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Industrial Internet Testbeds
Industrial Internet Consortium
A testbed is a controlled experimentation platform, conforming to an Industrial Internet Consortium reference architecture, where solutions can be deployed and tested in an environment that resembles real-world conditions. Testbeds explore untested technologies or existing technologies working together in an untested manner. Testbeds generate requirements and priorities for standards organizations, and culminate in new (potentially disruptive) products and services..
Battery Pack Power HIL Testbed
Chroma ATE launches the 8610 Battery Pack Power HIL Testbed for testing battery systems and components of new energy vehicles, incl. the battery module, battery management system, and cooling/heating system. Various hardware options are available for integration, such as a DC power supply, battery charge/discharge system, digital meter, Hi-Pot tester, and short-circuit and overvoltage protection devices.
Automated Wireless Testbeds
The STACK-BENCHTOP, STACK-16 and STACK-SNB personal testbeds, emulating real-life wireless environment, range in size from a desktop/benchtop model to refrigerator-sized testbeds on wheels. The compact size of the octoBox enables wireless test and development engineers to perform fast, comprehensive and repeatable testing in their offices rather than inside large isolation chambers or in test houses. OctoBox testbeds support 802.11ac or 4G MIMO devices.
802.11ad Testbed, Reference Solution
Generate and analyze 802.11ad fully coded PHY waveforms for complete component, subsystem, and system performance at baseband, IF, and millimeter-wave. This Reference Solution combines Keysight Technologies software and hardware to provide a flexible testbed for 802.11ad waveform generation and analysis. Software provides the flexibility to generate and analyze 802.11ad waveforms with a wide range of different attributes. Hardware provides the flexibility to support baseband, IF, and millimeter-wave test planes. Create waveform sequences with unique 802.11ad packet structures including Modulation Coding Scheme (MCS), packet length, payload data type, and interpacket gap length, etc.
Software Defined Radio
NI software defined radios (SDRs) provide the design solution to rapidly prototype wireless communications systems, which leads to faster results. You can present applications with real-world signals such as multiple input, multiple output (MIMO) and LTE/WiFi testbed.