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Light Detection and Ranging or Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging
See Also: ADAS, Ceilometers
Cloud Height Instruments
Bristol Industrial & Research Associates Ltd
Ceilometers are stand-alone instruments designed to measure cloud and aerosol height profiles using a laser based LIDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) technique. The light emitting component is a low power diode laser with the output power limited to an eye-safe level. They determine cloud base heights, penetration depths, mixing layer height and vertical visibilities. Within their operating range they reliably detect multiple cloud layers and cirrus clouds.
Dual Mode Wind Turbine Performance Lidar
ZephIR DM is a Dual Mode variation of the successful 300 system. ZephIR DM measures wind characteristics in front of or behind a turbine from just 10 metres (33 feet) out to 300 metres (984 feet) situated inside the spinner or on top of the nacelle, during the operation of wind farms onshore and offshore (this is limited to 200m (656 feet) when in ground based vertical mode).
The EMORAL LIDAR observations at the PolWET site in Rzecin, Poland, on 10 June 2019. The scattering ratio (top), quasi-particle depolarization ratio (middle), and backscatter colour ratio (bottom) derived at 532 nm with 30 m spatial and 30 s temporal resolutions
eVe LIDAR aims to provide the ESA-Aeolus mission with a flexible, mobile reference ground-based LIDAR system capable of providing well-characterized fiducial reference measurements of aerosol optical properties
Put our eye-safe, unique, highly differentiated photonics components on your lidar roadmap.
PLS Software Suite
Real-time point cloud via 4G or built-in long range wifi – now with patent pending real-time RGB colorizationVehicle agnostic (designed for multi-rotors, car, bicycle, backpack, and more)Analyze LiDAR penetration and measure positions, paths and cross sections – while scanningSDK available for real-time point cloud analytics
VME Sequencer
The SIS3100 was developed as the VME side of our PCI to VME interface. The module is however perfectly suited for other custom applications like a histogramming multiscaler for LIDAR or a generic DSP controlled VME histogrammer .
Wind Turbine Lidar
ZephIR 300
ZephIR 300 measures wind characteristics onshore and on fixed or floating platforms offshore from just 10 metres (33 feet) up to 200 metres (656 feet) from installed position to inform wind regime and quality studies during the development and operation of wind farms onshore and offshore.
Wind Turbine Performance Lidar
Wind Iris
The Wind Iris is based on Leosphere's leading WINDCUBE pulsedLidar technology, and is the first remote sensor dedicated to turbine-mounted measurements. It measures the horizontal wind speed and direction from 40m to 400m upwind of the turbine. Real time and average data can then be transferred automatically or stored in a data logger.
The α-LIDAR is a state-of-the-art instrument designed to meet the operational and data quality requirements of the ACTRIS research Infrastructure
LIDAR Analyst™
Textron Systems' LIDAR Analyst software is tightly integrated with the Esri® ArcGIS® platform to provide an end-to-end solution for visualizing and processing LIDAR data. Analysts can automatically extract 3D objects such as bare earth, trees or buildings, enabling users to visualize their world for critical decision making.
miniRANGER-3 LITE Series
The miniRANGER-3 LITE is designed to provide survey-grade LiDAR data and imagery (optional) on an ultra-lightweight platform. Packed with options, the miniRANGER-3 LITE leverages Phoenix’s years of experience and industry leading LiDARMill software platform to provide a seamless user experience.
Sensors for Robotics & Automation
Acroname is your source for LiDAR, Radar, Sonar, and Thermal sensors. These sensors are designed to be integrated into your robotics and automation products to help your devices "see" for themselves. All orders from Acroname over $100 ship free
Optical Technologies Solutions
AMS Technologies has a long track record of developing and manufacturing customized optical technologies solutions – tailored to the requirements of applications like: *Life Sciences *Biomedical Photoacoustic Imaging; Photoacoustic Microscopy, *Mesoscopy, Macroscopy *MALDI Mass Spectrometry (Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionisation) *Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM) *Pumping of Dye Lasers, OPOs, Raman Lasers *LIDAR *Gas Chromatography *Interferometry *Sensing *Micromachining *Marking *And Many More…
Autonomous Pulsed Doppler Wind LiDAR System
The Galion LiDAR, distributed by SgurrEnergy, has been optimised for collecting data for wind power applications. The all-sky scanning capability enables many more data collection opportunities than VAD scanning alone.
Fiber Laser
ALiDAR Series
Amonics' high power fiber laser (ALiDAR) series offers eye-safe, single mode, linear polarized nanosecond-pulsed all fiber laser source with master-oscillator-power-amplifier.It is designed for three-dimensional imaging, wind detection and ranging LiDAR systems. The ALiDAR series is maintenance free with no post-installation service required. It is a versatile, ready-to-use and durable laser source for various LiDAR applications.
DPSS Lasers
Quantum Composers laser division features three series series of diode pumped, solid state, Nd:YAG lasers. The Jewel, MicroJewel and the MIR Mid-Infrared DPSS Lasers range in energy output from 1mJ to 15mJ . These compact and rugged lasers are commonly used for LIDAR, PIV, LIF, OPO, TFT-LCD repair, ablation and spectroscopy applications.
Teledyne PDS Multipurpose Software Platform
Your product description goes here.Teledyne PDS is a multipurpose software platform and supports a wide range of tasks within Hydrography, Dredge Guidance, Construction Support, Search & Recovery Operations and Port Entrance Monitoring.Teledyne PDS is of-the-shelf software and developed to solve the variety of challenges that arise from each specific task in the main business segments served by Teledyne Marine. It interfaces with a wide range of survey instruments such as Lidar, Multibeam and Singlebeam Echosounders, and is an optimal tool for interfacing to a variety of periphery sensors, including dredge and construction.
SF45/B MicroLiDAR Scanner – 50 M
The SF45/B is the world’s smallest, lightest, scanning microLiDAR™. This 5 Hz oscillating sensor is highly configurable, with the ability to scan to 320°. Included in the box: SF45/B LiDAR sensor, a communications cable, a USB to micro-USB cable and five screws, and 5 nuts.
Campbell Scientific offers ceilometers that use lidar (light detection and ranging) technology to measure cloud height, vertical visibility, and mixing layer height. While they are best known for their use in aircraft operations at airports and oil platform helipads, ceilometers are also used by meteorologists for boundary layer research and air-quality applications.
SF000/B Laser Rangefinder – 50 M
The Lightware SF000/B is an ultra-small and light open-frame LIDAR laser rangefinder designed for size and weight constraint applications. Using a time-of-flight system to make very fast, accurate distance and speed measurements. Accuracy is not affected by the color or texture of the surface, nor the angle of incidence of the laser beam. The SF000 is virtually immune to background light, wind and noise, making it an ideal sensor to detect unexpected obstacles.
Our Lidar offerings are useful for a range of applications within the wind energy industry. The table below presents some of the most common uses of the various Lidar systems, but it is by no means an exhaustive list. Please contact us at to ask about the practicality of using Lidar for other applications not listed here.
Bathymetric LiDAR Sensors
Leica Chiroptera-5
Leica Chiroptera-5, the high-performance airborne sensor, combines topographic and bathymetric LiDAR channels with a 4-band camera to deliver seamless data from water to land. The system provides 40% higher point density, a 20% increase in water depth penetration and improved topographic sensitivity compared to previous generations. The sensor delivers detailed LiDAR data of submerged terrain and objects and supports numerous applications such as nautical charting, erosion risk assessment, environmental monitoring and seabed classification.
Near Infrared single photon counting modules
The SPD_A_NIR from AUREA Technology is the "best-in-class" high-performance and easy-to-use Near Infrared single photon counting modules engineered for the most demanding low-level of-light applications, such as single photon counting, Time Correlated Single Photon Counting (TCSPC), spectroscopy, eye safe LIDAR, optical communications, and quantum cryptography.
Advanced 3D Graphic
Geo Surface3D PRO
ScienceGL offers 3D visualization for extended GIS data that combines multiple layer terrain and multi-variable thematic map in one interactive 3D screen. Visualize Digital Elevation Model (DEM), land map, roads, satellite image, LIDAR data in the same screen. Combine terrain data with vector graphics, businesses thematic map, weather map, etc. Use transparancy to highlight more important data. The unique combination of GIS and multi-variable thematic maps helps to discover trends and patterns quickly and accurately. No other data presentation method comes close to expressing so much information within such a small space.
The RANGER-LR22 LITE is the new lighter, long-range system configuration of our RANGER Series. Designed for the most demanding mapping applications, the RANGER-LR22 LITE is the ultimate combination of high density, long-range LiDAR with a powerful 1,550 nm laser and up to 15 returns that penetrate dense vegetation at high speeds and altitudes in large scan regions.
LiDAR Remote Sensing Payload Instrument
Engineered for partners and resellers in the remote sensing industry, the Remote Sensing Payload Instrument, or RESEPI™, is a combined Dual Antenna GNSS-Aided Inertial Navigation System, datalogger, LiDAR, camera, and communications system that allows for the real-time and post-processed generation of point cloud solutions. The processing platform contains a WiFi interface, an embedded cellular modem to support RTCM corrections, data logging software, and gigabit ethernet. RESEPI™ can be used with commercially available LiDARs like Velodyne, Quanergy, Ouster, RIEGL, LIVOX, and Hesai. The device was built with the purpose of white labeling.