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Laser Microgage
The Microgage 2D laser alignment tool can be adapted to a wide variety of industrial measuring and alignment requirements. Each receiver measures in two axial directions (X & Y) and can be used for checking straightness, flatness, parallelism, squareness, bores, spindles, and other alignment needs.
Measurement Of Straightness, Flatness, Positioning Uncertainty Of Round Tables
ELCOLEVEL - Software For 3D-straightness Measurement
Optik Elektronik Gerätetechnik GmbH
ELCOLEVEL is a software with interfaces to electronic autocollimators and inclination levels of different manufactureres. This allows for example the 3D-Straightness measurement (twist-, roll- and yaw-angle) of slides in one and the same measuring procedure.
Measurement Of Straightness, Flatness, Positioning Uncertainty Of Round Tables >
ELCOWIN - Software For 2D-straightness Measurement With Electronic Autocollimators
Optik Elektronik Gerätetechnik GmbH
The software ELCOWIN serves for the measurement of straightness, squareness, parallelism of slides and flatness of precision tables by the autocollimation principle. ELCOWIN can be used in connection with electronic autocollimators of the ELCOMAT series from Moeller-Wedel-Optical.
Measurement Of Straightness, Flatness, Positioning Uncertainty Of Round Tables
RTM - Measurement Of Positioning Uncertainty Of Indexing Tables
Optik Elektronik Gerätetechnik GmbH
RTM is a software for the measurement of positioning uncertainty of indexing tables using an electronic autocollimator and a polygon mirror as angle reference.
Precision Translation Stage
M-405 · M-410 · M-415
Physik Instrumente GmbH & Co. KG
M-400 series translation stages are compact, leadscrew-driven stages with a travel range of 50, 100 and 150 mm. All models are equipped with low-friction leadscrews for excellent resolution and repeatability. Precision crossed roller bearings guarantee 2 m/100 mm straightness of travel. The stage base is precision ma-chined from high-density, stress-relieved aluminum for exceptional stability and minimum weight.
Compact Micro-Translation
Physik Instrumente GmbH & Co. KG
M-110, M-111 and M-112 are ultra-high resolution motorized translation stages providing linear motion of 5 to 25 mm in an extremely compact package. They feature a precision leadscrew with sub-micron resolution and precision linear ball bearings guaranteeing <0.5 m straightness of travel.
Multi-Axis Laser Interferometer
The award-winning XD Laser is a multidimensional laser measurement system that simultaneously measures all 21 degrees of freedom including linear, angular, straightness and roll errors for rapid machine tool error assessment. Measurements Include:- Rotational accuracy- Geometric error- Angular error- Flatness- Squareness- Parallelism
Geometrical Measurement Software
PRÜFTECHNIK Condition Monitoring GmbH
Activate your machinery more quickly, and help it run longer. PRÜFTECHNIK geometric laser alignment tools and software enable you to easily check and adjust your machine geometries for: straightness, flatness, level, inclination, plumbness, parallelism, and right angle check. Our tools are powerful, precise, and easy to use on a vast range of machinery—they can measure for the most demanding alignment jobs, including a bore of almost any diameter, and/or any surface type or inclination. Find the right geometric measurement tool for your machines.
Straightness Measurement Kit
The Keysight 55283A Straightness Measurement Kit, used with the Keysight 5530 Laser Calibration System, makes straightness, squareness and parallelism measurements to identify geometry errors that seriously degrade machine tool performance. These measurements allow documentation, analysis and diagnosis of machine tool travel and parallel axes of motion.
Straightness Accessory Kit
The Keysight 10776A Straightness Accessory Kit simplifies installation and alignment of the 10774A Short Range and 10775A Long Range straightness optics. The kit includes a large retroreflector (Keysight P/N 10776-67001) and mounting accessories. The kit facilitates vertical straightness, parallelism and squareness measurements in the 5530 Laser Calibration System applications.
Straightness and Squareness Carrying Case
The Keysight 10787A carrying case is included with the Keysight 55283A Straightness Measurement Kit and protects the optical equipment from shock, vibration, moisture, impact, and contamination. It also serves as a secure enclosure for storage, shipping, or for transport between operating locations.
Short Range Straightness Optics
The Keysight 10774A Short Range Straighness Optics combines a straightness interferometer and reflector to make measurements over a range of travel up to 3 m (10 ft). The optics form a highly-accurate optical straightedge that can measure the straightness of travel of machine-tool and measuring-machine coordinate motions with a resolution of 0.04 micrometer (1 uin).
Long Range Straightness Optics
The Keysight 10775A combines a straightness interferometer and reflector to provide measurements over a range of 1 to 30 meters (3 ft to 100 ft). The optics form a highly-accurate optical straightedge that can measure the straightness of travel of machine-tool and measuring-machine coordinate motions with a resolution of 0.1 micrometer (10 microinch).
LAP's Laser Gauge For Straightness Measurement Of Bars And Tubes
Check X-Line
This process is unique on the market and was developed with our partner sema Systemtechnik. You receive a verifiable quality assurance of your rods or pipes in the current production. The modular design allows individual configurability and can be easily integrated into the existing system. Benefit from the competence and experience of two strong partners.