedance voltmeter instruments.
High-Sensitivity, DC Stable ESVM
Model 323
The Trek Model 323 Electrostatic Voltmeter performs high voltage resolution, noncontacting, DC stable surface voltage measurements using a technique which maintains high measurement accuracy over a wide range of sensor probe to measured surface spacings.
High-Sensitivity, DC Stable ESVM
Model 341B
The Trek Model 341B is a DC stable, high-voltage precision electrostatic voltmeter for making noncontacting surface voltage measurements in the range of 0 to ±20 kV DC or peak AC. Research and industrial applications include charge accumulation monitoring of the LCD production processes, monitoring surface potentials in the electrostatic painting process, research and development in the electrophotographic process, and measuring electrostatic potentials on polymers, rubber, fabrics, and paper.
High-Sensitivity, DC Stable ESVM
Model 320C
The Trek Model 320C Electrostatic Voltmeter is a versatile instrument which is used for a variety of electrostatic applications including contact potential measurements, materials evaluation, and electret studies.
High-Speed Electrostatic Voltmeter
Model 368A
The Trek Model 368A High-Speed Electrostatic Voltmeter provides precision noncontacting measurement of the surface voltages associated with electrostatic imaging processes as employed by the electrophotographic reproduction and laser printing industries.
High Voltage Meter
Delta United Instrument Co., Ltd.
The DU-3900 is a digital voltmeter that can measure high voltages up to a 10kV AC and DC at high accuracy. Its high input impedance (1000M) makes it suitable for measurement of high impedance voltage circuits. Since it has a high accuracy despite its small size and light weight, it can also beeasily used as a portable calibrator.
Lock-in Amplifier/Preamplifiers
Detecting and measuring AC signal''s amplitude or phase buried in noise, as high sensitive AC Voltmeter with noise immunity.This equipment is used by many customers like at the fields of physics and science including spectroscopic analysis.
Magnetoelectric DC Devices
Type Ma And Mb
Magnetoelectric DC devices type Ma and Mb and AMPETRAMETERS AND VOLTMETERS.
AC Voltmeter
AC Voltmeter is used for measuring AC voltage. The software is capable of switching measurement modes (RMS or amplitude), but regardless of the selected mode the information about the current peak value is always displayed.
Miniature AC & DC Voltmeters
PM Series
The PM Series Full-functioned miniature digital voltmeters are AC or DC reading, and feature AC or DC power options, and LED or LCD displays. These versatile meters are available in 100mV, 200mV, 1V, 2V, 10V, 20V, 100V, 200V, or 1000V ranges. Highly accurate (up to 0.02% of full scale), with rapid update rates (up to three reading per second), these meters feature bipolarity (PM-3 is unipolar), a presettable decimal point, overload indication, an extensive list of application-specific options, and easy installation.
Multifunction Voltage and Current Calibrator
Multifunction calibrator MC140i is ideal for calibration of voltmeters, ammeters, DMMs and panel meters. AC/DC voltage 1uV to 1000V. Current 50uA? to 1000A using test coil. Deviation control along readout. 0.0035% basic dc accuracy. 0.03% basic ac accuracy. Supplied with RS232 interfaces. UKAS/NIST Traceable
Phase Angle Voltmeter
Clarke-Hess Communications Research
The Model 2600 Phase Angle Voltmeter replaces the very popular Model 2500A. With the latest and most advanced DSP technology, this instrument provides a new level of performance and user friendliness. In addition, the Model 2600 Phase Angle Voltmeter is considerably less expensive than other "traditional" Phase Angle Voltmeters. By keeping classic measurements, "at the touch of a button", the Model 2600 behaves more like an instrument and less like a computer. The unit is extremely easy to use yet contains a host of features and performance characteristics that set it apart from all others.