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Level Transmitters
sense the height of liquid or solids in a container.
See Also: Level, Liquid Level, Signal Level Meters
- Applied Instruments, Inc.
Forward Path NPRT 2200 Noise Power Ratio Test Set
NPRT 2200-F
The NPRT 2200 measures the NPR of a device across a range of power levels. This test quantifies intermodulation distortion and determines the dynamic range of optical transmitters, amplifiers and other active HFC network devices. The included PC software uses predefined test setups to run a "Power Sweep" series of NPR measurements and graph the results.
Coherent Modulation Transmitter
Generating and controlling phase modulated optical signals is easy with the IQTX. The IQTX is referred to as a ‘Golden’ reference optical signal source because of its high repeatability and reliability.Its high bandwidth of 40 GHz ensures high quality optical signal generation, making it the ideal optical signal source for coherent communications applications.
CAN Bus hPa Transmitter
In automatic test systems (ATEs) a change of temperature or humidity will influence the stability of your measurements in case your test equipment is not located in a thermal and environmentally controlled area. To cope with these variable situations, one need to monitor closely all variables in real time to be able to compensate for changes in the temperature, pressure or Humidity.
Compact Differential Pressure Transmitters
Series 668B/D
Our low cost SERIES 668B/D Compact Differential Pressure Transmitters are capable of sensing differential gage pressure with ±0.8% FS accuracy, and converts this pressure difference to a proportional high level analog output for both unidirectional and bi-directional pressure ranges. These transmitters can withstand up to 15 psig overpressure with no damage to the unit. The compact, lightweight design makes installation simple and easy. Units are protected against incorrect wiring, and include a protective terminal cover.
Contact Level Transmitters
Measure level of liquids, pastes, granulates, powders, and liquid interface
Desalter Interface Level Transmitter
This reliable level transmitter is specially designed to maximize the throughput of oil/water separators and accurately measures the electrical interface in the emulsion even in upset conditions. This measurement is critical because the separation vessel operates at maximum efficiency when the electrostatic grid is close as possible to the interface.
Digital Indicators
NOSHOK Digital Indicators provide local indication for pressure, level and temperature transmitters. The NOSHOK Attachable Loop Powered Digital Indicator can easily be fitted to NOSHOK pressure transmitters utilizing a 4 mA to 20 mA output signal and the Hirschmann (DIN 43650A) connector. NOSHOK also offers a dual display model that accepts a wide variety of input signals including thermocouples or RTDs, current, voltage, resistance and process signals. Plug-in option cards are available on several models for field upgrading.
Dual Channel Transmitter
The 9950 Transmitter is a two channel controller that supports two sensors of same or different types in one instrument. The sensor types supported by the 9950 are Signet Flow, pH/ORP, Conductivity/Resistivity, Salinity, Temperature, Pressure, Level, Dissolved Oxygen, and devices that transmit a 4 to 20 mA signal with the use of the 8058 iGo® Signal Converter.
Guided Wave Radar Level Transmitters
LWT Series
For high-accuracy, reliable measurements even in harsh conditions.Using radar frequencies, guided in a probe going into the monitored vessel, guided-wave radar level measurement provides continuous, reliable measurements with high accuracy. The radar wave being guided by the probe, the wave energy remains high which allows measurement even in harsh conditions.
Interface Level Transmitter
The Drexelbrook Desalter Interface Level Transmitters accurately measure the electrical interface in the emulsion, even in upset conditions.DesalterThe Drexelbrook Desalter interface level transmitter provides an excellent solution for control of vessels that use electrostatic grids to accelerate separation.This reliable level transmitter is specially designed to maximize the throughput of oil/water separators and accurately measures the electrical interface in the emulsion even in upset conditions. This measurement is critical because the separation vessel operates at maximum efficiency when the electrostatic grid is close as possible to the interface.
Laser Level Transmitters
ABB is a leading manufacturer of state-of-the-art level and volume instrumentation for liquid and bulk solids detection. The family of non-contact laser volume and level products, LLT100, LM80, and LM200, provide solutions for accurate measurement in the following applications: inventory in bunkers, blending hoppers, reactor vessels, level control, volumetric measurement, and various dry bulk solids and liquids in silos.
Level Transmitters
NOSHOK industrial submersible level transmitters are designed to withstand harsh applications. Our offering includes a small diameter (0.97") submersible level transmitter designed for hydrostatic level measurement for use in applications including bore holes and wells with small diameters. This sensor provides low power output signals for battery-powered applications, and an optional temperature output available. We also provide a cage-protected level transmitter ideal for harsh environments including sludge, slurries, tank monitoring, water & wastewater.
Magnetostrictive Level Transmitter
The Drexelbrook DM231 is an explosion proof liquid level transmitter offering high accuracy measurements based on the magnetostrictive sensing technology.The DM231 comes with a Modbus RTU digital output (optional analog output converter available) for total level, interface level and temperature sensor outputs. Sensors are available in 316SS rigid designs with a choice of single or dual NPT mountings. Temperature sensors are evenly distributed over the active length of the rigid 316SS tube.Due to a wide selection of floats and mounting accessories this level transmitter fits virtually any application.The DM231 level transmitter is FM approved for Class 1 Div. 1, Zone 1 Explosion Proof hazardous area installations. It is easy to install and requires no calibration.
Magnetostrictive Level Transmitters
ABB's K-TEK level products' patented sensor technology allows the LMT series transmitters to be used in the most challenging of industrial level applications such as interface measurement, compressor level and separator level applications. In addition, the LMT Series Level Transmitters are the only magnetostrictive level transmitters in the world to be certified for use in SIL2 and SIL3 systems per IEC61508.
Modbus or Laurel ASCII ProtocolSerial Output DIN Rail Transmitters
Laureate TM Series serial output transmitters can be jumpered for two signal levels: RS232 or RS485. Two serial protocols are selectable in software: Modbus or Laurel's Custom ASCII.Modbus protocol operation is fully compliant with the Modbus Over Serial Line Specification V1.0 (2002) for 2-wire, half-duplex connection.
Module (Venue 2)
Up to six VRT2 modules may be installed per each 1RU Venue 2 receiver frame. Each module supports up to 3072 tunable frequencies across a 75 MHz range (three standard Lectrosonics blocks), matching the tuning ranges of SSM, LT and LMb "large bandwidth" transmitters. VRT2 modules incorporate Lectrosonics’ new IQ dynamic tracking filters, which accommodate a wide range of transmitter RF power levels while also enabling extremely tight channel spacing—critical features as the available RF spectrum continues to shrink.
Non-Contact Level Transmitters
Three operate at 24 GHz and three more at 80 GHz which complement the existing 6 GHz and 10 GHz devices. They will appeal to a wide range of industries from chemical and petrochemical to mining, minerals and metals processing and cover liquid and solid applications.
Non-contact Radar Level Transmitter
The 25 GHz (K-band) 2290 Pulse Radars are the most progressive non-contact level transmitter technology for industrial processes. With an excellent accuracy, compact antennas and a user-friendly set-up the 2290 is an effective, simple, low cost choice for demanding level applications. GF’s new K-band radar featuring ±3 mm (±0.1inch) accuracy and short dead band excels with its full plastic housing. Its antenna range incorporates a stainless steel horn and enclosed plastic tube choices.
Oxygen Monitors
If you are concerned over unsafe levels of oxygen explore a complete line of oxygen deficiency monitors. Our portfolio of Alpha Omega Instruments trace and percent oxygen analyzers and transmitters, safety monitors (oxygen deficiency) and moisture monitors and cost-effective and reliable. We supply many instruments to medical, aerospace, and municipalities.
PCM-FM Transmitter
Model: DS-5220
The S-Band PCM/FM Transmitter is a synthesized microwave signal source providing low phase noise with a high level signal output. The unit can be set to any frequency within the band of design via a USB or RS-232/422/485 computer command. The oscillator is phase locked to an internal TCXO reference. The oscillator provides a stable low noise source for PCM data transmission.
PC Programmable, Suitable For Pt100 Sensors
The SEM206/P is our entry level PC programmable temperature transmitter. It accepts Pt100 temperature sensors and converts the sensor output to a standard industrial (4 to 20) mA transmission signal.
PC Programmable, Suitable For Thermocouple Sensors
The SEM206/TC is our entry level PC programmable temperature transmitter
Plug-On Transmitter
This unique plug-on transmitter design will ideally match any microphone or line level source via a standard XLR connector. The DPR can tune in 100 kHz or 25 kHz steps across the UHF television band from 470.100 to 607.950 MHz, with a selectable output power of 25 or 50 mW. The purely digital architecture utilizes AES 256-CTR encryption for high level security applications.
Plug-On Transmitter
This unique plug-on transmitter design will ideally match any microphone or line level source via a standard XLR connector. Phantom power is selectable at 5, 15 and 48 volts, or can be turned off for use with dynamic microphones and line level signal sources.
Pressure transmitters measure process pressures as well as the levels of liquids, gases and vapours.
Radar Level Transmitter
The Drexelbrook DR6500 is a two-wire open air radar level transmitter for measuring level in applications with powder and dusty atmosphere.
Radar Level Transmitter
The DR6400, FMCW 24-26 GHz open air radar is a market entry level transmitter for solids from granulates to rocks. This model has proven PP Drop antenna design which is insensitive to product build-up.
Radar Level Transmitter
DR5400, FMCW 24 GHz open air radar is a market entry level transmitter for liquids in basic process applications. This model has proven PP Drop antenna design which is insensitive to condensation.
Radar Level Transmitter
Drexelbrook DR7400 is a loop powered FMCW 26 GHz radar that offers State-of-the-Art components. The DR7400 operates over a larger bandwidth: This ensures excellent resolution and high accuracy in agitated and corrosive liquids.