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- Applied Instruments, Inc.
Satellite Signal Level Meter
Super Buddy 29
The Super Buddy 29 satellite meter has all of the great features of the standard Super Buddy satellite meter plus an internal combo 21 volt / 29 volt module to power the new DIRECTV SWM LNBs and the WildBlue / Telesat / Xplornet TRIAs! Be "sure of your bird" with the positive ID feature or use the automatic scan to identify the unknown satellite.
Check Weighing
You run containers all day (and sometimes all night) at light speed. Of course there are minor mistakes or issues from time to time. If you know there is an issue or even if you aren’t sure, let FlexXray do a weight inspection for you. We’ll identify any abnormalities and help you address them quickly and efficiently.
Clinker Detection System
The Clinker Detection (CDS) System is an ITM proprietary technology for measuring both the size and frequency of deposits that impact a utility boiler floor or bed. This technology enables operations personnel to shorten boiler outages, identify fouling problems and optimize soot blower operations.
Code Analysis
Identify code defects & vulnerabilitesto manage your remediation effortsBlazingly fast analysis in a collaborative and unlocalized environment.
Code Execution Time Analyzer
AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH
Constantly monitor timing behavior during software development, even at the earliest stages. Identify bottlenecks when you haven't even settled for a particular processor derivate yet, and measurements on physical hardware are plain impossible. This makes TimingProfiler ideally suited for constantly monitoring timing behavior during software development and in model-based development environments
Complete Application Visibility - AddOn for Firewall Analyzer
Never misplace an application on your network. Automatically discover and identify your business applications and their network connectivity.
Complex of Visualization and Image Recording for a Video Microscope
To develop a complex for visual inspection of electronic components (other micro-objects) in order to identify visual defects, record the resulting image and transfer information for processing.
Compliance Analytics
Compliance Analytics to Detect, Identify and Convert Unpaid Software Use Powering compliance programs and generating revenue around the globe.
Computer Forensic Extractor
OSForensics allows you to identify suspicious files and activity with hash matching, drive signature comparisons, e-mails, memory and binary data. It lets you extract forensic evidence from computers quickly with advanced file searching and indexing and enables this data to be managed effectively.
Concrete Investigations
The first signs of cracking and rust staining can serve as an early warning that deterioration of a reinforced concrete structure is about to take hold, However, these signs are not always in evidence requiring specialist knowledge coupled with appropriate technology to identify if the structure is suffering deterioration, albeit in the early stages.
Custom Solutions
We provide a friendly, interactive cradle to grave project management service to identify, specify and deliver custom timing equipment to meet your exact needs. Whether this means taking an existing product and refining it or creating a completely new product, we are able to quickly and efficiently do what it takes to satisfy your project needs.
Database Monitoring
Identify and solve database issues that impact application performance! Find out if it’s your code that’s causing problems and learn how to fix database problems without running to your DBA for support. Dynatrace monitors and analyzes the database activity of your services, providing you with visibility down to individual SQL and NoSQL statements. With Dynatrace you see how your application impacts your databases.
Database Software
DTAWeb allows users to upload and download data to private remote data storage at the Doble Security Data Centers. DTAWeb's advanced editing functions effectively organize data while built-in analysis tools allow you to quickly evaluate your apparatus test results and identify deteriorating equipment with ease.
Data Loggers
Identify trends in vibration, noise, temperature, humidity and more that can be indicative of component wear and/or influence machine performance with help from PCE Instruments' data loggers.
DDoS Risk Assessment
Organizations frequently implement DDoS attack defenses in an ad-hoc manner based upon vendor recommendations or during the panic following an attack. This approach often resolves the immediate issue but results in gaps in DDoS attack defenses that may go unnoticed until the next attack. The DDoS risk assessment takes a proactive, strategic approach in which a NimbusDDOS expert reviews an organization's infrastructure to identify areas of weakness. This switch from reactive to proactive allows an organization to address DDoS risks on their terms rather than being driven and dictated by the attacker.
Detailed Hydrocarbon Analysis
The purpose of detailed hydrocarbon analysis (DHA) is to determine the bulk hydrocarbon group type composition (PONA: Paraffins, Olefins, Naphthenes and Aromatics) of gasoline and other spark-ignition engine fuels that contain oxygenate blends (Methanol, ethanol, MTBE, ETBE, and TAME) according to ASTM-D6730. PONA analyte identification is conducted by matching retention indices with normal hydrocarbon paraffins. However, chromatograms obtained in PONA analyses have an extremely large number of peaks and their analytes may be mislabeled. Without accurate and reproducible retention indices, this may result in erroneous PONA ratios. The GC-2030 incorporates an Advanced Flow Controller that enables highly precise flow control, and makes it easy to analyze and identify detailed hydrocarbons. Shimadzu offers DHA analysis conforming to the following methods: ASTM-D5134, ASTM-D6729, ASTM-D6730, and ASTM-D6733.
Digital Pressure Controllers
Through our continued optimization of the technology and processes that comprise accurate pressure reading, we've established a new standard for digital pressure controllers. Our 780 line offers the same dependability that Additel products are known for with increased silicon pressure sensor accuracy and up to 3,000 psi measurement. Through our latest control sensor configurations, you can automatically identify the ranges most beneficial for your application. Our Additel 780 intelligent pressure controllers also come equipped to read one external sensor and one internal sensor for additional flexibility.
Drone Jammer
Stratign’s Drone Jammers are based on a multi-sensor and Jammer fusion approach. The system operates on the principle of “Detect – Locate – Identify – Act” workflow. The detection and jamming range can vary from 1 km to 5 km based on the selected configuration.
Fast conversion of images between 11 color spacesColor segmentation: to identify objects based on their colorColor verification: to verify the color of objects
Electrical DFM analysis and optimization
LDE Electrical Analyzer
The Cadence LDE Electrical Analyzer helps designers identify, analyze, and minimize the effect of parametric issues associated with manufacturing variability to improve design performance.
Electrical Property Measurement
Materials Analysis Technology Inc.
This technology is used to identify the electrical characteristics, such as resistance, capacitance and inductance, of semiconductor devices. Characteristics measured from fail and normal chips could provide important clues for further failure analysis.
Enterprise Class Network Analysis
Capsa network analyzer makes it easy to rapidly detect, isolate and resolve network problems. It captures all data transmitted over the network and provides a wide range of analysis statistics in an intuitive and graphic way. With Capsa's network traffic monitor feature, we can quickly identify network bottleneck and detect network abnormities.
Fault Detection and Classification (FDC)
Fault detection and classification (FDC) transforms sensor data into summary statistics and models that can be analyzed against user defined limits to identify process excursions. For process and equipment engineers, maximizing equipment effectiveness, reducing yield excursions, improving product cycle time and enhancing the overall output of the factory are key success metrics. SmartFactory FDC is built on Applied's equipment control technology, the E3 platform, which promotes information sharing.
Filter Probe
AINES 350 NFP is a professional noise filter probe to use in a demanding environment. It is designed to make a technician's job easy while tracing a wire from a bunch of wires with electrical interferences. The 350 NFP is the best option for technicians compared to other available products in the market. Combined with the AINES 140 or 240 Tone Sets, the 350 NFP makes a formidable combination to identify a cable pair quickly and conveniently in a normal environment and in locations with electrical interferences as well.
Finder Edge 1064nm Handheld Raman Spectrometer
Finder Edge ( FE ) is fast and compact Raman Spectrometer, ensure efficient processing ; It can be used by non-technical users to rapidly identify samples in the lab, warehouse etc. The non-contact analysis can be performed through transparent containers by Raman technology; Strong hardware performance and diversified library are your reliable partner.
Gas Generators
HPLC is an analytical method used to separate the components in a mixture, to identify each component, and to quantify each component. It relies on pumps to pass a pressurized liquid solvent containing the sample mixture through a column filled with a solid adsorbent material. Each component in the sample interacts slightly differently with the adsorbent material, causing different flow rates for the different components and leading to the separation of the components as they flow out the column.
GPR Utility Locating Tools
LMX100™ offers the perfect balance of depth penetration and resolution for accurate locating. Data is collected in Locate & Mark mode; this provides a real-time image in the field to identify utilities and mark their locations.
HACCP & FSMA Audit Services
The food business is as exciting as it has ever been – but it is becoming more and more complex every year. We know you already go to great lengths to make great food and to keep your customers safe.That said, you’d be surprised to hear how frequently we identify issues our customers didn’t even know about while we are conducting inspections. The truth of the matter is, little issues slip through the cracks from time to time in any food operation. With a process at your plant that runs fast, it is inevitable that you’ll miss something sometime.Here’s a new way to reduce the risk of having issues down the road. FlexXray now offers a new HACCP & FSMA Audit Service to help companies proactively reduce issues and address new requirements for process validation.On an annual basis, we’ll develop a validation process with you and conduct quarterly inspections of your product to ensure and document that your HACCP and FSMA programs are working as planned.
Handheld Narcotics Analyzer
The global drug problem is increasing, with trafficking of meth, heroin, and emerging threats like fentanyl, and carfentanil, impacting communities worldwide. Law enforcement officials need to quickly identify suspected narcotics in the field to help keep drugs, and drug dealers, off the streets. Now with the expanded v1.7 library, the Thermo Scientific™ TruNarc™ Handheld Narcotics Analyzer enables officers, customs, border control, and other personnel to scan more than 415 suspected illicit substances in a single, definitive test.
Hand-held Radioisotope Identification Device
Combining a large, high sensitivity crystal with a proven and tested intelligent algorithm, the RADEAGLET can quickly, accurately, and simultaneously detect and identify up to six isotopes, typically in under 30 seconds. The RADEAGLET performs well, even in complex shielded or masked scenarios. ANSI 42.34 compliant, the RADEAGLET offers a user-friendly interface that is intuitive, simple to navigate, provides visually clarity, and utilizes an extensive array of alarms. Supports NaI(Tl) and LaBr3(Ce) to optimize performance across multiple applications.
Handheld Raman Spectrometer
Finder Edge ( FE ) is fast and compact Raman Spectrometer, ensure efficient processing ; It can be used by non-technical users to rapidly identify samples in the lab, warehouse etc. The non-contact analysis can be performed through transparent containers by Raman technology; Strong hardware performance and diversified library are your reliable partner;