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table top for staging and building test equipment
See Also: Test Benches, Benchtop Chambers, Bench Multimeters
- Frequency Devices Inc.
Bench Top and Rack Mount Instruments
AC powered, front panel tunable LP or HP, 8p filter and gain
Carbon and Sulfur in Inorganic Materials by the Combustion Infrared Detection Technique
844 Series
LECO combined our customers' feedback with innovative engineering to develop the CS844, an elemental analyzer designed for wide-range measurement of carbon and sulfur content of primary steels, ores, finished metals, ceramics, and other inorganic materials using the combustion technique. Our exclusive MS Windows®-based software, coupled with a boom-mounted touch interface, gives you complete access to instrument control, analysis settings, diagnostics, reporting, and more—without sacrificing valuable bench space.
Circuit Breaker Timer
* Micro - Controller based technology* Very Compact and lightweight* Very accurate measurements* Available with built - in thermal printer or RS 232 interface* Available in bench top and industrial suit case models.* Economical
Compact Inverted Microscope, 1mm Field Of View
Viewing transparent samples from below in a Petri dish, flask, well plate or cavity slide. The microscope is compact and can be put inside most incubators to view experiments without opening the door. Time-lapse images can be saved and viewed remotely.Ideal for use as a Bench Microscope in teaching applications.
Current Probe
Vernier Software & Technology, LLC
Simplify your experimental setup with the Go Direct Current Probe. It connects wirelessly via Bluetooth® or wired via USB to your device. The wireless connection eliminates additional cables that can clutter the lab bench. Capture small currents like those produced by a magnet falling through a coil.
Custom Test & Measurement
Delserro Engineering Solutions
DES provides customized bench test and measurement services. After conducting the test, we have the tools and experience to analyze the data and offer solutions to your problems. All of our instruments are maintained and calibrated traceable to NIST standards.
Data Acquisition
ATI offers comprehensive data acquisition solutions that include software for data management and analysis, along with hardware for collecting precise measurements. ATI solutions are also compatible with a wide range complimentary non-ATI hardware allowing the use of existing equipment. CANLab Software, or hardware components, possibly CANverter, depending on whether the environment is on the bench or in the vehicle.
DC-DC Power Supplies
Advanced Conversion Technology, Inc
Units are available for use in extreme temperatures and other harsh conditions. We also offer products that meet specific military standards including MIL-STD-704A requirements for handling high voltage spikes and MIL-STD-1275 specifications for low input voltage transients. DC-DC power supplies can be VME rack mounted, bench mounted or installed in a ruggedized frame. High and low voltage units are available, as are hermetically sealed ion pumps and shipboard power supplies.
DC Power Supplies
Convert standard AC power into precision regulated DC power for ham radios, test bench supplies, base stations, amplifiers and more.
DC Power Supply
62000H Series
The 62000H Series includes 14 different models ranging from 5KW to 15KW, with current range up to 375A and voltage range up to 1000V. The 62000H can easily parallel up to ten units capable of 150KW with current sharing for bulk power applications, for example, battery bank simulation of 450V/150A/67.5KW for electric vehicle and military use. There are 100 user programmable input status on the front panel for automated test application and life cycle ON/OFF test. In addition, the 62000H has a 16 bit digital control with bright vacuum fluorescent display readout. The 62000H series DC power supplies are very easy to operate either from the front panel keypad or from the remote controller via USB / RS232 / RS485 / APG (Standard) and GPIB & Ethernet (optional). Its compact size with 3U only can be stacked on a bench in a standard rack without any difficulty.
Development Test for Electric Motors with Power Electronics
Test bench for electric machines and inverters in hybrid applications*Control of mechanical parameters*Verification of electrical properties*Checking the LL characteristics*Short circuit measurement*Recording the performance process*Noise measurement*Temperature measurement
Dual Measurement Bench Multimeter
1908 Series
The battery operation can give more than 35 hours of operation. As well as adding portability to the unit the battery option provides isolation from the mains to aid low level measurement integrity. The USB interface is fully accessible in battery mode, allowing full data logging when used with a laptop pc. The dual measurement display shows the main and secondary reading simultaneously to provide either two parameters of the same signal (eg AC and DC Volts), two different signals (e.g AC Volts and DC current), the result and calculated function (eg value and % deviation), two different units (eg AC Volts and dBm) or the measurement along with the selected range.
Electro-Optical System Test Bench
Optical collimators and universal electro-optical test benches.
Emergency Battery Test Fixture
This test fixture will allow servicing of the 60-1321-( ) series of emergency exit light power supply. These supplies are used in many aircraft to annunciate exit lighting when aircraft power failure occurs. The TA-60 test fixture is equivalent to the suggested test fixture in the OEM 60-1321 CMM. The four load lamps are conveniently placed behind an acrylic red lens for proper viewing while performing load test. The bench cable is provided as part of the test fixture.
Environmental Simulation Chambers
GTEMCELL , currently provide environmental test chambers made by LIB.Our standard range of test chambers includes bench top and floor standing models, across temperatures ranging between -65℃ and +150℃ (from -80℃ to +200℃ for specific applications), and humidities between 10% and 98% RH.
The H3 Field Strength Meter is an electronically measuring bench unit with digital displaying used as desk or installation instrument with RS 232 Interface, double comparator and maximum value storage.
Gyro Simulator for Aircraft or Bench Use
This is a transformer isolated gyro simulator that can substitute for the KI256 attitude indicator and thus eliminate the requirement to remove that gyro to a remote stand and route a vacuum or pressure source out to the aircraft.
Hand Socket Lid
Hand socket lid is normally used to run evaluation tests on semiconductor devices prior to High Volume Manufacturing mode. It can also be used as a trouble shooting tool at bench test.
High Performance Bench Meter for Universal pH Applications
Starter 5000
Backed by OHAUS' century-old commitment to providing precise measurement, Starter 5000 provides accurate pH and ORP measurement for high-level experiments and research. Enhanced features, advanced technology, and high performance have been combined to support complex laboratory tasks requiring pH measurement. Starter 5000's performance is propelled by a 1000 item library, 10 sensors for calibration storage, 8 predefined and 1 self-defined buffer groups, 3 endpoint modes and GLP mode.
High-resolution Spectrometer
The HR2000+ Spectrometer integrates a high-resolution optical bench, a powerful 2-MHz analog-to-digital (A/D) converter, programmable electronics, a 2048-element CCD-array detector, and a high-speed USB 2.0 port. This innovative combination produces and extremely fast spectrometer and provides resolution to 0.035 nm (FWHM).
infra-red turbidity bench meter (NTU) with calibration kit
CyberScan TB 1000
The CyberScan TB1000 series turbidity meters (employing the Nephelometric non-ratio or NTU principle) are designed to meet stringent requirements of today's scientists. TB1000 series meet the performance criteria specified by USEPA method 180.1 for NTU measurement and ISO 7027 (IR version). Ideal for beverage production, drinking water, waste water treatment, petrochemical and electroplating applications.
LCR Meters
Scientific Mes-Technik Private Ltd
Scientific offers reliable, compact featured LCR meters in their product range from hand held SM6017 to bench top precision LCR Meter SM6019. SM6019 LCR is equipped with advance features and variable frequency for L C R component measurements. It also provide transformer measurement with ease.
Linear Bench or Rack Mount Power Supplies Programmable, Local Control, Ultra Low Ripple/Noise
Series PTR
SERIES PTR are operationally programmable power modules that can be programmed to any level within their rated range and fully loaded at any output setting. These power supplies offer ultra low noise and ultra low ripple at the output and are MIL-STD-461 compliant.
Linear Bench or Rack Mount Power Supplies Programmable, Local Control, Ultra Low Ripple/Noise
Series PAT
SERIES PAT are operationally programmable power modules that can be programmed to any level within their rated range and fully loaded at any output setting. These power supplies offer ultra low noise and ultra low ripple at the output and are MIL-STD-461 compliant.
Linear Bench or Rack Mount Power Supplies Programmable, Local or Digital Control, Ultra Low Ripple/Noise
Series PCX-MAT
These voltage stabilizers with a full complement of meters and controls, are 1/6-rack size units designed to plug directly into their own carrier cases and rack adapters. Seven models are available. These power supplies offer ultra low noise and ultra low ripple at the output and are MIL-STD-461 compliant. A modular version of PCX-MAT called PCX is also available. Contact Kepco for details.
Linear Bench Power Supplies Local Control, Ultra Low Ripple/Noise
Series MSK
Kepco's MSK linear power supplies provide a selection of five models, offering 100 Watts of stable benchtop power. They use a high gain linear (series pass) stabilizer circuit for ultra low noise and low ripple output, good stability, and accurate resettability, and they are MIL-STD-461 compliant.MSK's "Preview" switch (d-c on-off) allows voltage and current to be pre-set with the digital meters displaying the set values. At "d-c off," no voltage is applied to the output terminals and no load current needs to be drawn to set the current limit. At "d-c on," the set voltage is applied to the output terminals, the appropriate mode indicator illuminates and the meters indicate actual voltage and current.
Linear Bench Power Supplies Triple Output, Local Control, Ultra Low Ripple/Noise
Series MPS
Series MPSThe MPS is a 70 Watt, triple output MIL-STD-461 compliant power supply specifically designed to meet the needs of IC/microprocessor experimenters. It is actually two linear (series pass) power supplies in one.The first has a single 0-6V, 0-5A output backed up by an adjustable current limiter and overvoltage crowbar for digital work. The second has two tracked outputs, 0 to +20V and 0 to -20V, both rated at 0-1 Amp. The two power supplies are completely isolated from each other, sharing only the front panel meters and the chassis.
manual torsion bench
To carry out a precise, repetitive torque measurement, it is often necessary to use a torsion test stand. The Twist, 10 to 500 lb/in torsion test stand, with combined torque/angle measurement provides this function. The torsion meter enables torsion tests to be made on various samples such as springs, metal or plastic parts.
MAX EC/TDS/NaCl/Temp Logging Bench Meter
The Milwaukee MW170 4-in-1 MAX EC/TDS/NaCl/Temp. Logging Bench Meter has won fans around the world with its reliable, fast and simple operation as well as its tough, sleek design and small benchtop footprint. It is accurate to ± 1% of reading for EC/TDS & Salinity with automatic, manual or no temperature compensation and a built in dedicated GLP key. Ideal for use by education, horticulture, labs, food processing, water treatment and many other applications with challenging EC/TDS/NaCL/Temp. measurement needs.
MAX PH/mV/EC/TDS/NaCl/Temp Bench Meter With Logging
The Milwaukee MW180 5-in-1 MAX pH/ORP/EC/TDS/NaCl/Temp. Logging Bench Meter has won fans around the world with its reliable, fast and simple operation as well as its tough, sleek design and small benchtop footprint. It is accurate to ± 1% of reading for EC/TDS/NaCl and up to +/-0.002 pH, with automatic or manual temperature compensation and a built in dedicated GLP key. Ideal for use by education, horticulture, labs, food processing, water treatment and many other applications with challenging pH/ORP/EC/TDS/NaCl/Temp. measurement needs.
MAX PH/ORP/ISE/Temp Logging Bench Meter
The Milwaukee MW160 4-in-1 MAX pH/OPR/ISE/Temp. Logging Bench Meter has won fans around the world with its reliable, fast, simple operation as well as a tough, sleek, lightweight design with a small lab space footprint. It is cccurate to ±0.01 pH with automatic or manual temperature compensation, and built in dedicated GLP key. In addition, up to 3-point automatic calibration and 7 selectable buffer standards makes the MW160 MAX ideal for use by brewers, wine makers, growers, labs, food processing, water treatment and many other applications with challenging pH measurement needs.